Beyblade War Room: Hey, this is important!

And Expensive...
my mom and dad would so not let me go T_T by the way rocky nice picsSmile
(Feb. 21, 2009  9:28 PM)sousa98 Wrote: my mom and dad would so not let me go T_T

OK ... sorry to hear it.
(Feb. 19, 2009  4:45 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: All right, AN got a few e-mails, but we still need more! Even if you're not going, send an e-mail to and tell them how pumped you are to see Beyblade support! Think of it as a way of donating without paying Grin

Also, it would help us a lot if you went to this thread and posted about how much you appreciate AN's expansion into tabletop, CCG and video gaming. Without the gaming department, we're out of luck!


I shall do it so Brad doth not use cap-lock
C'mon guys, only 2 Committee members and I have done this(and Giga?), it'll only take a minute, and its worth it.
What should I say?
Done Grin. Driger just say like that you appreciate the fact they are still willing to help beyblade out , something along those lines
(Feb. 21, 2009  9:48 PM)Giga Wrote: Done Grin. Driger just say like that you appreciate the fact they are still willing to help beyblade out , something along those lines

Did you post? I don't see it....
Pichuscute is talking about a thank you note on the anime north board, Giga is talking about emailing them.

I'm gonna email them now btw. Wink
(Feb. 21, 2009  9:55 PM)Giga Wrote: What?

Post in this thread saying how much you appreciate the gaming expansion and beyblade support, too.
Ah yeah, thought you were talking about mailing them, shall I write the same on the board?
My bad, but yeah, everyone should do both =P
They have the coolesst 404 error of all time
Attached Files
(Feb. 21, 2009  10:01 PM)Giga Wrote: They have the coolesst 404 error of all time

Yeah, don't spam please.
Another way of saying I got a 404 therefor can't do it. Uncertain
I just said:

Hi AnimeNorth,

I really appreciate the fact that you are still willing to help out beyblade! Please keep it going! Last time was awesome!

(Feb. 21, 2009  10:05 PM)Giga Wrote: Another way of saying I got a 404 therefor can't do it. Uncertain
I just got it too, maybe they are down?EDIT: Try now,
Im too young to post on Yuku Angry
...Lie? They don't really check these things. ;p
fine den
It wont let me anymore Angry carp I.P. Addresses! Sorry Brad...Unhappy
just posted something on yuku hope the tournment can happen but not really sure i can go,i live in Eugene OR its kind of far away
Brad was planning on trying to host something in British Columbia as well, which is much closer to you.
yeah it is that would be awsome just have to wait tell my parents are in a good mood to ask them Smile lol well see how it goes over
i just noticed some thing im the only one in oregon