I decided to attempt to find out which was better on this combo, Kerbeus, or Deathscyther:
B-08 Stadium
Beylauncher (fixed with tape inside the prongs so it doesn't skip at all)
Slightly worn layers, all worn about the same
2 brand new accel drivers, never used before (you're welcome, haha)
Valkyrie Heavy Accel vs. Kerbeus Heavy Accel
*Valkyrie launched first on odd rounds, Kerbeus launched first on even rounds*
*Parts (heavy and accel) switched after 10 rounds*
Valkyrie Heavy Accel: 7 wins (4 BF, 1 OS, 2 KO)
Kerbeus Heavy Accel: 13 wins (2 BF, 10 SF, 1 KO)
6 draws (2 DBF, 4 DSF)
Kerbeus win percentage: 65%
Average clicks lost per round:
Valkyrie: 1.65
Kerbeus: 2
Round by Round
1: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, V1
2: Kerbeus wins, KO, K1, V2
3: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, V1
4: Kerbeus wins, BF, K2
5: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, V2
6: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V2
7: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V0
8: Valkyrie wins, BF, V3
9: Valkyrie wins, KO, V2, D2
10: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V2
11: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V0
12: Valkyrie wins, BF, V2
13: Valkyrie wins, SF, V2, D1
14: Valkyrie wins, BF, V1
15: Valkyrie wins, BF, V2
16: Kerbeus wins, BF, K0
17: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V0
18: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, V1
19: Kerbeus wins, SF, K2, V2
20: Valkyrie wins, KO, V1, D1
Valkyrie Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Heavy Accel
*Valkyrie launched first on odd rounds, Deathscyther launched first on even rounds*
*Parts (heavy and accel) switched after 10 rounds*
Valkyrie Heavy Accel: 6 wins (2 BF, 4 OS)
Deathscyther Heavy Accel: 14 wins (2 BF, 10 SF, 2 KO)
4 draws (3 DBF, 1 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 70%
Average clicks lost per round:
Valkyrie: 1.35
Deathscyther: 1.45
Round by Round
1: Valkyrie wins, BF, V1
2: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, V1
3: Deathscyther wins, KO, D3, V1
4: Deathscyther wins, SF, D2, V2
5: Valkyrie wins, SF, V2, D0
6: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, V0
7: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, V0
8: Valkyrie wins, SF, V1, D3
9: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, V0
10: Deathscyther wins, BF, D3
11: Deathscyther wins, KO, D0, V2
12: Deathscyther wins, BF, D2
13: Deathscyther wins, SF, D1, V3
14: Valkyrie wins, SF, V1, D1
15: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, V1
16: Valkyrie wins, SF, V1, D2
17: Deathscyther wins, SF, D2, V1
18: Valkyrie wins, BF, V1
19: Deathscyther wins, SF, D1, V1
20: Deathscyther wins, SF, D1, V0
Spriggan Heavy Accel vs. Kerbeus Heavy Accel
*Spriggan launched first on odd rounds, Kerbeus launched first on even rounds*
*Parts (heavy and accel) switched after 10 rounds*
Spriggan Heavy Accel: 5 wins (3 BF, 2 OS)
Kerbeus Heavy Accel: 15 wins (4 BF, 8 SF, 3 KO)
5 draws (3 DBF, 2 DSF)
Kerbeus win percentage: 75%
Average clicks lost per round:
Spriggan: 1.8
Kerbeus: 1.8
Round by Round
1: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S1
2: Spriggan wins, SF, S0, K1
3: Kerbeus wins, BF, K2
4: Spriggan wins, BF, S3
5: Spriggan wins, BF, S2
6: Kerbeus wins, SF, K0, S0
7: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S0
8: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S1
9: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S1
10: Kerbeus wins, BF, K2
11: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S0
12: Kerbeus wins, BF, K2
13: Kerbeus wins, KO, K3, S2
14: Spriggan wins, SF, S1, K2
15: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S1
16: Kerbeus wins, SF, K1, S0
17: Kerbeus wins, KO, K1, S1
18: Spriggan wins, BF, S2
19: Kerbeus wins, KO, K1, S1
20: Kerbeus wins, BF, K2
Spriggan Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Heavy Accel
*Spriggan launched first on odd rounds, Deathscyther launched first on even rounds*
*Parts (heavy and accel) switched after 10 rounds*
Spriggan Heavy Accel: 7 wins (4 BF, 1 OS, 2 KO)
Deathscyther Heavy Accel: 13 wins (1 BF, 11 SF, 1 KO)
4 draws (2 DBF, 2 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 65%
Average clicks lost per round:
Spriggan: .9
Deathscyther: 1.55
Round by Round
1: Spriggan wins, KO, S0, D0
2: Spriggan wins, SF, S0, D2
3: Spriggan wins, BF, S1
4: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S1
5: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S0
6: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S0
7: Spriggan wins, BF, S0
8: Spriggan wins, SF, S1, D2
9: Deathscyther wins, SF, D2, S0
10: Deathscyther wins, SF, D1, S1
11: Deathscyther wins, KO, D2, S2
12: Deathscyther wins, BF, D3
13: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S1
14: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S0
15: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S0
16: Spriggan wins, BF, S2
17: Deathscyther wins, SF, D1, S1
18: Spriggan wins, BF, S2
19: Deathscyther wins, SF, D0, S0
20: Deathscyther wins, SF, D2, S2
Seems pretty close, definitely too close to really call with that small of a sample set. It's safe to say that they are both pretty good though and it may be that Deathscyther is better against Valkyrie and Kerbeus is better against Spriggan. Thoughts?