Battle Strikers Discussion

Yeah, it's temporarily on private to iron out a few issues haha.
im too confuse ! to me bs are a riip off of beys beys but the mx look cool hlp me plz
If Battle Strikers are a rip-off of beyblade, does that make Pokemon cards a rip-off of Yu-Gi-Oh cards?
were not taling abt tht !
(Jan. 20, 2010  10:25 PM)slybadger123 Wrote: were not taling abt tht !
It is approximately the same thing however : one spinning top does not "rip off" the other ...

Seriously, if the rules of two games are different, to me they are different enough and there is something to discover in the other as well.
I'm going to Target tommorow after 9:30 AM if i get to stay home (my school gets out at 11:30 AM so i see no point in going tomorrow) so I'll be checking my Target to see if they have them and if they do and I get one or two of them I will make a video on veoh and post pics with my camera, right now I have to think about the Lego sets that are replacing Bionicle and getting one.
Just finished filming a bunch of stuff with Val! Should be up next week.
Metal XS Starters spotted at some Targets! Smile
(Jan. 20, 2010  10:22 PM)Benkei Wrote: If Battle Strikers are a rip-off of beyblade, does that make Pokemon cards a rip-off of Yu-Gi-Oh cards?

pokemon was before yu-gi-oh so it would be the other way around.
(Jan. 21, 2010  12:42 AM)Rawr? Wrote: pokemon was before yu-gi-oh so it would be the other way around.

OK, so is Yu-Gi-Oh a rip off of Pokemon?

(are all card games rip offs of magic the gathering)
Thank God. I hope that one of my Targets will have them and the reload strikers. I saw Viper on ebay for $17.00
(Jan. 21, 2010  12:46 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: OK, so is Yu-Gi-Oh a rip off of Pokemon?

(are all card games rip offs of magic the gathering)

no there too very different things pokemon isn't a card game in the show
NONE, tops or card games are better or worse than the other! Who came up with either first is also irrelevant! They are different and unique in their own way. Ford made the first car, so all cars afterward are ripoffs? Who cares!

My appologies for the rant but it gets very anoying after a while when folks come in and "this is a rip off of that". So they share a same basis of an idea, does it really matter what came first if you are enjoying it.
No, I agree it is annoying for sure Jawa ... the spinning top has been evolving for thousands of years. Beyblade was an important step of its evolution. Battle Strikers is the step after that.
cave men probably played with spinning tops/rocks.
(Jan. 21, 2010  3:41 AM)Gauntlet Wrote: cave men probably played with spinning tops/rocks.

Cave men probably had better things to do, like kill animals and procreate.
well i went to walmart again and stile nothing. so i talked to the person working there and she said "if you dont see it we dont have it". So i asked her if she knew when they come in, and she said "i dont know, go asked the manager". so i did, and he said he dont know.
Im mad now.Angry
in the youtube videos from before the guys controller kept touching his top and he kept swinging it at the opponents top. can u do that like connect the top with ur controller and swing it at another top in tournaments and that kind of stuff?? and when is the game for metal xs going to be on the website

digimon cards and virtual pets rule just saying cause we were talkin about card games and stuff
Here is what i commented on the video.
''Picking the Striker up and throwing it at the opponent's Striker is termed as an "Aerial Attack". However, this is illegal with Metal XS for safety concerns.
On the other hand, I did not pick it up. If you watch closely, I attach the Striker to my Controller, and sharply slide the Striker across the Stadium. As long as the Striker does not touch the opponent's while it is attached to my Controller, this is legal.
The knockout areas are there for a reason - for sweet KOs like these!''
(Jan. 21, 2010  12:14 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: Just finished filming a bunch of stuff with Val! Should be up next week.
Metal XS Starters spotted at some Targets! Smile

I helped!
(Jan. 21, 2010  7:02 AM)Beynval Wrote: Here is what i commented on the video.
''Picking the Striker up and throwing it at the opponent's Striker is termed as an "Aerial Attack". However, this is illegal with Metal XS for safety concerns.
On the other hand, I did not pick it up. If you watch closely, I attach the Striker to my Controller, and sharply slide the Striker across the Stadium. As long as the Striker does not touch the opponent's while it is attached to my Controller, this is legal.
The knockout areas are there for a reason - for sweet KOs like these!''

You also cannot release the Striker while it is above the Stadium floor Smile
I could be wrong but you're not supposed to be touching the top at all, especially when attacking/defending. Otherwise theyd just have sticks out the top so you could push them around with your fingers.
(Jan. 21, 2010  3:51 PM)Jawa Wrote: I could be wrong but you're not supposed to be touching the top at all, especially when attacking/defending. Otherwise theyd just have sticks out the top so you could push them around with your fingers.

Considering I work on the product, I am pretty sure I know what you are supposed to do with it ... we intentionally reduced the friction so you could do this.
Ok, I didnt realize. I just used the controller to move them without touching. Now I know. thnx
Well guess what, I'm either going after my grandmother's appointment or during the weekend.
(Jan. 21, 2010  5:01 PM)Jawa Wrote: Ok, I didnt realize. I just used the controller to move them without touching. Now I know. thnx

You're not supposed to move it around by touching the controller to it; doing this will destroy your spin time, anyway. However, you can attach it to perform a sliding attack as Val described.