(11-09-10 09:59 PM)beyjohn wrote ...
could you test out some combos and tell me witch parts are best?
energy ring:sagitario,pegasis,scorpio
fusion wheel:flame,storm,rock
spin track:100,T125,C145
preformance tip:HF/S,S,JB
What is the objective to your combo? Attack, Defense or Stamina? Don't say Balance because there is none at the moment. And you're only supposed to ask for parts testing when a combo has potential, and sadly, Flame, Rock, and Storm all do not have any potential at all, aside from Flame 100SF.
and now you say
^ I've been playing around with Earth (Mold 1) Bull 100WD, minus the MF, and it beats anything except for Attack Types. More people need to test it before it becomes deemed as a "top-tier" Beyblade, but I personally think it's got potential.
and i think flame100SF is just as good as flame100HF/S