At first glance, I'm really not particularly fond of the idea at all, but it's certainly an amazing example of creativity.
I have a few suggestions/comments to make though:
1) You should also say what stadium to perform the events in. The results don't mean much if everyone used a different stadium. The performance of beys varies drastically depending on what stadium they're used in.
2) Bright yellow text = no good. Well, this is more opinionated, but I can't be the only one whose eyes burn when seeing it.
3) Things like standing upright after spinning are caused more by wear on the part than anything else, as far as I've observed. And adding a time factor into an event where time isn't particularly relevant doesn't make much sense either.
4) Missions asking you to hit a launcher aren't good at all.... they run the risk of damaging your beyblade and your launcher. A stationary bey would make more sense, but even then, isn't particularly good for the bey.
5) You should specify where the stadium should be when standing up to launch a bey into it. For one, they could just put the stadium on a higher surface than the floor. For two, you can damage a stadium and a bey by launching them at improper heights.
6) Beys collisions aren't always clear connections resulting in both flying in opposite directions. Or, in other words, if that doesn't happen, it's not exactly possible to count the exact number of collisions.
7) Beating multiple beys, while a nice idea, holds no value in any way if they aren't launched at the same time. The way you're suggesting sounds more like a trial in frustration than anything else.
Well, that turned into far more than a few, which I hadn't quite intended...
But, there's actually an eighth too, and it's by far the most important:
8) You really should make further challenges involving marbles or balls. Beyblades aren't intended to be used with anything other than beyblades.
You could be prompting people to do damage to their beyblades.... now, I doubt you intended that... but yeah.
This is kind of an extension of 4, but I really wanted to make clear the way I feel about that.
Woo paragraph. I don't mean to offend, I just think you can make this into a much more acceptable, and less risky venture by considering what I've said. In some cases it would probably even make it more challenging [as well as the first two].
And if I made a mistake anyone can feel free to enlighten me. I have the best beyblading intentions at heart. I'm considering trying the ones that seem like actual challenges for myself, and I'm by no means a young blader.
But again, while I typed this huge thing, I still think this is an amazing idea for those willing to try it, a reasonably good test of blading skill, and an excellent use and example of creativity. So, yeah, good job benamin3.