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Full Version: BEYGINNERS: Basics of Beyblade
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So I'm thinking we should do some sort of primer on the basics of Beyblade to get Bladers on the right path. I was wondering what you guys think should be included in such a project.
I know one:
- Don't boast that you have "the bestest, most 1337 Beyblade evar"; that isn't going to get you anywhere. Listen to others and learn from them. One combo isn't going to win you every single match; you're going to have to have a versatile collection and combos that suit all types of situations.
some basic strategies that would be easy for beginners to understand, or maby some good combos for them to start with, heck might as well explain what factors are key for different types of combos and what parts would be best for which. im just shootin some ideas out there.
-Customization: It's essential to the game.

-Easy Upgrades: Like using a 10-Sided WD and at least like a Neo Right/Left with some Core.

Depends on the system too I guess. I'll post more if anything else pops up.
A lot of the things I suggested for BEYBLADE 101 @ BND! would need to be included. I've highlighted a few of those suggestions:

(Apr. 19, 2008  1:21 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]Just off the top of my head:

- Beyblade's Past
- Basic rules
- Components of a Beyblade (AR, WD, RC, Launcher, Grips etc)
- Launching Techniques
- Stadiums
- Combo types
- Synergy/Harmony in Beyblade (ex. 10bBistool and why it's amazing)
- Plastic vs. HMS, what are the differences?
- Beyblade's Future

Not sure if you'd want to do all of these, but yeah, here's some general ideas.

Did you end up doing all of these at the event? I don't know since I wasn't able to find it while I was there lol
no, beyblade 101 was horribly organized lmao

i will do better next year
HMS Tips
  • Attack Blades
    - Keep it light. Too much weight hinders the blade's speed.
    - You need a grip core, any of 'em. Grip Flat, UV, and Metal Weight Grip can all be found with their respective Dragoon.
    - Even balance. Don't use a CWD like Chain Attacker if its range will effect the blade's balance.

    Basic Attack Customization
    AR: Circle Upper
    WD: CWD Defense Ring
    RC: Grip Flat Core

  • Survival Blades
    - Compact ARs like Advance Survivor are perfect for survival type blades. Use circular ARs like Metal Saucer to effectively steal spins.
    - You need a bearing core. You can get 'em from either Wolborg MS or Jiraiya MS.
    - Heavier weight keeps the blade stabilized, and makes it harder for attack blades to knock it out of the stadium.

    Basic Survival Customization
    AR: Advance Survivor
    WD: CWD Free Survivor
    RC: Bearing Core

  • Recommended Smash ARs include Knight Crusher, Turtle Crusher, God Smasher, Advance Attacker

  • Recommended Upper ARs include Samurai Upper, Circle Upper, Slash Upper, Upper Fox

Hope that helps some.
Just so anyone's wondering, I want to do a basics guide so we have a primer that can be translated into many languages. So it's important we get the most essential stuff in here.
Yeah I'm gonna your man for german, then!
The Attack>Survival>Defense>Attack cycle with a brief description of each type. This is the most basic thing that beybladers should know IMO.
(Nov. 12, 2008  4:12 AM)Elmo Wrote: [ -> ]I know one:
- Don't boast that you have "the bestest, most 1337 Beyblade evar"; that isn't going to get you anywhere. Listen to others and learn from them. One combo isn't going to win you every single match; you're going to have to have a versatile collection and combos that suit all types of situations.

*Cue "My Driger MS can beat Wolborg MS hands down." speech*

I think it's a pretty neat idea, since you'll probably have more people getting into the game now that the MFBs have taken off.
And they probably won't know a whole lot about the game, so they'd need to start somewhere.
I think first and foremost it should stress the importance of customisation and the need to not grow too attached to one style of play. A blader must be fluid and adaptable. I think there's a strong urge upon initially getting into the game to use beyblades straight out of the box. Even I was fairly resistant to customisation initially, and I KNEW the principles of physics behind the game.
Basic shooting form!
^ So much innuendo went through my head at that O_O
(Nov. 12, 2008  11:02 PM)May The Pirate Wrote: [ -> ]^ So much innuendo went through my head at that O_O

get out
I was just thinking this would be pretty cool if there where like short youtube videos with the text as a visual aid
Beyginners. I love that word.

I really like the video idea. Beyblade is just asking for some kind of video tutorial series (That doesn't just showcase the battles) to help these Beyginners.

Some advanced customization and shooting techniques should be included too, although I believe the focus should be on Metal Fight.

Also, the importance of stadiums.
From what I've seen on the thread...

-Brief description of Types (how the perform) and the associated Type Wheel
-Brief description of Attack Types (Upper, Smash, Force Smash, etc.), along with their advantages, disadvantages, and performance
-Brief description of Parts and how they affect performance
-Description of Stadiums, and how they affect battles

Those seem to be the most essential. Stuff like proper parts for different parts can be taught later, but as long as they understand this, they'll have the basics for proper customization and battling.

We could also list Key Points that they should know, similar to what G posted. I know that some people will avoid customization because of the manga/anime (I know I did, and I know others who did), and one of the things we should stress most should be that customization is key. It's rarely an optional thing for serious battles.

EDIT: An overview/link to the Rules and giving clear examples of illegal customizations would be great, too. These things could possibly come later, however, after learning the basics.
(Nov. 12, 2008  11:35 PM)Siliva Wrote: [ -> ]although I believe the focus should be on Metal Fight.

It seems to be that people want there to be stuff about different types of combos and whatnot. I feel like its a beter idea to take a uncoustimized blades that are of certin types and explain what makes it that type first before you start explaining combos.
(Nov. 12, 2008  11:35 PM)Siliva Wrote: [ -> ]Beyginners. I love that word.

I really like the video idea. Beyblade is just asking for some kind of video tutorial series (That doesn't just showcase the battles) to help these Beyginners.

Some advanced customization and shooting techniques should be included too, although I believe the focus should be on Metal Fight.

Also, the importance of stadiums.

I don't think advanced customizations would be good for a Beginner's Guide.
You know i was thinking maybe a beginers forum would be good. Like a forum where they can post combos and talk about any beyblade related topics. A place where we can be a lot more torrelable to questions asked more than once and whatnot. Im sure most of you know where im coming from.
You just described the "Beyblade Customizations" and "Beyblade General" sections.

I think putting together a basic concept beginner's guide. and putting it in the "Beyblade General" section as a sticky would do wonders.
Pretending to be a religious group and handing it out in pamphlet form at airports would also do wonders. Oh man, can we do that?

the importance should be explained coz many bladers use steel dishes and plates and stuff (me too!)
yes and a beginners forum sounds like a GREAT idea.
I don't see the point in a beginners forum. What could be posted there that can't be posted in the other sections?

Moreover, how many people do you really think will admit they are beginners?
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