Hey all! I got a joke for yous. how many beywiki idiots does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: all of them to suck Brads carp ( including roan of course) and Brad to screw it in while having a fun time!
Since i have an oppurtunity to get back at all you homos for bashing me while i wasnt here, im gonna unload here.
Roan, you are such a carp gay european looking carp( yeah i saw that pic) and you probably love xbox 360 so much because you stick your carp in there or something. after looking at all your video game posts all you do is take popular threads from gaf or any site and posts new info on games ( which any carp idiot dickhead can do, but you HAVE to do it.) You ride that video game section hard, seriously. And again, you still think xbox is better than PS3? you really need a reality check. I read that you got ps3, mostly for mgs4. carp, so like you xbox idiots to be in such denial your not getting the best game of this gen , you had to play it one way or another. And p.s. MGS4 DESTROYS any little xbox game in your library. so gtfo, MGS4 is the best game of this gen , hands down. Oh if that isnt bad news for you xbox fanboy carp, ign said resistance 2's online is so amazing, it can take GOTY away from metal gear solid or GTA4 JUST FROM THE ONLINE ALONE. thats how carp good it is. 60 players? xbox can never carp touch that, and even if they could the lag would be amazing. Oh yeah, xbox has live right? THE ONLY THING IT HAS/DOES BETTER THAN PS3. Oh and roan, i know 2.4 bricked consoles, but all you do is take any little carp news you find on the internet negative towards ps3, and use it in your arsenal. My ps3's work fine after 2.4, so why the carp should i care it bricked systems? Oh and fear the worse xbox fags, future updates will prove our online superior to 360s. once we get in game music, much trophy support and that "little bug 2.4 you bring up" gets fixed, xbox's single perk over ps3 will be phased out. Oh and if that isnt bad, the only notable killer app in 360s future is gears 2, while we have Oh my god the list is so long. Resistance 2 ( Possible GOTY), SOCOM ( THE KING OF ALL SHOOTERS) , watch as all cod4 players/warhawk players transfer for this game, the title is legendary and will carp own gears 2, Oh and of so many other i bet you know of. ps3 is future proof, 360 is not. heh, i heard a rumor 360s getting blu ray, jockers, anyone? Alright Roan my roast with you is done. You are the king of all carp ( you look like one) and your attitude is hurrendous.
Now for LIttle tamer braddy. Oh cute, you changed your name to bey brad. You look gayer than ever. That girlfriend of yours, are you sure she isnt lesbian? i mean if i was her i woulda thought you were a girl at first site. i cant even imagine how you sound. So beyblades not dead, good stuff, SIKE. Heard blue suzaku won, know why? cuz he doesnt dress like a carp, and has a PS3, and probably carp owned everyone on this board, including faggy bey brad and company, and cye kinomiya. He obviously acted shy because he didnt want to come on to brad to hard, you know annie would get jealous. good job blu, i hope you murdered everyone. i swear i wish beyblade forums was back up. Gay brad wasnt leader of the fags, and zannon kept brad at bay. i Love how he disliked any body opposing him, especially when he threatened cye, brad and roan. Thats what i carp miss. The fags not having any power on the boards. Now youre all carp staff, its like a gay thing going on. Oh brad, nice comment on my bey video. Im not a veteran cuz of my set up? carp you carp, it was a fun setup, nothing for skill. do you want to see a boring tap tap tap battle? its my preference so go talk amongst your queer beywiki family rather than post on my videos, loser. theres a reason why keyblader controls all the most popular bey battle videos, cuz you carp idiots who claim are the biggest community dont even have videos up! so much for "revival of beyblade!" at least keyblader is attempting to raise its popularity. and he has almost all accesories and blades so he puts all you carp "hardcore" bey fans to shame. Hey , i saw you were happy because of chrono trigger ds? is there a hot animated boy or something? possibly your going to stick the game cartridge up your carp. as long as it keeps you from flapping on these boards i dont care what your faggit carp does with it. i cannot get over how gay you look. You look like a girl, jeesus i cannot get over it.
my last roast is dedicated to cye kinomiya. i heard you won the raffle! little fishy and all, did you have a "fun time with brad"? i mean come on both of you get along very well. You probably did sneak in a few smooches with him at canada "beyblade fags unite" i mean "Beyblades not dead". Seriously i cannot believe you live in new york with me. im ashamed. your attitude is out of this world cocky, but how can i blame you? you share many qualities with tamer fag, sorry bey fag, SORRY AGAIN bey brad.
i guess you all know who i am by now. you can ban me and not let me respond to all your "ownage" responses. but that would be carp of tamer fag. let me respond to all you, then ban me. itll be fun. and come on? its like 50 vs.1 here. how can i win? oh right, you are all idiots so its not hard. i owned all you before. so homos, bring it on! i want to see what you carp have for me!
Darth Yader he never really posted all that much anyway. I don't care what beef you have with Brad or Roan or anyone else, but you took a dig at the man's girlfriend that's not cool.
get out brandonk
Honestly I don't know where all of your animosity is coming from.

When I responded to your topics I was trying to get in there with the other side of the argument and then lock them before someone else came in and REALLY started flaming you.

I don't know if you got banned or what (I'm assuming your darth yader since mostly all you posted about was video games), but I can personally tell you that I didn't ban you and that I had no intention of doing so.

Also, what do you mean we "bashed you while you weren't here"? I was at work all day today so whatever happened today I had no part in, and I honestly cannot remember posting a word about you on this board since I locked both of your topics yesterday.

I'm sorry if I upset you at all, and I think you're overreacting quite a bit about something so trivial. Video games are recreational entertainment and its a bit childish to get so worked up over them like this, don't you think? I'm not going to lock this because I'd honestly like to talk with you in a civil manner. Going off the deep end like this on us really isn't necessary.
also that comment on your youtube video was like 6 months ago
every night i dream about all of beywiki sucking my carp
rooneyt, topblade, and brandonk129

i wanna thank all of you for making my life carp hilarious
i have a huge crush on cye kinomiya don't tell him 0Smile
so is roan the king of the fags or is it me, i would really like to know
we're working on videos so carp YOU MAN
holy carp post much there brad

also move this to general so its easier to get to plz
Was this the kingdom hearts card guy too?
Bey Brad Wrote:so is roan the king of the fags or is it me, i would really like to know

Clearly it's you.

Also, the obligatory "no one cares".
Hello Beywiki Dorks

I am your truely Blader: Kenny and he is back and getting revenge, Brad your girlfriend is a carp lesbian and she rub her carp agasint other girls carp and you brad are a freaking carp playing with little spinning tops game, Yeah I make a young lady suck my carp when I went to see about my angry problems but it diden't work

oh and me and dark yather team up to destroy your guys forum