Well, here I go. Commetnts appreciated.
| image =
| full item name = Hybrid Wheel Reshuffle Set (Attack & Balance)
| item number = BB-56
| beyblade system = [[Metal Fight Beyblade]]
[[TAKARA TOMY]] released this set on ''November 21, 2009''.
== Content ==
*Killer Gemios DF145FS
*Storm Aquario M145Q (Orange Aquario, clear purple Track and Bottom)
*Dark Capricorne 105RF (Purple Capricorne, clear Track and Bottom)
*[[BeyLauncher]] (Yellow)
== Overall ==
While this set has interesting parts like recolours, they are almost all thoroughly outclassed. The only competitively viable parts are RF and Aquario, which are top-tier for Attack and Defense, respectively. The [[BeyLauncher]] is the most powerful launcher in MFB, and it is preferred by most people. However, you can get RF, Aquario and the BeyLauncher in more competitive sets, like the Big Bang Pegasis DX Set, or even on their own.
Overall, '''there is no reason to purchase this Set outside of collection purposes'''.
== Gallery ==