[Buying]  [BUYING] Plastics, 2002 era.

Im looking to buy plastic beyblades. Preferably in a lot. from 2002-2003 prints. I would also prefer if they were complete. Looking for basically any but id like to get at least 5 of them for around $50-$100 max depending on rarity and comparison shopping including shipping.

Any help would be great!

I have all of the following from 2002-2003 era:

Burning Kerberous
Dranzer V2 (no stickers, opened)
Dranzer V2 (recolour red, NIP)
Driger V2 (unopened)
Driger V2 (recolour red, NIP)
Dark Driger (NIB)
Dark Draciel (NIB)
Dragoon V2 (opened)
Dragoon V + Tornado attack stadium (NIB)
Draciel V (opened)
Driger V (can't remember if it's unopened or opened atm)
Dranzer V (opened)
Flash Leopard (recolour blue, NIP. Was never made with a weight disk)

PM me if you're interested
I'm not sure when exactly the beys I've got for sale are from, but check out my selling thread and have a look at the photos. Link is in my signature.
Got lots from that era. Pm me for info.