"Build me a combo!"

We know. Dark has more defense than Rock BTW. Also, Burn>Flame and Pegasis/Quetz/Leone/Lightning> Storm. RF and R2F Q is trash. WD or SD for stamina. WB has really bad stamina IMHO.
(Oct. 29, 2010  2:36 PM)blah Wrote: Stamina: Burn Bull DF145SD

Pretty much anything else will be bad.
And why do you have so many Dark wheels ? D:

LOL, I aimed only for the tracks and bottoms, not the Dark wheels.

Well how about Burn Pegasis CH120RF? Is it good? I heard Burn have good Smash Attack.
Pretty sure it only works on low tracks like 90.
Can you build me a bey out of Flame Saggitario and Storm pegasus??
i have tryed to put storm pegasus's wheel + storm wheel + C145 + RF, it dies out to fast.
Both are best left uncustomised. they don't have any synergy together.
(Oct. 30, 2010  6:54 AM)momiji manju Wrote: Pretty sure it only works on low tracks like 90.

Goodness, It's very hard to find such track in my area.

Guess I'll have to buy it online then.
Please build me a defense combo that has decent stamina from these beys:
dark bull
rock leone
earth virgo
earth aquila
burn phoenix
flame sagittario
lightning ldrago(100 only)
flame libra
Defence: Earth bull GB145 WB - You could use WD if you want more stamina, though that will severely compromise your defensive abilities.

stamina: burn/Earth bull 145 SD/WD, Earth Bull 100 WD/SD
You can. It's just not as good.
I have
storm pegasis 105RF
lightning l drago 100HF
rock leone 145WB
flame saggitario C145S
My best combos
lightning l drago 100RF (i'm getting ch120 soon)
rock leone c145 wb
flame saggitario 145 s
I don't use storm pegasis
I'm fighting someone with a uncostomized METEO L DRAGO ON MONDAY!!! HLP PLZ!!!
Lightning LDrago CH120RF - add MF to be top tier.
Rock Leone C145WB - get Earth, Bull and an MF if possible.
I've got these:

-Storm Pegasis
-Lightning L -Drago
-Dark Wolf
-Storm Capricorne
-Rock Leone
-Rock Wolf H145B
-Flame Sagittario (C145 is broken)

Lightning LDrago 100RF
Rock Leone C145WB - depending on how broken C145 is.
Since testing has shown Dark is better fro defence than I think Dark Leone C145WB would be better. It's better if the dark is hasbro too.
I have

Storm Pegasis 105RF
Flame Libra T125ES
Storm Aquario 100HF/S
Rock Aries ED145B
Rock Leone145 WB
Dark Gasher CH120FS

Combos please
Attack - Storm Pegasis 100RF
Defence - Rock Aquario ED145WB
Stamina - Flame _____ 145B/FS

EDIT: Had to clarify some mistakes so technically beaten by momiji. =P
attack: storm pegasis 100 RF
defence: dark/rock aquario ED145 WB
stamina: flame aquario 145/T125 B/FS
Isnt Storm Pegasis 100RF better for attack than 105???
He probably just misread the beys listed.
Haha, sorry.
Your eyes play tricks on you sometimes, especially when it's midnight. >>
OK thanks, what should I make from the remaining

Wheels - Storm, Rock, Rock

Fusion Wheels - Aries, Gasher, Leone

Tracks - CH120, 105, 145

Base/Tip thingy - FS, HF/S, ES
they weren't used for a reason.

Rock ____CH120 HF/S (hf mode) may be okay?
OK thanks, I'll try it and maybe just make a random thing from the ones left over
kind of like a punching bag for the others XD