Birthday Topic

Happy Birthday TowelTerror Smile Have a nice day Joyful_3

EDIT: Now I just realised that it was the the morning i thought it was someones birthday
Happy birthday towelterror. Joyful_3
19 Today Grin

Got absolutely wasted to celebrate in the weekend out in the City
Happy Birthday!
Woo! It`s mah birthday. I am 14 today Cute
Happy birthday Hero! Grin

My birthday is tomorrow and I'm not excited at all. Unhappy
Happy Birthday, Hero! Grin how come, Nuno?
(Sep. 03, 2009  12:46 PM)Raykon Wrote: Happy Birthday, Hero! Grin how come, Nuno?

Because I won't get any beys, plus, the money I will recieve cannot be spent on beys. Speechless

Yup, sucks to be me. Unhappy (But I will probably do a big, secret order with a friend anyway, just not yet XD)
Happy birthday Hero, Hoshi Tsukino, BlessedDragon89, PRODDER-JAY and Ginga_Hagane109!

A lot of people today Tongue_out
Happy Birthday everyone!
Happy birthday Hoshi Tsukino, BlessedDragon89, PRODDER-JAY and Ginga_Hagane109! Grin
Happy B-day everyone.
Happy birthday dude(s) Grin
Happy B-day! Although i think it's no-1's b-day 2day Unhappy
Let's bring this topic back to life because...

It's my birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Tempestas!
Happy Birthday Tempestas ... Hope you have a great time! ^^