Beyblade Tier List

I think this should be stickied as to avoid those "What should I buy" questions so folk can just click on here and decide for themselves.
Ryuki Wrote:
I think this should be stickied as to avoid those "What should I buy" questions so folk can just click on here and decide for themselves.


However most members nowadays aren't smart enough to actually read such things, which is a damn shame. Unhappy
Once we figure the tiers out for good, I'll definitely sticky it.
Here's my HMS tier list, tell me what you think:


Dragoon MS
Dragoon MS UV
Death Gargoyle MS
Samurai Changer MS
Wolborg MS
Jiraiya MS
Sea Dragon


Dragoon MF (Secret Version with CWD Eternal Survivor)
Shining God MS
Dranzer MF (Secret Version with CWD Reverse Defenser)
Advance Striker
Advance Eterner
Round Shell MS
Magical Ape MS


Round Shell MS
Thunder Dragon
Dark Leopard MS
Einstein MS
Slash Riger
Advance Averazer
Advance Guardian
Driger MS
Wybern DJ


Draciel MS
Dranzer MS
Aero Knight MS
Phantom Fox MS
Gaia Dragoon MS
Bloody Devil MS
You put Round Shell in tiers 2 and 3.

I think it should belong in tier 2.

Maybe Thunder Dragon should also be in Tier 2? Or Maybe not.
Free Defenser gets the job done better than Free Suvivor, but it's value can still be argued.
yes Round Shell should be Tier 2, thank you

I put Reverse Defenser in Tier 2 and Free Survivor in Tier 3 for just that reason. If you can't get it in Tier 2, the best thing would be to get the Tier 3 equivalent.
Slash Riger's BP was tight (I am not sure if it was the last mould or second-to-last), and was the AR useful to some extent?

Free Crusher wouldn't do much unless fixed, so it should probably stay where it is (and probably be a high ranking tier 3?)

I think Round Shell should be in tier 2 as well. Amazing package.
Why are both Dragoon MS and Dragoon MSUV in tier 1? Doesn't Dragoon MSUV outclass the original completely?
Synesthesia Wrote:Why are both Dragoon MS and Dragoon MSUV in tier 1? Doesn't Dragoon MSUV outclass the original completely?

Grip flat core ultimate mode is really hard to control, Grip flat core is more controllable. Both are still used for most attack combination depending on user preference. Therefore both should be added to tier 1.
Least thats what I think.

Brad, I think your HMS list is perfect however round shell should be on tier two only since it was an all around great package.
Synesthesia Wrote:Why are both Dragoon MS and Dragoon MSUV in tier 1? Doesn't Dragoon MSUV outclass the original completely?

Both have extremely useful running cores for attack types. MSUV's is a lot more agressive, but also a lot harder to control. Both are still useful.

Also Brad, What's your reasoning for Driger MS being tier 3? I would have put it in tier 4.
MSUV is harder to control, but I think it's preferable if you are using heavier parts like Jiraiya Blade and Samurai Upper.
GFC and GFCUM both have great uses in different situations. I don't consider one better than the other.

bugturtles Wrote:Slash Riger's BP was tight (I am not sure if it was the last mould or second-to-last), and was the AR useful to some extent?

Free Crusher wouldn't do much unless fixed, so it should probably stay where it is (and probably be a high ranking tier 3?)

I think Round Shell should be in tier 2 as well. Amazing package.

I like Slash Riger's AR and Free Crusher + Samurai Changer is a great combination.

SexyMichael Wrote:Also Brad, What's your reasoning for Driger MS being tier 3? I would have put it in tier 4.

I think it's more useful than the other Tier 4s and that its AR can have a few uses, but I think I may agree with you here.
Bey Brad Wrote:
SexyMichael Wrote:Also Brad, What's your reasoning for Driger MS being tier 3? I would have put it in tier 4.

I think it's more useful than the other Tier 4s and that its AR can have a few uses, but I think I may agree with you here.


Bu-bu-but... it are my favorit.

In all seriousness though, I agree. Driger MS isn't really all that useful.
Should there be a difference for Dranzer MS Hasbro and Takara? I mean, Dranzer MS Hasbro could be one of the better force smash attack combos,which could warrant a bump up into T3.

I think Driger MS should be tier 4 while Dranzer MS is tier 3 simply for the running core.
Although I havent really seen anyone use them the thing and its so horribly hard to control, so im not 100% on that.
However, all of Driger MS parts are obsolete now.
Theres far better choices.

Its going to take a while before theres a list we all agree on. xD
Brad's list is perfect, I don't think anything should be changed.

I was going to say put Thunder Dragon in tier 2, but its already been explained why it isn't.
Here's my final Tier list:


Dragoon MS
Dragoon MS UV
Death Gargoyle MS
Samurai Changer MS
Wolborg MS
Jiraiya MS
Sea Dragon (with CWD Defense Ring)


Dragoon MF (Secret Version with CWD Eternal Survivor)
Dragoon MF
Shining God MS
Dranzer MF (Secret Version with CWD Reverse Defenser)
Advance Striker
Advance Eterner
Round Shell MS
Magical Ape MS


Thunder Dragon
Dark Leopard MS
Einstein MS
Slash Riger
Advance Averazer
Advance Guardian


Draciel MS
Dranzer MS
Aero Knight MS
Phantom Fox MS
Gaia Dragoon MS
Bloody Devil MS
Dranzer MF
Driger MS
Wybern DJ

The changes I made:

- moved Driger MS, Wybern DJ to Tier 4
- added Dragoon MF and Dranzer MF non-secret versions, Dragoon MF is tier 2 and Dranzer MF is Tier 4
Just curious, why is Shining God MS Tier 2?

I know the CWD is useful but pretty much everything else on that blade is worthless.

And to be honest, I've never really found the CWD to perform that great in practical customization anyway. :\
The CWD is really good enough to be in Tier 2. All it takes is one good part to make the Beyblade a great buy.
Brad, what about the secret version of Wybern DJ, the one with free saucer? Isn't that part good enough to be somwhere in tier 3 (or maybe 2? I never got a chance to use it, I'm just basing my stance on what I know of the design)? Also, the secret version of Sea Dragon with Free Defenser. Where would that part fall? It's not as useful as Defense Ring, but has practical applications on par with God Ring, pending on the situation.
I think those would both fall into Tier 3.
Yeah, thinking about it, you're right. I might, on a particularly generous day, consider Free Defenser Tier 2, but it really is out-shined in most cases by God Ring.

Honestly though, I'm a tad surprised at Wybern DJ's placement in 4. Sure, it's AR is outclassed now, but in the early days of HMS, it was considered a very good part.
In the early days of Beyblade, Grip Attacker's AR had great smash attack. We have to go by what it means now.
Point made.
Just a small nitpick, Round Shell MS is still listed in both Tier 2 and 3.