Black Dranzer F

Hi i am wanting to buy a Black Dranzer F NIB either hasbro or takara? does anyone have one and how much would i be looking to pay?


They're quite rare and expensive. For a NIB one you're gonna be looking at over $40 usually.
i think i saw one the other day for sale but at the time i wasnt interested in black dranzer and now i want one lol im looking on the internet as we speak
If you want to have exactly a NIB Black Dranzer it's very hard to find and very rare that even 1 pops out on ebay or on other sites, but if you do manage to find one don't expect it to be like less than $40. For a Hasbro brand it could be a bit higher, however for a Takara brand it'll be much more pricey than the Hasbro brand.
yeah its looking like i wont find a NIP black dranzer anytime soon. Even just a used one will do for now
Yes, besides you could've just assembled the parts and applied the stickers to it anyway, and some parts of its value would go down.
Takara Dranzer F just popped up on ebay.
thanks a lot!! im pretty sure this is the exact same one i saw on ebay the other day but didnt buy, but i have now lol still going to look for a NIB/NIP one as well tho. but this will do Smile
Here's a NIB Hasbro Black Dranzer keep in mind the shipping is Worldwide, so international buyers/collectors will have a watch on it ok.
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