Quote:I'm also duly pissed off with lies. Oh and don't tell me about my attitude. Wording the exact same meaning differently doesn't give you a right to slag me off.
I do not lie. Nothing I said was a lie.
Also, I am not sure what you are talking about with that second part, I am not "slagging you off", I am answering your questions. I did not reword anything; I answered everything legitimately.
Mukilab, if you do not adjust your attitude I am sure the Committee here will feel free to adjust it for you. There have been several complaints filed against you already. Also try to remember that I seriously work with these toys every single day; therefore, I am confident I understand them better than you do.
Quote:Wait so part of the game is creating a set of strikers which have no use whatsoever (control)?
Lots of people enjoy the control aspect of Battle Strikers. Obviously we are assessing how we can make this more competitively advantageous in future iterations. However, for me Skullor, Tank, etc. are very easy to control and are very strong competitively.
One important technique you can perform with control is Cornering. This is where you push your opponent's Striker into a corner so that the friction their Striker receives from the environment is multiplied. This way, the opposing Striker is losing spin at 2-3 times the rate you are. I use this method to win many battles.
Quote:Different looks don't equal different weapons. Every single one has close to exactly the same perimeter. Only height and weight differ.
They have similar perimeters, but different shapes, slopes, weight balancing, etc. If you sincerely cannot tell the difference between Weapons, you are not looking hard enough. There are many different things you can accomplish via different Weapons. I use Mauler's Weapon because the protrusions are very large and cause a lot of damage.
Most Beyblade ARs and Wheels have similar perimeters. Therefore, by your logic I can conclude that they are all the same.
Quote:So you mean that one has more weight. That's basically the weight system but made of plastic.
That is not what I said at all. Some will knock the opponent away whilst others will absorb the attack, which obviously leads to different rates of stamina and offensiveness. Again, as I said they all have various functions and there is an effect by choosing different ones. Otherwise, I would not have customized my Striker at all.
Quote:Yeh, actually i've researched this and tried every method i can think of, which included breaking my dragonblaze tip at one point.
Oh, therefore if you could not think of it, it does not exist?
As I said, I work here every day and have several different Launching methods ... there should be a video up soon.
Quote:Please inform me where this is on the box? I hate it how companies put the most important things in size 6.
It is on the disclaimer on the bottom of the box, just as it is with
every single toy ever. I realize it is in small print, but this disclaimer is written on every toy manufactured, so consider it a lesson for the future.
Quote:Ok, please list the advantages and disadvantages.
Well, as I stated, the likelihood of PVC breaking is virtually zero because it is a softer plastic that absorbs shock much better than ABS or PC. Safety was a large concern so reducing recoil and likelihood of injury was an important idea for the designers to keep in mind. Obviously though, we have recognized that there are older players for whom this is not a concern, and we are working towards addressing those concerns in future iterations of the product.
If you cannot talk with civility, I would suggest you leave this thread. It was stated early on that this thread would remain civil, and obviously as I work on this project, I am happy to answer any questions. However, as the founder of the WBO, I won't tolerate your bad attitude towards someone who is genuinely considering and responding to your queries.