Battle Strikers Discussion

I must say the packaging was cool too.
soo i went out today too see if any stores near me had put them out but no luck. I do believe the target i went to was making shelf space for them though.
when r the videos going to be out i like to steal pizzas so u better watch out
HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!!!! Have a Battlerific year (yea I know it sounds corny)!
soo anyone have any luck finding the metal xs strikers yet besides Jsc?? cause i have not yet seen any
I brought my first Battle Striker yesterday just the Ninjutsu booster because I love the look of Ninjutsu. I am going wait for Metal XS till I buy a starter pack.

Although I must say I am quite disappointed in my purchase I brought Ninjutsu for its look but when I opened the pack it looked much different in real life than on the package, on the package it shows the AR (or w/e its called) of the BS where the ninja star section is to be silver but it is in fact white.
carp i want to go back and buy them now >.> im stupid lol
You could have been first, man. Regret is such a pain and here I thought that we were such battling top entusiasts that not even music could get in the way of sweet metal on metal action.
Joyful_2Well I guess you were wrong. But, I believe tommorow will be my day to but some metal xs.
Ive never been first in anything lol
ide like to be first if i could find them!!
Our local Walmart still has a bunch of the plastics and I'm hoping they bring the metals in soon. I'm checking daily and hoping.
I uploaded some battle striker vids on
... are you going to link us to them?
I found them. :\
So I went to Zellers and Wal-Mart today to check if the Metal XS were out already. Unfortunately, they weren't Unhappy
If anyone still want the series 1, the prices are Wal-Mart were incredibly low. Stadiums were 10 $ each, starter packs were 20, and reload strikers, 5!
Also, they have this <<Battle pack>> that includes a starter pack and FOUR reload for 20$!!! (yeah funny how starter packs and battle packs were at the same price.
oh and all prices were in CDN.
Also, a bit excited for tomorrow because of the official Battle Strikers website xD hopefully they wont delay it anymore.
wow he managed to figure out that metal ball bottoms beat the plastic flat ones bravo.
It wasn't hard; I think the real reason Skullor won against Cobra was due to the fact Cobra had light armor and Skullor had heavy armor which goes to show the control type battle strikers suck in battle unless either combine the armor with an attack type weapon or combine the weapon with either defensive armor or attack based armor plus the control type tips are tall which causes balance to be lost easily in battle while the tall attack type tips are of course flat so they have grip.
No, the real reason is because of the tip.
Okay. I saw one of the metal xs reload strikers on amazon uk.
Brad do you know what time the new website will launch??
This kid got his hands on Metal XS... a week ago???
(Jan. 05, 2010  4:41 AM)Beynval Wrote: This kid got his hands on Metal XS... a week ago???

There have been reports of leaks.