Birthday Topic

Happy Belated B-day Train, hope you had fun.
Happy bday Adrian! Grin
Flashfox man happy birthday!
Happy b-day flashfox and XXX(Ive never seen you post >=0)
(Dec. 16, 2008  6:44 PM)Maz Wrote: Flashfox man happy birthday!
happy birthday
(Dec. 17, 2008  10:46 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: happy birthday

Not really the right place to post it but:
You actually changed your avi? It looks quite good. XD Are you gonna keep it like that or go back to the Squirtle?
it was time for a change
Happy Birthday to FlameOfTheHope and RedPhoenix. Even though I'm pretty damn sure you're the same person. XD
Happy late bday flashfox! and happy bday flameofhope/redpheonix
(Dec. 17, 2008  11:39 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: it was time for a change

Nothing shall ever surpass BeySquirtle
(Dec. 20, 2008  5:22 AM)Artie Wrote: wish i could use my avatar of choice

Tbh, I jumped out of my skin every time I saw it. XD
happy birthday Grin
Happy Birtday Raykon XD
Happy belated B-day to anyone I missed lol.
Happy Birthday Raykon! Grin

I dunno if it's still your birthday due to the time differenece but oh well.....XD
HB raykon Grin
HB Raykon
HB Tubaman
hurrah for tubaman