I just really want Metaal XS strikers so badly!!
Battle Strikers Discussion
Well why don't you go and buy them off the internet??
I just bought a Scimitar from my local Target. And I was pissed at how it didn't include a launcher. I guess it's sort of understandable seeing as the launcher is so high tech and what not but c'mon...
Bleh I'm not gonna buy the 15 dollar start kit just for a launcher. >.>
I'll stick to my beyblades.
Bleh I'm not gonna buy the 15 dollar start kit just for a launcher. >.>
I'll stick to my beyblades.
(Jan. 25, 2010 5:39 AM)Commie Wrote: I just bought a Scimitar from my local Target. And I was pissed at how it didn't include a launcher. I guess it's sort of understandable seeing as the launcher is so high tech and what not but c'mon...
Bleh I'm not gonna buy the 15 dollar start kit just for a launcher. >.>
I'll stick to my beyblades.
Then why did you buy it? It is pretty clear on the box that it does not include a Launcher. The Launcher is very expensive for us to build, which is why it is not included in every box.
You do realize that Takara-Tomy releases many Beyblade boosters that do not include a Launcher, right?
what are the pieces in viper. like the booster and tip and attack piece. (for attack piece i mean like attack,defense,recoil attack,etc)
Control and Super Balance.
super balance tip and control booster? what about the attack piece.
... it's Viper.

srry, but isnt there attack pieces like recoil attack and deffensive attack? like sabretooth is recoil attack.
I GOT MY VIPER!!!!! i ordered it on the 22th and recived it today. the only battle strikers it has a problem against are tank and natilus. it is low to the ground so the plastic ones attack pieces cant touch it.
(Jan. 25, 2010 10:09 PM)Gauntlet Wrote: I GOT MY VIPER!!!!! i ordered it on the 22th and recived it today. the only battle strikers it has a problem against are tank and natilus. it is low to the ground so the plastic ones attack pieces cant touch it.
Viper's near the ground
Viper's near the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with your Viper near the ground
Ehem, on another note; That gives me an Idea of how low it is.
Brad, how bad is the recoil on Viper?
I like Sentinel actually I just wish the Metal XS starters and the other reload strikers would be put on Ebay and Amazon sooner because I really want Shredder, Ninjitsu, Firehawk, Sentinal, and Raptor.
How bad is the regular balance tip's stamina because I'm going to try to get my grandpa to order Sentinel from Ebay so I can test it out.
It's quite good.
So the regular balance tip has good stamina and it can outlast Skullor? If so than thank God.
I was just wondering also the stamina in the regular balance tip is good and can outlast metal xs strikers that don't have the stamina and super stamina tips? If so then thank goodness.
lol StrikerAxis won't let me join.
Keeps saying I'm putting in the wrong password even though I'm copying and pasting what I put in the other field. I'll try on another browser, and see if that works.
Keeps saying I'm putting in the wrong password even though I'm copying and pasting what I put in the other field. I'll try on another browser, and see if that works.
its a pass word it cant be that long