[Buying]  Buying HMS beys!

Yeah, it's about time I made one of these.

So I'm looking for HMS beys I don't have, my spending limit is 100-125 USD. Since it'll be easier to list what I have instead of what I don't, here's my HMS collection:

Draciel MS
Gaia Dragoon MS
Driger MS (very, very used though)
Death Gargoyle MS
Wolborg MS
Round Shell MS
Magical Ape MS

My priorities (ranked by stars):
Thunder Dragon Takara RBA1 with CWD Free Survivor (not CWD Free Saucer)************
Blue Sea Dragon (preferably normal CWD Defense Ring, but Free Defense Ring is fine too)*******
Shining God MS (NIB, but within price range, and not taking up the entire thing, I'd like a price between 60-85 for it mint/NIB)*****
Magical Ape MS (Need another, with gyro parts as well, stickers don't matter)*******
Wolborg MS (Need another, stickers don't matter except for RC sticker. I would like if someone could sell me a Bearing Core with its RC sticker applied)*******
Advance Striker (BLACK, not blue or green)*****
Aero Knight MS (Do NOT give me the 73 USD one on eBay, it's not worth that much, I know that for sure. JR sold his and 2 other beys mint with boxes for 75 CAD including shipping.)
Dragoon MSUV (any color, preferably green or white)****
Other HMS beys***

So yeah. If you want a trade, PM me and I'll see if I can trade some MFB for HMS. Or, if you don't mind heavily used and slightly broken Hyperblades, I can do that too. Wink Don't be shy, gimme your HMS!

EDIT: I'm also looking for some launcher grips, the black and MARS Red ones to be specific. The blacks Launcher Grips have highest priority right now, since MARS Red tend to be costly. If you're a NY Tournament person, I can trade you a BB-107 Launcher Grip with Mint Beypoint Card for one of the grips, and pay a reasonable amount for the other. PM please!
Ba-bump! Does anyone have some offers?
OP updated, looking for some MFB stuff as well.
I will be buying some of the HMS in your wish lists next year, just wait for me. All I want is a trade too.
"JR sold his and 2 other beys mint with boxes for 75 CAD including shipping"
it's me buying from ebay lol
-______- I feel great hearing that...

Looking forward to your PM, Foxy.
I have a mint Dragoon MS. offer for this bey.
as for 'other HMS'
i have a good conditon Wyvern Dj that i want to get rid of..maybe for cheap.... XD