Bey Series - The Four Pillars, Chapter 5 is up! Review Please!

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Quite Good
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Awesome I love the first chapter Can't wait to see the outcome of your battle and what happens when ryu wakes up.
Thanks... I'm really surprised I've almost got 3000 views.
The new sequel? sounds pretty cool, wanna leak what the pillars are about?
I'm Guessing for blazers that are like the legendary blazers of hms IDK I'm guessing.
You're both wrong. Its too important to be told now... Sorry. But you'll find out in 2/3 chapters.
Can't wait to find out what the pillars are about?Smile
I had initially just named the story that because I couldn't think of anything, but then I found a really cool storyline related to the name. I hopw you guys will like it.
Haven't had much time, but I've been working on the story a bit. Almost done with chapter 2. I'm trying to keep them long and even.
And there are 35 pages of this on word. I'm shooting for one hundred, and then I'll try and publish it as an actual beyblade story!
I would like to make a character request:
Name: Sora Kozosami
Age: 11
Beyblade: Omega Horugium SW145GCF
Description: Has brown spiky hair that is slanted up and to the right. Has blue eyes.
A black shirt with an 'X' on the front, red jacket with a hood. Red shorts, and yellow boots. Has White gloves, and three star keychains around his neck.
Also has unknown powers. When he powers up his chains glow up. He is a happy excited boy.
Special Moves:
Ferris Gear-It is a lot like Byxis' move, but a giant gear appears and swings the opponent out of the stadium. No one can escape that move.
Dual Disc-Spins around and around the stadium and with one hit knocks the opponent into the air.(Only works with Attack Mode)
Everlasting Storm Surge-Uses both of the first moves together as one whole special move
Okay... I'll work him in later. I hope you like when I put him in.
Realy nice, story dude.Can i make a character?
Yeah... but it may/may not be main. I can't be sure until you tell me the character. @Soarablader he will be used in chapter 4/5 onwardds as a main character.
Ok here he is
Name: Ame Uso
Age 20
Beyblade Due Phoinex W105 WD
Blood ice blade.
Power He makes ice from his blood
Description He has long dark blue hair his face is coverd by ice mask he wheres a dark blue top with a black jacket he has black pants and light blue like ice shoes. Also half his face is a skull made out of ice and he has blood coming from his arms all the time.

Lifstyle He has no friends he allways comes out at night no eat people and in the morning he's normal but never go's near anyone
Um.... I try and keep things realistic, so the half skull made of ice thing can't work. Sorry...
Ok he has a normall head anything else?
I've posted chapter 2, it's a little shorter, but I'll try and keep length consistent.
Great so Ryu leaves the hospital after this chapter.
Seriously, no more spoilers! I am not telling anything else. I am on a creation spree! CHAPTER 3 IS UP! Whoohooo!
I love the story so far! I also really love that Ace and Ryu are brother and sister!Grin
Haha, I was hoping that, considering she's your character, I was a bit nervous to take that risk. I may post chapter 4 tomorrow.
Jacolal can you please pm the latest chapte but not in a spoiler i can't view spoilers i'm on my phone.
Pm sent! I hope you like it. I may not be able to use your character, as I did not ask for requests. But I'll try...