Oooh! Bahamdia! Testing time!
Bahamdia Pegasis W105R2F vs. Killerken Reviser BD145RDF
Reviser launched first on all launches.
Pegasis: wins, 5/20 (1 KO, 4 OS)
Reviser: wins, 15/20 (All OS)
Bahamdia Pegasis W105R2F win rate:
This thing
almost koed Reviser like every other spin, but it wasn't quite enough for it to slip over the edge. Then there was the round where it KOed, which was AWESOME!!! Bahamdia caught in between BD145 and Killerken, and Reviser went airborne!! Totally great!
Bahamdia's OSes were the same thing, but not quite as explosive. It was just a sort of grinding sound. Any who, I don't really see any competitive potential for this thing... I think this just works better with Ifraid or Begaridos on SA165. Plus, there will not be a BD145 to jam between on every combo you battle.