World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: BEYGINNERS: Basics of Beyblade
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(Apr. 26, 2012  6:24 PM)PkRaNgEr Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh how many people actualy use the technique, we alredy have a lesson on that ? howabout Banking (Increased Balance and stops it from flying at of the stadium good for attack types) Gattayki (a new technique i learnt how to use it Attacks the bey out the stadium before the battle has alredy started,hitting it at an angle)

Is Hitting the top of a bey illegal?

Absolutely all of these things you're "informing us about" are very, VERY old news, especially to us. You should probably read the Beywiki in general, as all of these launch types are mentioned there...

Gattyaki is not illegal.
Damn im gonna come up with my only bey-launch change the angle and aim to smash it of the stadium and the recoil and bounc will hit a bey in the middle? i tried it i worked this is good for all type of beys that could destroy the bey before they even attack you
(Apr. 26, 2012  6:48 PM)PkRaNgEr Wrote: [ -> ]Damn im gonna come up with my only bey-launch change the angle and aim to smash it of the stadium and the recoil and bounc will hit a bey in the middle? i tried it i worked this is good for all type of beys that could destroy the bey before they even attack you

That is not remotely reliable, and when it fails, you'll lose pretty much all of your spin velocity.

The only time that trick was remotely reliable was plastics, and even then it was really rare that it actually worked.
That tru it does greatly reduce it velcity could you just about to launch it launch it really hard forward whil pushing it a bit up? so it moves at great speed giving a big blow and potenially one hit out of stadium if good enough
That is not the kind of risk you ever, ever want to take if you're actually trying to compete.
This is becoming off-topic, because it is not really something we would want to teach to Beyginners ...
What not to do is just as important.
A simple note to explore at their own risk something that is not written would suffice, hah. Negative suggestions also seem more initimidating, less kid-friendly.
Have we got a not what to do in beyblading forum as suggested we should . ill be a top contributer on there!
Honestly you could probably put all the shooting techniques into a single video. Would be good.
(Apr. 27, 2012  2:54 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Honestly you could probably put all the shooting techniques into a single video. Would be good.

Ill do some shooting for that at my tournament next weekend. Also would it be ok if i post a guide ive been working on? It fits the goal of this thread.

The idea is this for to be a sanctioned WBO project.
I will post my Guide up tonight or tomorrow. I realized how much editing was left to be done. It looked quite bad while it was posted.
Here is what i have so far. The next part will cover Top Tier parts for Plastic/HMS/MFB. Will also include what to buy and explain why each part are good to use.

Beyginners Guide
This is a guide on how to use the WBO, not how to play Beyblade ... I mean, it's cool, but it's not at all like what I had said.
(May. 02, 2012  9:50 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]This is a guide on how to use the WBO, not how to play Beyblade ... I mean, it's cool, but it's not at all like what I had said.

I have one for plastics in the works. Only thing im really missing for a plastic guide is a top tier list. For the plastic guide i have What to buy, different types and what they do, links to all the plastic threads.

Im trying to get the first rough draft done.
Quote:Beyginners Guide (My Edit) I made a couple of changes

So yeah, it seems ok. I know I didn't change much, I just added things I thought should be there. Actually I think, its pretty good. Could use a little more description on each of the forums. Such as giving an example of an introductory thread.
(May. 03, 2012  8:57 PM)Cygnus Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Beyginners Guide (My Edit) I made a couple of changes

So yeah, it seems ok. I know I didn't change much, I just added things I thought should be there. Actually I think, its pretty good. Could use a little more description on each of the forums. Such as giving an example of an introductory thread.

Ill add some more. But im working on a seperate one for Plastics, HMS, & MFB. Trying to make what Brad was wanting.
I'll help, I don't know much about HMS or plastics, but I can definitely help with the MFB one!
You guys don't really understand at all (or are ignoring) what I was really getting at. Oh, well.
Plastic Top Tier List:
Useful plastic discussion threads
Something similar to this Brad? Currently i dont have the top tier list for plastics. The thread is so messy i coudlnt find anything. Also realize this is an extremely rough draft. Also will cover the basic types of Plastics IE attack,defense, Survival(Zombies) And go into more detail of course. I like the idea of this project. Ive always wanted to do something similar to this. Just never did until now.
I created these Threads for the Italian Community.
Maybe this can help, I know that maybe no one of you will understand Italian language, but these Threads explain how you can build a good Stamina\Attack combo.

I'm planning to write also a guide for Defense\Balance\Anti Meta\Spin Stealers.
If you like the structure of my guides I can translate them and put them in the Advanced Forum or where you want, haha!

EDIT: This is the structure of the Italian Thread:
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