BEYGINNERS: Basics of Beyblade
I admit im a BEGINNER
but u've got a point there bey brad.
Many beginners i kno think they're pros just bcoz they own a few blades.
Ego higher than Bill Gate's pay.
but u've got a point there bey brad.
Many beginners i kno think they're pros just bcoz they own a few blades.
Ego higher than Bill Gate's pay.
(Nov. 13, 2008 4:04 PM)utsavkotrial Wrote: yessss.
the importance should be explained coz many bladers use steel dishes and plates and stuff (me too!)
yes and a beginners forum sounds like a GREAT idea.
I really don't think many people use steel dishes, it's really damaging to the blade.
And I could see the Beginner's forum becoming a spam forum fairly quickly. I don't see any point in a Beginner's forum if any questions they have can be answered in the BEYGINNERS guid or the Ask a Question! topic.
(Nov. 13, 2008 10:17 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: I don't see the point in a beginners forum. What could be posted there that can't be posted in the other sections?
Moreover, how many people do you really think will admit they are beginners?
I could use a crash course or two

I admit im a BEYGINNER. Half the time i have no idea what you guys are saying....
Well I can admit that im a beyginner. I played when i was a kid and i really got into this again and realized i didnt have a clue about this game.
I can definitely admit I'm a beyginner. I've been here for almost a year(I lurked for like 2 months before I joined), and I still get confused alot on this stuff. It would be useful to have a beginners guide.
FIB- Florida Institue of Beyblade
I have already donated a sum of $000.07 and some pocket lint to this fine institution and am asking you, as a BEYGINNER to please donate.
I have already donated a sum of $000.07 and some pocket lint to this fine institution and am asking you, as a BEYGINNER to please donate.
(Nov. 13, 2008 10:17 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: I don't see the point in a beginners forum. What could be posted there that can't be posted in the other sections?
Moreover, how many people do you really think will admit they are beginners?
*raises hand*
Been with beyblades for ages but compared to you guys I know I have a hell of a lot to learn. Though as said before, a whole forum may not be nescsseasscsary (god I hate that word). I don't know what other people are looking for but I'd be happy with just a guide. Including the stuff you find in the beyblade articles on the actual BeyWiki. Like the pros and cons of the different parts of specific blades. So I can get better at customizing, etc. I hate not knowing something even though I'm sure it's pretty obvious.
Also, a quick list of what all the different abbreviations and technical words mean would be appreciated.

I understand technical stuff to some extent, but I can't shoot at all. I usually end up downing them into a pocket, or providing an example of how NOT to do a riccohet launch.
I have big flashy guns, but there's no bullets in them.
I have big flashy guns, but there's no bullets in them.
All it takes is practice, all u guys need to do is blade for hours on end, eventually it all gets better, as for launching/shooting, practice keeping ur hand still for starters and then when you've perfected the basic launch then move into different angled launches etc. I can only say this from 7 years of blading, and as for ur blade combinations, take the time to trial each blade well, then once u find a combo that works, keep it and build on it over the years, I have and my 3 best blades are the combos from 4 yrs ago that have continually been upgraded where possible
In some aspects I may seem like a beginner as my experience with HMS was limited as I never had the chance to test Jiraiya or Round Shell, however, other than that I believe I am in the category of veterans and I am fully supporting this Beyginners guide as not all people around the globe are lucky with their communication skills that they would participate here in this forum or in other forums(in the past: OTC or Damashii)
Bumping this because man, it should exist.
What do you have in mind, Brad? I was thinking that the WBO could make another video lesson on its YouTube channel.
I do think this is a good idea. We older members csn help the younger ones here.
Ha Ha, ive just started working on video beyblade lessons before seeing this, what a coincidence. i am having trouble finding content to put in it though so any ideas?
(Apr. 24, 2012 11:57 PM)JBladerMS Wrote: What do you have in mind, Brad? I was thinking that the WBO could make another video lesson on its YouTube channel.
I don't know what I have in mind and what I think is not really relevant anymore, but a video playlist full of all the basics of blading could be very good I think. There is just no way to find a single starting point right now. I think a lot of Bladers start out buying garbage because they simply don't know where to start.
Has Anyone heard of a Slide Shoot launch where you tilt it and make the bey Faster and instead of going round and round the outside it does a flower pattern hitting the inside and also is good for attack typs to before they waste their energy . Good for hitting beys that stay in the middle. I RECCOMEND this skill to be learnt as it can be very useful
(Apr. 25, 2012 8:48 PM)PkRaNgEr Wrote: Has Anyone heard of a Slide Shoot launch where you tilt it and make the bey Faster and instead of going round and round the outside it does a flower pattern hitting the inside and also is good for attack typs to before they waste their energy . Good for hitting beys that stay in the middle. I RECCOMEND this skill to be learnt as it can be very useful
We might not have contributed anything to the Beyblade Channel lately, but that is probably the most notable Beyblade lesson it has ...
(Apr. 25, 2012 2:01 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: I don't know what I have in mind and what I think is not really relevant anymore, but a video playlist full of all the basics of blading could be very good I think. There is just no way to find a single starting point right now. I think a lot of Bladers start out buying garbage because they simply don't know where to start.
I would be willing to help with some videos. I do have experience making videos. And i was thinking maybe we could make videos focusing on key parts of the game and on the forum. Kind of a introductory video. Explaining what is good to post and what not to post. Because clearly with some of the post lately you can tell people arent reading the first message Kai V sent them.
Tbh how many people actualy use the technique, we alredy have a lesson on that ? howabout Banking (Increased Balance and stops it from flying at of the stadium good for attack types) Gattayki (a new technique i learnt how to use it Attacks the bey out the stadium before the battle has alredy started,hitting it at an angle)
Is Hitting the top of a bey illegal?
Is Hitting the top of a bey illegal?
(Apr. 26, 2012 6:24 PM)PkRaNgEr Wrote: Tbh how many people actualy use the technique, we alredy have a lesson on that ? howabout Banking (Increased Balance and stops it from flying at of the stadium good for attack types) Gattayki (a new technique i learnt how to use it Attacks the bey out the stadium before the battle has alredy started,hitting it at an angle)
Is Hitting the top of a bey illegal?
We do not have videos on those, but they are all on Beywiki, just like Sliding Shoot.
Hasbro even took the Gattyaki technique from us, hah. I really doubt they would have used "Gattyaki" like that out of nowhere.