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That's a real bummer.

I feel bad for anyone who buys it not knowing that.
Well it's obviously not there ... so ... Speechless
Whats the deal for sparkling attackers AR??
Synesthesia Wrote:anything useful here?
Not particularly, Einstein MS's AR can be used for defense combos, but thats about it. You're better off spending your money elsewhere.
If Im not mistaken, Einstien isnt very good and its the one with the spring, correct?
he was talking about sparkling attackers AR, tho wasnt he? i have the american one and it just spins freely. it doesnt work very well. the japanese i think is differently tho and might (correct me) actually spark, i dont know.
its not going to spark trust me its not metal
Pichuscute Wrote:he was talking about sparkling attackers AR, tho wasnt he? i have the american one and it just spins freely. it doesnt work very well. the japanese i think is differently tho and might (correct me) actually spark, i dont know.

Japanese version sparks.
Hasbro removed it so it could spin freely due to fire hazards.
drager metal slicer Wrote:its not going to spark trust me its not metal

Please don't answer questions if you have no idea about the answer! There is flint and sandpaper to make it spark.
Does Falborg exist, if so what are the parts and what are they like???
It's on the parts list though. Whats with that??
That's just the name of the parts, it doesn't actually exist. I don't know why they put it on the list.
Well if u mean the name then u can get a custom blade and build it and call it Falborg if u want
I want the actuall Falborg. It's just unfair it was never madeUnhappy
Crimson Hero Wrote:That sounds like it would be useful.

If you're referring to the spark mechanism, no, not really. It's just for show. If you mean the free-spinning AR... eh... it might have a MINOR application here or there, but the design of it really just leads to a lot of internal grinding due to the looseness of the outer part and the many catch-points on it. It's a flashy design for a sub-par part. Still, a good part for collectors.
Is Torch Pegasus any better with steel bearings instaed of plastic one??
Crimson Hero Wrote:Is Torch Pegasus any better with steel bearings instaed of plastic one??

A plastic bearing creates much more friction than an NSK bearing.
Could you elaborate please( I already Knew that much)