Beybladefoever's+Silver Chronos' Sig's, Avi's, Banners, & Wallpaper [Open!]

Poll: Are they good?

Total: 100% 31 vote(s)
Thank you for that. I didn't know why it was just a link at first. I thought it was just that because it was my sig, I couldn't see it. I dunno. Some crazy weird explanations were running through my head. I figured I messed it up somehow, but I had a brain fart :3.
Hello guys i'm also one of the signature creators for the shop so please request.
@ukld123- No prob, I'm glad to help anytime Smile
You wanna do bobmcdoogal's request? I can hand it over to you
He (Bobmcdoogal) said that I could do it for him but I could also give it to AA so take it away AA!!
These people are saying anyone, they have to specify who has to make it otherwise shop owners will fight for requests.
I'll just state in the OP first person who says they'll do (it if that requester says anyone) will be the one to do it, unless otherwise stated.
They are saying anyone, they have to specify who has to make it.
I'll get to work on bobmcdoogal's kk!
The render is to big bobmcdoogal and also please supply a render with a better background as that is to hard to work with.
(Oct. 15, 2012  10:27 PM)AABeyblades Wrote: I'll get to work on bobmcdoogal's kk!
The render is to big bobmcdoogal and also please supply a render with a better background as that is to hard to work with.
Sorry but I changed my mind and can you remove the background I choose and put whatever you think looks best and can you resize the images so they fit?

Ultimate critic mode activate.

Creator: anybody
Type: signature
Size: 400x150
Renders: Mizore Shirayuki (Google bro)
Text: Shirayuki
Etc: a smudge background, and make sure all of the colors match the render.
Ill make it shiriyuki and i hope you like it
Hey i didnt make any can i make it
Sure you can do it. I get the next one
@shirayuki im sorry i took so long but i had classes
BTW i played around with splatters a bit hope u like it
[Image: REP.png]
Well i dont mean the rush any of you guys and i know you guys been busy but what is the estimate time will you guys be finish my avatar? And please dont take this the wrong way thanks.
@ zero x here is ur avi
[Image: SKYKING.png]

Sorry for the long wait somebody else said they would make it, but I decided to make it so...
[Image: bobmcdoogal.png]
I decided to quit as a creator from this shop, four creators in one shop is not that easy.
How do I put my avi is it the same as a sig
Save the image and then open the image from where u saved it.
I just want to let everyone (especially Beybladefoever) know that i'm quiting this shop in order to team up with Syco.

I promise we will meet again.................
(Oct. 14, 2012  6:48 PM)eligha man187 Wrote: creator:beybladefoever
render:sonic in the air on the right kicking phineas in the stomach and tails on the left in the air kicking ferb in the stomach
size:same as most of the sigs
text:sonic and tails 1 phineas and ferb 0
background:green hill zone
Can't do it, it's too advanced. New Ex's and I now make wallpapers Smile
I've browsed a lot of shops, and I've decided that this one has the best avatars. Here is my request:
it's an avi
creator: whoever
render: tsubasa launching eagle (sorry for no link)
text: under the render, it says "Fly, Eagle!"
purple background
nothing else
Okay I will handle this. Hope you like it, it will be done tommorow.