Brawlhalla General Discussion

This is a thread to discuss Brawlhalla, a fighting game on steam. You can choose from over 20 legends to take into battle, each have their own unique stats, weapons and movesets. In Brawlhalla there are 8 total weapons: Hammer, Rocket Lance, Sword, Blasters, Spear, Katars, Axe and Bow. There's even a raking system for 1v1 battles and 2v2 battles for all you people out there who want to have competitive games with others. You can also play with your friends if you want to have some fun games. Overall this game is really exciting and I hope you all can enjoy it!

btw my name on steam is Thunder Dome so if you ever want to play, add me!
any brawlhalla players out there can friend me on steam the id is shockwave1011z
(Apr. 21, 2020  8:16 AM)Shockwave1011 Wrote: any brawlhalla players out there can friend me on steam the id is shockwave1011z

I play on occasion, but I like many other games better, and is there a thread for this?
I've played beyblade with my friends since 2017!
I have Valtrek first generation and a launcher!
My first match went horrible!
Any tips?
This was the bey that i used:[Image: 363525001166785699]
(Apr. 21, 2020  6:48 PM)fireblader6000 Wrote: Hi!
I've played beyblade with my friends since 2017!
I have Valtrek first generation and a launcher!
My first match went horrible!
Any tips?
This was the bey that i used:[Image: 363525001166785699]

Not the place, not even close
I haven’t played, but I think Steven Universe in there, right?
This is a duplicate, isn’t it? So let’s just delete it.