@BFireblaze 6509:
You can't really make anything good. Just stick with an uncustomized Dragoon G. But try to get a Dragoon S, or if your budget allows, get a Grip Attacker.
Pegasis 100F sucks.
Earth Bull GB145WB can be defeated by almost any top tier Attack Beyblade, depending on how skillful the user is.
It can also be easily outspun by Stamina types.
Although here is not the best place to ask.
You can't really make anything good. Just stick with an uncustomized Dragoon G. But try to get a Dragoon S, or if your budget allows, get a Grip Attacker.
Pegasis 100F sucks.
Earth Bull GB145WB can be defeated by almost any top tier Attack Beyblade, depending on how skillful the user is.
It can also be easily outspun by Stamina types.
Although here is not the best place to ask.