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Hi my name is: Junior Willet and I want to tell you a story about when I was a teen. It has to do with a hobby called: Beyblade.
It all started on a early August morning back in 2009. I had gobbled down my last pieces of Bacon when I heard mom say: "Son we've been meaning to show you this for a very long time" she said. I walked over to and replied with a "what?". She showed me a picture of the legendary blader: Gingka Hagane. "He is your Great,Great,Great Grandfather and wrote a message on the back" Mom explained. It read:
Whoever reads this first and likes Beyblade I want to tell you something I couldn't stop Revenger. But I did stop his first line of defense as you know: Ryuga. So I send this message to you to tell you to stop Revenger or the world may end!
"So are you telling me to do this Mom?"I asked in a stern voice.
"Yes" she answered quickly.
"But I haven't battled since the plastic days" I explained.
"That's why I want you to have this: Rampage Rhino MW115EGXF" she said.
she held it out. "Sweet!" I shouted.
"But I can't do this alone" I added.
"That's why I gave your brother a: Dune Python ET125EW2D
And then your cousin: Tommy Tategami a
hadow Leone 135EWD
And Matthew Kadoya a: Plasma Unicorno C125WD and sent them a copy of the message. But you guys will need to train together in tournaments." Mom answered me.
"When's the next tournament?"I asked.
"South of here in Detroit next Tuesday at 6:00pm. So that means you won't miss school."she answered.
"Can you take me?"I asked.
"Sure, honey" she answered.
"Yes!" The announcer shouted.
I heard him "come on guys we gotta get out there"I said.
"Yeah" Richie said
"Me to" Tommy said.
"I'm coming too" Matthew said.
"Alright then let's sit in the stands and see when we get called up" I exclaimed.
Therefore the gang walked up onto the stands and waited. "Let's go! Our first match: Tommy versus Anthony!" The DJ said excitedly. Tommy walked up to the stadium and waited for Anthony and soon he came. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT" the pair shouted. Shadow Leone banked into the stadium and Anthony's Death Pegasus ED145CS followed. "Hmm.."Tommy thought. "It has good defense stats but not high stamina so I'll try and wear him out" Tommy thought.
"Go! Leone attack! Tommy screached. Leone zoomed and attacked Pegasus furiously and Pegasus was blown in the air!
"Special Move: Death Wing Strike!" Anthony bellowed. A black Pegasus replaced the bey and fire came from Pegasus' mouth!
" Special Move: Tornado Solid Stream!" Tommy shouted! The Tornado and Fire collided with such force that there was a massive black explosion!
The stadium cleared out Leone was still spinning but Pegasus was blown into the wall! "YES!" Tommy shouted.
"Tommy moves on to the 2nd round!" DJ said excitedly and confident.
"Alright now our 2nd match: Rubio versus Matthew!"DJ shouted
Matthew and Rubio walked onto the stadium.
"3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the pair shouted. Quickly the beys came down. Matthew analyzed Rubio's bey and saw that it was Dwarf Pisces D130MD. Dwarf had 4 fins coming up making great smash. And MD was wide and metal just like D though.
"Go Unicorno attack!"Matthew shouted.
"That won't do anything" Rubio exclaimed.
"Huh?" Matthew said worried.
"Special Move: Mystic Attack!" Rubio shouted while his hair glistnend in the Sun.
Pisces made a Green zone around it! "Attack it"Matthew cried out.
Unicorno attacked the Green zone but all of a sudden Unicorno stopped!
"NOOOOO!"Matthew screamed and fell down and walked back up to the stands.
"Rubio will face Tommy in the 2nd round" DJ shouted! "Next up: Richie versus Carl!"DJ added.
Richie and Carl walked up onto the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!!!"The two shouted. Carl's bey was Fang Kronos T125ES. "I know Carl has great stamina but not defense so I'll wear him out then hope he will be weak enough so I can attack for a stadium out"Richie thought.
"Python, attack him multiple times!"Richie commanded. Python attacked Kronos with great force.
"That's not gonna work"Carl insisted. "You'll never effect Kronos" he added.
"Why not! Go Python attack more!"Richie replied with a shout.
"I told it won't work!" Carl shouted. "Alright then attack: Kronos!"Carl added.
The two blades attacked with a lot power. "Special Move: Time Swift!" Carl shouted. Kronos went to the middle of the stadium then a Reaper relaced the bey! The Reaper had an Ax the Ax slashed down on the Python that replaced Richie's bey but:"Special Move: Poison Toxic Blast!"Richie shouted.
The battle was getting to it's limit! Python was pushing Kronos to the edge of the stadium! "Good job! Do it some more, Python!"Richie bossed. Python kept on pushing Kronos to the edge! "Dodge him, Kronos!"Carl commanded.
"Follow Kronos, Python!"Richie scolded. Python followed Kronos in a hurry and caught up so fast that Python started to attack again! "Special Move: Venom Switch Reverse!"Richie shouted as loud as he could.
Python went in front of Kronos then attacked complete head on! A Python replaced the bey then acted as if to bite Kronos injecting poison into it! That made Kronos begin to wobble Richie seized the moment and commanded Python to attack and it shot Kronos out of the stadium like a rocket! "Wow! What an intense battle. Richie moves on and will face the winner of the this match: Junior versus Michael!"DJ said into his michrophone.
(Now 1st person's view) Michael and I walked up to the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the bladers shouted. I quickly realized that Michael's bey was a Blitz Wolf AD145XF which was a great attack type. The beys landed in the stadium cleanly. "Go Wolf!"Michael shouted. Wolf attacked it, gave Rhino a massive smash attack!
"Finish him! Special Move: Rampage Rush!"I scolded. Rhino attacked at an angle got under Wolf attacked up and sent Wolf out of the stadium! "Yes perfect!"I shouted.
"Junior moves on and advances into the 2nd round now there are 4!"DJ shouted.
(3rd person's view) "BOOM! Our second round begins with Tommy and Rubio!"DJ shouted. Rubio and Tommy walked up onto the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the bladers shouted. Pisces and Leone banked into the stadium cleanly. "GO LEONE!"Tommy shouted at the top of his lungs. Leone attacked Pisces. But something was weird! Leone was under Pisces! "Now, Leone fliped Pisces in the air!
"Not gonna work!"Rubio shouted. "Pisces, Special Move: Mystic Attack!"he added. The green zone now had Shadow Leone trapped in it! "Leone attack!" Tommy shouted. Leone was trying to disrupt the Green zone that Pisces made! Pisces' green zone was now gone! "What ya gonna do now without your Special Move!"Tommy exclaimed.
"Your right but I can do this: Special Move: Mystic Barrier!"Rubio shouted. Now Pisces made a Rainbow Zone!
"Attack it, Leone!"Tommy shouted. Leone attacked the zone but the "barrier" bounced it off! "Huh?" Tommy asked.
"This is almost like an unbeatable wall not like Mystic Attack."Rubio asked. Pisces took down the "barrier" but had an rainbow "aura" around it! "Attack!!"Rubio cried out. There was a massive explosion the aura was gone Leone had stopped it some how! "Special Move: Tornado Solid Stream!" Tommy said. The Tornado winds blew Pisces out of the stadium! WAIT NO IT DIDN'T! Pisces was at the edge of the stadium! The battle was still going. "What? My move didn't work!" Tommy said.
"For one reason: My Pisces will stop every time it lands on something. So when it landed on the edge of the stadium it still stayed in the stadium"Rubio exclaimed. Pisces is the ultimate stamina type!
"I don't care! Leone attack!" Tommy shouted. Leone attacked with furious abilities. Pisces was about to go over the edge of the stadium! "Attack Leone, Pisces!" Rubio shouted. Soon enough Leone was woblling! "Go! Pisces!" Rubio shouted Pisces attacked and Leone stopped spinning!
"Wow! What a heated battle! Rubio is in the finals! He will face the winner of this: Junior versus Richie!" DJ said into his michrophone.
(Now 1st person's view) Richie and I walked up onto the stage or stadium. "3!" I was about to battle my brother "2!" I can't believe this "1, GO SHOOT!" I shouted and Richie. Richie's Dune Python banked next to my Rhino. "Go Rhino!" I shouted. Rhino attacked Python perfectly square in the Metal Wheel Gap of Python! But it had no affect!
"Huh?"I asked.
"Whenever you attack at Python in that gap it doesn't affect it. That is not it's weak spot." Richie answered.
"But I don't get it! That's the only place that should be very weak!" I said right back.
" Special Move: Toxic Blades!" Richie shouted in desperate need of a win. Python furiously attacked Rhino with great force. Rhino got blown into the wall of the stadium! The crowd cheered for the great action.
"I can't think of anything to do"I thought. Quickly I saw that Python was moving in a curving pattern. So if I take a chance when Python is about to curve the other way I might beat Richie!
I looked for the right chance. THERE! "Go attack! Rhino!"I shouted. Rhino attacked just as commanded. The sound of metal on metal was very loud some people had to cover there ears. "Push harder!" I said.
"NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN!" Richie shouted as loud as he could. He began to have a dark green aura all around him!
Revenger looked up at the TV and saw Richie's aura. "He's one of them I better start recruiting dark bladers to stop the light bladers" Revenger thought to himself. Then he looked down at his bey: Whirl Hydra EW120PDF he knew it was the key to everything.
Meanwhile... "I feel so much stronger in this thing!"Richie shouted. Python attacked Rhino who was begginning to be pushed back to the edge of the stadium! "Oh no!" I shouted. I thought quickly. If I just push harder since Rhino is the better attack type I will push him back even more! "GO RHINO!"I shouted so loud it hurt. Now I had an aura! It was white! "Wow this thing really does make me feel stronger" I said. Rhino attacked but it was still locked up now it was pure attacking right in the middle of the stadium! "OK now Special Move: Rampage Rush!" I shouted. But Python attacked right after I said the move! There was a white explosion. It was pure white. It cleared up we still had our auras, but our beys had changed! Mine was Rush Rhino E
which started out as: XF then went in and came out was a WD. Richie's was now: Toxic Cobra X
which was a F then came in and then came out as a RF.
"Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!"I shouted. Rhino attacked Cobra it got knocked in the air! "That's what I've been waiting for. Special Move: Fang Crush!"Richie shouted. Cobra came down on Rhino! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"I shouted. It was who could withstand our new powers more me or Richie. But I did more Rhino flipped up Cobra out of the stadium! But wait! I thought it did but the flip didn't work! "Special Move: Venom Crusher"Richie shouted. Cobra attacked Rhino! The attack was ver fierce. I could see the passionof winnin Richie's eyes. His aura was getting a lot bigger! I was letting have Richie have to much momentum in this match. But I was about to turn the tables."Go Rhino!"I shouted. I knew Rhino would win the attack battle. Rhino attacked and began to push Cobra back! The attacks were to much for Cobra. Rhino was pushing Cobra back to the edge of the stadium. Cobra was half way out! "Attack more!"I shouted. Cobra was out of the stadium completely! "No"Richie mumbled. He picked up his new bey and walked to the stands with: mom, Tommy, and Matthew.
"WOW! What an exciting semi-finals match. Now for our final match: Junior versus Rubio!" DJ said. We walked onto the stage. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!" we shouted. "I'll go first. Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!" I shouted. Rhino attacked Pisces furiously. Rhino was crushing Pisces!
"Attack more until you can't!"I shouted. Rhino attacked Pisces but...
"Special Move: Mystic Attack!"Rubio shouted. "I will not let you down Revenger!" he added.
"Huh?" I said.
"Revenger. He will start the downfall of the world. He is the most powerful blader in the world. Revenger will crush all of the light bladers."Rubio said.
"Well I won't let that happen. I vowed to my great,great,great Grandfather Gingka Hagane that I would stop Revenger."I answered. "Go Rhino!"I added. Rhino attacked Pisces' zone and brought it down! Sparks were flying like crazy. Rhino was pushing Pisces like a rampaging Rhino! "Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!"I shouted. Rhino had crushed Pisces out of the stadium! "Wow! What a short finals! Our winner of this tournament is: Junior!" DJ shouted.
"YES!"I shouted as loud as I could
Chapter 7: WHAT NEXT?
"So"I thought. "What next?" I added. I got home looked at my note that Mom gave me from Gingka. But then I discovered the second page! I flipped the page and it read:
Once you do some training then go to Fiji find a blader with a red aura and the blade: Stealth Vulpix WB145MWD and you will find a clue along with him. You and your brother are light bladers find 3 others.
"So Fiji"I thought. I went upstairs and asked Dad if I could go to Fiji with Richie. He said "yes" but only if he gets to go and gets to swim and scuba for Sharks. I said fine. It would be 2 more days before we started our journey to Fiji which would be a 19 hour flight from Michigan to Fiji! Wow would that be a long flight!
The next day... We entered the Detroit airport and showed our passports and all of those other stupid things. We arrived 19 hours later, and man was Fiji beautiful! It's waters were baby blue and the beahes were pure whit sand! The palm trees were covering the whole entire city or whatever we where in. "Okay I'm going to pay to go scubing out in the ocean." Dad said.
"Ok"I replied. Richie and I set out to the beach where we found that they were having a beyblade tournament! We watched but we watched a bit more carefully when this kid named Ryan came he had Blonde hair that was long and went down to his eyebrows he had a shirt on with looked like a red Fox hiding in the woods. He had black shorts on with a red Fox paw on the side. He had the bey Stealth Vulpix and suddenly I remembered what Gingka had wrote on that new note! After his match I went up to him and said: "Do you know that you are a light blader?"I asked.
"Yes" Ryan answered.
"Well we need you to come with us on our journey. You have the bey Stealth Vulpix?" I asked.
"Yes and I have gotten the note. Have you?" Ryan asked.
"We both got it." Richie answered.
"Do you have the clue?" I asked sharply.
"Yes I do the clue is: Milwaukee has the yellow aura represenative." Ryan answered.
"Well we have to wait for our Dad to go back home but we can ride our bikes right when we get back." Richie said.
"Or we could take my Dad's private Jet and get there in 9 hours." Ryan answered.
"Sure we just have to ask our Dad" I said.
"Here use my phone" Ryan said. Ryan took out his phone and gave it to me.
I dialed 248-824-2099. "Hello?" Dad said.
"Hi, Dad can we take the light bladers'(only Ryan) private jet?"I asked.
"Sure. But be carefull." He answered.
"Thank you. Love you bye." I said.
"Bye" He said. So we went on kind of a stranger's plane. It actually only took us 7 hours this time! We reached Milwaukee and began our quest.
As soon as we would find out the light blader wouldn't be easy to find. We walked which seemed like hours even though is was only ten minutes by the time. "Did you hear that?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah" I replied.
"It sounded like an explosion." Richie said. We rushed over to what we thought was the light blader. When we got there we saw Rubio! Obviously Ryan didn't know him but Richie and I did. "Rubio" I mumbled.
"Who is he?" Ryan asked.
"He is Revenger's helper he wants to ressurect Revenger's bey." Richie responded.
"So we should stop him right?" Ryan asked
"Of course." I responded sharply. We ran to help the other citizens and then we started to battle Rubio.
"I want to battle you!" Ryan shouted.
"Okay fine." Rubio said. Ryan and Rubio were about to rumble.
"You guys go find the other light blader and another clue is the blader as a Spike Dorado ED145MPD." Ryan said.
"Okay let's go Richie" I said to him. We raced to a trail called: Dorado Trail.
"That has to be where he is. He has the Spike Dorado." I said.
"What is a Dorado?" Richie asked.
"A Swordfish." I responded. We walked on the trail until we heard the sound of trees falling! We ran to were we heard the sound.
Chapter 9: IS HE A BAD GUY!?!?!?
We talked to the light blader named: Connor. He seemed very dark though. But we decided that he was okay.
"Do you have the clue?" I asked.
"Yes it is: You will find the fifth and final light blader in the red wood forrests of California." Connor said.
"Okay so we have to go find Ryan and then go to California but it will be easy because of Ryan's private jet." Richie exclaimed. So we went on foot and found Ryan and Rubio still battling! Rubio was in the middle of his Mystic Attack but Ryan Vulpix was destroying the move second by second! Finally the move was defeated and Ryan attacked with one hit and won!
"You will pay for this!" Rubio said dreadfully as he walked away in disbelief.
"Come on! We have to go to California!" Connor said. We went in Ryan's private jet and got to California 2 and a half houts later, and landed right in the middle of the red wood forrests!
"Come on I have a map we can follow trails in case we get lost." Ryan said. But it would be a little bit easier than that.
We walked and walked and walked... Until suddenly I saw movement!
"Guys did you see that?" I asked
"Yes" they all said. We walked where we saw the movement.
"Hello?" Connor called out. A tall blonde haired girl came out she was wearing a Michigan University shirt! Plus Detroit Pistons shorts she was wearing the same outfit as me! "Woah!" she said.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Ava(ay-v-a)" she said.
"Wait Ava from school?" I asked.
"Wait your Junior the school quaterback" she asked glaring at me and Richie.
"Yes and my brother here is wide reciever." I said.
"We want to know if your the last light blader?" Ryan said
"Yes I am" Ava replied.
"What's your bey and clue?" I asked.
" Aqua Delphino and the clue is you will find Revenger in the biggest cave on Mackinaw Island." Ava said.
"Good I know excactly where that is." I said
Chapter 11: BACK TO HOME!
It took us 4 hours to get back. We landed on Mackinaw Island now there aren't too many caves on the island but I already knew where the biggest cave was. It took us about 25 minutes to run there. We walked into the cave and heard laughing!
"Rubio, it's almost complete my stupid bey now will be turning into Mega Revenger S
." Revnger said.
"What's your real name?" Rubio asked.
"Xavier" Xavier said.
"Hold it right there!" I shouted running into the dark cave with the other 4 light bladers. But it was already too late Xavier's bey was already turning into Mega Revenger.
It is already done but tell me what I need to do better I have already started the Beyblade: Torment. I can post it on here if I get at least 10 good reviews some words may be spelled wrong but I had to write it for a grade for school it took me 2 weeks.
Hi my name is: Junior Willet and I want to tell you a story about when I was a teen. It has to do with a hobby called: Beyblade.
It all started on a early August morning back in 2009. I had gobbled down my last pieces of Bacon when I heard mom say: "Son we've been meaning to show you this for a very long time" she said. I walked over to and replied with a "what?". She showed me a picture of the legendary blader: Gingka Hagane. "He is your Great,Great,Great Grandfather and wrote a message on the back" Mom explained. It read:
Whoever reads this first and likes Beyblade I want to tell you something I couldn't stop Revenger. But I did stop his first line of defense as you know: Ryuga. So I send this message to you to tell you to stop Revenger or the world may end!
"So are you telling me to do this Mom?"I asked in a stern voice.
"Yes" she answered quickly.
"But I haven't battled since the plastic days" I explained.
"That's why I want you to have this: Rampage Rhino MW115EGXF" she said.
she held it out. "Sweet!" I shouted.
"But I can't do this alone" I added.
"That's why I gave your brother a: Dune Python ET125EW2D
And then your cousin: Tommy Tategami a

And Matthew Kadoya a: Plasma Unicorno C125WD and sent them a copy of the message. But you guys will need to train together in tournaments." Mom answered me.
"When's the next tournament?"I asked.
"South of here in Detroit next Tuesday at 6:00pm. So that means you won't miss school."she answered.
"Can you take me?"I asked.
"Sure, honey" she answered.
"Yes!" The announcer shouted.
I heard him "come on guys we gotta get out there"I said.
"Yeah" Richie said
"Me to" Tommy said.
"I'm coming too" Matthew said.
"Alright then let's sit in the stands and see when we get called up" I exclaimed.
Therefore the gang walked up onto the stands and waited. "Let's go! Our first match: Tommy versus Anthony!" The DJ said excitedly. Tommy walked up to the stadium and waited for Anthony and soon he came. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT" the pair shouted. Shadow Leone banked into the stadium and Anthony's Death Pegasus ED145CS followed. "Hmm.."Tommy thought. "It has good defense stats but not high stamina so I'll try and wear him out" Tommy thought.
"Go! Leone attack! Tommy screached. Leone zoomed and attacked Pegasus furiously and Pegasus was blown in the air!
"Special Move: Death Wing Strike!" Anthony bellowed. A black Pegasus replaced the bey and fire came from Pegasus' mouth!
" Special Move: Tornado Solid Stream!" Tommy shouted! The Tornado and Fire collided with such force that there was a massive black explosion!
The stadium cleared out Leone was still spinning but Pegasus was blown into the wall! "YES!" Tommy shouted.
"Tommy moves on to the 2nd round!" DJ said excitedly and confident.
"Alright now our 2nd match: Rubio versus Matthew!"DJ shouted
Matthew and Rubio walked onto the stadium.
"3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the pair shouted. Quickly the beys came down. Matthew analyzed Rubio's bey and saw that it was Dwarf Pisces D130MD. Dwarf had 4 fins coming up making great smash. And MD was wide and metal just like D though.
"Go Unicorno attack!"Matthew shouted.
"That won't do anything" Rubio exclaimed.
"Huh?" Matthew said worried.
"Special Move: Mystic Attack!" Rubio shouted while his hair glistnend in the Sun.
Pisces made a Green zone around it! "Attack it"Matthew cried out.
Unicorno attacked the Green zone but all of a sudden Unicorno stopped!
"NOOOOO!"Matthew screamed and fell down and walked back up to the stands.
"Rubio will face Tommy in the 2nd round" DJ shouted! "Next up: Richie versus Carl!"DJ added.
Richie and Carl walked up onto the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!!!"The two shouted. Carl's bey was Fang Kronos T125ES. "I know Carl has great stamina but not defense so I'll wear him out then hope he will be weak enough so I can attack for a stadium out"Richie thought.
"Python, attack him multiple times!"Richie commanded. Python attacked Kronos with great force.
"That's not gonna work"Carl insisted. "You'll never effect Kronos" he added.
"Why not! Go Python attack more!"Richie replied with a shout.
"I told it won't work!" Carl shouted. "Alright then attack: Kronos!"Carl added.
The two blades attacked with a lot power. "Special Move: Time Swift!" Carl shouted. Kronos went to the middle of the stadium then a Reaper relaced the bey! The Reaper had an Ax the Ax slashed down on the Python that replaced Richie's bey but:"Special Move: Poison Toxic Blast!"Richie shouted.
The battle was getting to it's limit! Python was pushing Kronos to the edge of the stadium! "Good job! Do it some more, Python!"Richie bossed. Python kept on pushing Kronos to the edge! "Dodge him, Kronos!"Carl commanded.
"Follow Kronos, Python!"Richie scolded. Python followed Kronos in a hurry and caught up so fast that Python started to attack again! "Special Move: Venom Switch Reverse!"Richie shouted as loud as he could.
Python went in front of Kronos then attacked complete head on! A Python replaced the bey then acted as if to bite Kronos injecting poison into it! That made Kronos begin to wobble Richie seized the moment and commanded Python to attack and it shot Kronos out of the stadium like a rocket! "Wow! What an intense battle. Richie moves on and will face the winner of the this match: Junior versus Michael!"DJ said into his michrophone.
(Now 1st person's view) Michael and I walked up to the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the bladers shouted. I quickly realized that Michael's bey was a Blitz Wolf AD145XF which was a great attack type. The beys landed in the stadium cleanly. "Go Wolf!"Michael shouted. Wolf attacked it, gave Rhino a massive smash attack!
"Finish him! Special Move: Rampage Rush!"I scolded. Rhino attacked at an angle got under Wolf attacked up and sent Wolf out of the stadium! "Yes perfect!"I shouted.
"Junior moves on and advances into the 2nd round now there are 4!"DJ shouted.
(3rd person's view) "BOOM! Our second round begins with Tommy and Rubio!"DJ shouted. Rubio and Tommy walked up onto the stadium. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!"the bladers shouted. Pisces and Leone banked into the stadium cleanly. "GO LEONE!"Tommy shouted at the top of his lungs. Leone attacked Pisces. But something was weird! Leone was under Pisces! "Now, Leone fliped Pisces in the air!
"Not gonna work!"Rubio shouted. "Pisces, Special Move: Mystic Attack!"he added. The green zone now had Shadow Leone trapped in it! "Leone attack!" Tommy shouted. Leone was trying to disrupt the Green zone that Pisces made! Pisces' green zone was now gone! "What ya gonna do now without your Special Move!"Tommy exclaimed.
"Your right but I can do this: Special Move: Mystic Barrier!"Rubio shouted. Now Pisces made a Rainbow Zone!
"Attack it, Leone!"Tommy shouted. Leone attacked the zone but the "barrier" bounced it off! "Huh?" Tommy asked.
"This is almost like an unbeatable wall not like Mystic Attack."Rubio asked. Pisces took down the "barrier" but had an rainbow "aura" around it! "Attack!!"Rubio cried out. There was a massive explosion the aura was gone Leone had stopped it some how! "Special Move: Tornado Solid Stream!" Tommy said. The Tornado winds blew Pisces out of the stadium! WAIT NO IT DIDN'T! Pisces was at the edge of the stadium! The battle was still going. "What? My move didn't work!" Tommy said.
"For one reason: My Pisces will stop every time it lands on something. So when it landed on the edge of the stadium it still stayed in the stadium"Rubio exclaimed. Pisces is the ultimate stamina type!
"I don't care! Leone attack!" Tommy shouted. Leone attacked with furious abilities. Pisces was about to go over the edge of the stadium! "Attack Leone, Pisces!" Rubio shouted. Soon enough Leone was woblling! "Go! Pisces!" Rubio shouted Pisces attacked and Leone stopped spinning!
"Wow! What a heated battle! Rubio is in the finals! He will face the winner of this: Junior versus Richie!" DJ said into his michrophone.
(Now 1st person's view) Richie and I walked up onto the stage or stadium. "3!" I was about to battle my brother "2!" I can't believe this "1, GO SHOOT!" I shouted and Richie. Richie's Dune Python banked next to my Rhino. "Go Rhino!" I shouted. Rhino attacked Python perfectly square in the Metal Wheel Gap of Python! But it had no affect!
"Huh?"I asked.
"Whenever you attack at Python in that gap it doesn't affect it. That is not it's weak spot." Richie answered.
"But I don't get it! That's the only place that should be very weak!" I said right back.
" Special Move: Toxic Blades!" Richie shouted in desperate need of a win. Python furiously attacked Rhino with great force. Rhino got blown into the wall of the stadium! The crowd cheered for the great action.
"I can't think of anything to do"I thought. Quickly I saw that Python was moving in a curving pattern. So if I take a chance when Python is about to curve the other way I might beat Richie!
I looked for the right chance. THERE! "Go attack! Rhino!"I shouted. Rhino attacked just as commanded. The sound of metal on metal was very loud some people had to cover there ears. "Push harder!" I said.
"NOT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN!" Richie shouted as loud as he could. He began to have a dark green aura all around him!
Revenger looked up at the TV and saw Richie's aura. "He's one of them I better start recruiting dark bladers to stop the light bladers" Revenger thought to himself. Then he looked down at his bey: Whirl Hydra EW120PDF he knew it was the key to everything.
Meanwhile... "I feel so much stronger in this thing!"Richie shouted. Python attacked Rhino who was begginning to be pushed back to the edge of the stadium! "Oh no!" I shouted. I thought quickly. If I just push harder since Rhino is the better attack type I will push him back even more! "GO RHINO!"I shouted so loud it hurt. Now I had an aura! It was white! "Wow this thing really does make me feel stronger" I said. Rhino attacked but it was still locked up now it was pure attacking right in the middle of the stadium! "OK now Special Move: Rampage Rush!" I shouted. But Python attacked right after I said the move! There was a white explosion. It was pure white. It cleared up we still had our auras, but our beys had changed! Mine was Rush Rhino E

"Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!"I shouted. Rhino attacked Cobra it got knocked in the air! "That's what I've been waiting for. Special Move: Fang Crush!"Richie shouted. Cobra came down on Rhino! "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO"I shouted. It was who could withstand our new powers more me or Richie. But I did more Rhino flipped up Cobra out of the stadium! But wait! I thought it did but the flip didn't work! "Special Move: Venom Crusher"Richie shouted. Cobra attacked Rhino! The attack was ver fierce. I could see the passionof winnin Richie's eyes. His aura was getting a lot bigger! I was letting have Richie have to much momentum in this match. But I was about to turn the tables."Go Rhino!"I shouted. I knew Rhino would win the attack battle. Rhino attacked and began to push Cobra back! The attacks were to much for Cobra. Rhino was pushing Cobra back to the edge of the stadium. Cobra was half way out! "Attack more!"I shouted. Cobra was out of the stadium completely! "No"Richie mumbled. He picked up his new bey and walked to the stands with: mom, Tommy, and Matthew.
"WOW! What an exciting semi-finals match. Now for our final match: Junior versus Rubio!" DJ said. We walked onto the stage. "3,2,1 GO SHOOT!" we shouted. "I'll go first. Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!" I shouted. Rhino attacked Pisces furiously. Rhino was crushing Pisces!
"Attack more until you can't!"I shouted. Rhino attacked Pisces but...
"Special Move: Mystic Attack!"Rubio shouted. "I will not let you down Revenger!" he added.
"Huh?" I said.
"Revenger. He will start the downfall of the world. He is the most powerful blader in the world. Revenger will crush all of the light bladers."Rubio said.
"Well I won't let that happen. I vowed to my great,great,great Grandfather Gingka Hagane that I would stop Revenger."I answered. "Go Rhino!"I added. Rhino attacked Pisces' zone and brought it down! Sparks were flying like crazy. Rhino was pushing Pisces like a rampaging Rhino! "Special Move: Rhino Horn Attack!"I shouted. Rhino had crushed Pisces out of the stadium! "Wow! What a short finals! Our winner of this tournament is: Junior!" DJ shouted.
"YES!"I shouted as loud as I could
Chapter 7: WHAT NEXT?
"So"I thought. "What next?" I added. I got home looked at my note that Mom gave me from Gingka. But then I discovered the second page! I flipped the page and it read:
Once you do some training then go to Fiji find a blader with a red aura and the blade: Stealth Vulpix WB145MWD and you will find a clue along with him. You and your brother are light bladers find 3 others.
"So Fiji"I thought. I went upstairs and asked Dad if I could go to Fiji with Richie. He said "yes" but only if he gets to go and gets to swim and scuba for Sharks. I said fine. It would be 2 more days before we started our journey to Fiji which would be a 19 hour flight from Michigan to Fiji! Wow would that be a long flight!
The next day... We entered the Detroit airport and showed our passports and all of those other stupid things. We arrived 19 hours later, and man was Fiji beautiful! It's waters were baby blue and the beahes were pure whit sand! The palm trees were covering the whole entire city or whatever we where in. "Okay I'm going to pay to go scubing out in the ocean." Dad said.
"Ok"I replied. Richie and I set out to the beach where we found that they were having a beyblade tournament! We watched but we watched a bit more carefully when this kid named Ryan came he had Blonde hair that was long and went down to his eyebrows he had a shirt on with looked like a red Fox hiding in the woods. He had black shorts on with a red Fox paw on the side. He had the bey Stealth Vulpix and suddenly I remembered what Gingka had wrote on that new note! After his match I went up to him and said: "Do you know that you are a light blader?"I asked.
"Yes" Ryan answered.
"Well we need you to come with us on our journey. You have the bey Stealth Vulpix?" I asked.
"Yes and I have gotten the note. Have you?" Ryan asked.
"We both got it." Richie answered.
"Do you have the clue?" I asked sharply.
"Yes I do the clue is: Milwaukee has the yellow aura represenative." Ryan answered.
"Well we have to wait for our Dad to go back home but we can ride our bikes right when we get back." Richie said.
"Or we could take my Dad's private Jet and get there in 9 hours." Ryan answered.
"Sure we just have to ask our Dad" I said.
"Here use my phone" Ryan said. Ryan took out his phone and gave it to me.
I dialed 248-824-2099. "Hello?" Dad said.
"Hi, Dad can we take the light bladers'(only Ryan) private jet?"I asked.
"Sure. But be carefull." He answered.
"Thank you. Love you bye." I said.
"Bye" He said. So we went on kind of a stranger's plane. It actually only took us 7 hours this time! We reached Milwaukee and began our quest.
As soon as we would find out the light blader wouldn't be easy to find. We walked which seemed like hours even though is was only ten minutes by the time. "Did you hear that?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah" I replied.
"It sounded like an explosion." Richie said. We rushed over to what we thought was the light blader. When we got there we saw Rubio! Obviously Ryan didn't know him but Richie and I did. "Rubio" I mumbled.
"Who is he?" Ryan asked.
"He is Revenger's helper he wants to ressurect Revenger's bey." Richie responded.
"So we should stop him right?" Ryan asked
"Of course." I responded sharply. We ran to help the other citizens and then we started to battle Rubio.
"I want to battle you!" Ryan shouted.
"Okay fine." Rubio said. Ryan and Rubio were about to rumble.
"You guys go find the other light blader and another clue is the blader as a Spike Dorado ED145MPD." Ryan said.
"Okay let's go Richie" I said to him. We raced to a trail called: Dorado Trail.
"That has to be where he is. He has the Spike Dorado." I said.
"What is a Dorado?" Richie asked.
"A Swordfish." I responded. We walked on the trail until we heard the sound of trees falling! We ran to were we heard the sound.
Chapter 9: IS HE A BAD GUY!?!?!?
We talked to the light blader named: Connor. He seemed very dark though. But we decided that he was okay.
"Do you have the clue?" I asked.
"Yes it is: You will find the fifth and final light blader in the red wood forrests of California." Connor said.
"Okay so we have to go find Ryan and then go to California but it will be easy because of Ryan's private jet." Richie exclaimed. So we went on foot and found Ryan and Rubio still battling! Rubio was in the middle of his Mystic Attack but Ryan Vulpix was destroying the move second by second! Finally the move was defeated and Ryan attacked with one hit and won!
"You will pay for this!" Rubio said dreadfully as he walked away in disbelief.
"Come on! We have to go to California!" Connor said. We went in Ryan's private jet and got to California 2 and a half houts later, and landed right in the middle of the red wood forrests!
"Come on I have a map we can follow trails in case we get lost." Ryan said. But it would be a little bit easier than that.
We walked and walked and walked... Until suddenly I saw movement!
"Guys did you see that?" I asked
"Yes" they all said. We walked where we saw the movement.
"Hello?" Connor called out. A tall blonde haired girl came out she was wearing a Michigan University shirt! Plus Detroit Pistons shorts she was wearing the same outfit as me! "Woah!" she said.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Ava(ay-v-a)" she said.
"Wait Ava from school?" I asked.
"Wait your Junior the school quaterback" she asked glaring at me and Richie.
"Yes and my brother here is wide reciever." I said.
"We want to know if your the last light blader?" Ryan said
"Yes I am" Ava replied.
"What's your bey and clue?" I asked.
" Aqua Delphino and the clue is you will find Revenger in the biggest cave on Mackinaw Island." Ava said.
"Good I know excactly where that is." I said
Chapter 11: BACK TO HOME!
It took us 4 hours to get back. We landed on Mackinaw Island now there aren't too many caves on the island but I already knew where the biggest cave was. It took us about 25 minutes to run there. We walked into the cave and heard laughing!
"Rubio, it's almost complete my stupid bey now will be turning into Mega Revenger S

"What's your real name?" Rubio asked.
"Xavier" Xavier said.
"Hold it right there!" I shouted running into the dark cave with the other 4 light bladers. But it was already too late Xavier's bey was already turning into Mega Revenger.
It is already done but tell me what I need to do better I have already started the Beyblade: Torment. I can post it on here if I get at least 10 good reviews some words may be spelled wrong but I had to write it for a grade for school it took me 2 weeks.
![[Image: Untitled-1-9.gif]](https://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m579/CyberFernandez/Untitled-1-9.gif)
Thank's Blood for the cool sig!