CZ-S Equalization Combos?

Deciding what parts to buy for my Cho-Z Spriggan for equalization.
Yes, I know I already have Sr.Outer.Br
But for tournaments I'd like one left and one right
(Apr. 02, 2019  2:47 PM)FuryWingsYT Wrote: Deciding what parts to buy for my Cho-Z Spriggan for equalization.
Yes, I know I already have Sr.Outer.Br
But for tournaments I'd like one left and one right

This might be better in the Build me a combo #2 thread.
For spin equalization combos I recommend 10/00/0/7 wall/lift bearing/Xtend+/Eternal.
As DeceasedCrab suggested, please use the appropriate topic for customization building advice. Topics like this are considered SPAM.