Okay, so I think the forum is quite stable now. Installed all the plugins and everything seems to be working fine. No longer in Beta mode
This is indeed the official forum for Beywheelz, the other one was a test/pilot run. So that is why it may have seemed a bit "goofy" at times. Its safe to say that the same behavior from the WBO expected here (no SPAM and carp). We do however have a different way of running things because you have to get the thread approved before posting (keeps useless threads away).
We have a couple of wild ones on the forum *cough cough, ahem Toni, cough* so I will try to keep them in-check too. Currently running on a Pokemon theme because its easy on the eyes and the layout is quite nice.
We have the rep system and the like/dislike feature enabled too. If you would like to seriously discuss Beywheelz, this is the place for you!
Layout (Click to View)
Chat Box (Click to View)
New Message Notification (Click to View)