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Xeno Wrote:Is anyone able to sell me a Gabriel 1, Wolborg 3, Strata Dragoon V, Makendo, Polta, Draciel V2, Dranzer V2, or bistool for low prices?

post this in buy! sell! trade!
I'm just wondering about the legality of a modded launcher... I have yet to start this project, but I'm curious if I would be allowed to use it in the "Beyblade's Not Dead" tournament.


If I could find some way to attach the launcher to the grip without opening or modifying the launcher itself, would it be legal? Not having an HMS grip is really hindering my ability to practice :s
Minion Wrote:I'm just wondering about the legality of a modded launcher... I have yet to start this project, but I'm curious if I would be allowed to use it in the "Beyblade's Not Dead" tournament.


If I could find some way to attach the launcher to the grip without opening or modifying the launcher itself, would it be legal? Not having an HMS grip is really hindering my ability to practice :s

If you need a HMS Grip for BND I'd be happy to lend you one if need be.
Is a good place to get blades? Since they have some that I want.
Do they even sell Beyblades?
My friend ordered from them 2 weeks ago and they totally carp up his order. He payed $40 for 2 Bleach necklaces and they only sent 1 to him... and the 1 they sent to him wasn't even the one he ordered. He e-mailed them and they responded 5 days later only after he threatened to file a paypal complaint to them.
G Wrote:Do they even sell Beyblades?
My friend ordered from them 2 weeks ago and they totally carp up his order. He payed $40 for 2 Bleach necklaces and they only sent 1 to him... and the 1 they sent to him wasn't even the one he ordered. He e-mailed them and they responded 5 days later only after he threatened to file a paypal complaint to them.
I'll find out if they do or not...
Minion Wrote:I'm just wondering about the legality of a modded launcher... I have yet to start this project, but I'm curious if I would be allowed to use it in the "Beyblade's Not Dead" tournament.


If I could find some way to attach the launcher to the grip without opening or modifying the launcher itself, would it be legal? Not having an HMS grip is really hindering my ability to practice :s

We haven't decided on the legality of modded shooters.
modded shooters were legal last time i checked...
sam Wrote:modded shooters were legal last time i checked...

The official ruling was changed in Japan in 2004 I think. We're deciding how to react.
I don't think its a big deal provided that gear ratio is not modified. rite/

There's no best uncustomized, but Bistool/Ultimate Frostic Dranzer would be one of the top.
Which of these is the best, more equal, durable, great, and can beat the others, JUST OF THIS LIST: Driger S,Galeon Attacker, Galzzly,Galman, which of them have more power, Specialy between the rivality between Driger S and Galeon Attacker, specialy those one, i mean better option Driger S or Galeon Attacker, which is rreally the LEADER!!!, come on leave comments.
I think vs each other Driger S would beat Galeon. Both are extermely usefull though.
Asking me to pick between Driger S and Galeon?

Surely you jest. Serious
Driger S>Galeon>Galman>Galzzly
Driger S has +1 over Galeon since it has a better base. You can't just say one whole blade is better than the other since most serve different functions.
G Wrote:Driger S>Galeon>Galman>Galzzly
Driger S has +1 over Galeon since it has a better base. You can't just say one whole blade is better than the other since most serve different functions.

True, since Driger S has poorer defense compared to Galeon.

Galzzly is pure carp IMHO. (maybe there are ways to use it like a pro? i am not too sure...)

Galman tends to lose its balance easily due to the SG sharp base being too tall. Galman can win Galeon if both are uncustomized, but Galeon will have a better chance of winning against Driger S, compared to Galman.

Conclusion: Galeon and Driger S are evenly matched.
The problem with comparing Galeon to Driger S is that Galeon only has on unique part: War Lion. The rest are basic rehashes. However, War Lion is just so damn good that I think I'd have to pick it over Driger S. I could live without Tiger Defenser before I could live without War Lion.
I have a Question, please answer me with proper reasons: between a fight between Galeon Attacker and Galzzly, sometimes I know that Galzzly could defeat Galeon Attacker, and Im sure that Galzzly is more durable than Galeon Attacker, becuase the second attacking ring of Galeon Attacker is very thinner than Galzzly, and also i dont Know why Galzzly got a better attack, if it is not as heavy as Galeon Attacker, what iam trying to say is Galzzly is better attacker and more durable than Galeon Attacker, right?? or Better why I should Choose Galzzly and not Galeon Attacker or Galeon Attacker and not Galzzly, PLEASE EXPLAIN ME PROPERLY!!!,

Galzzly is meant to be a fast moving smash attack bey, unlike Galeon which doesn't focus on attack and is used more as a balancer/compact type that doesn't move around much. You can't compare them when they're meant to perform differently from eachother.

In a match between both, depending on stadium, Galzzly would either KO Galeon easily, or get out-spinned. Galeon isn't exactly defensive, so even the pice of carp that is Galzzly should be able to knock it out in the right stadium.
Another difference between both, is that while Galeon does fine uncustomized at what it's meant to be used for (besides having usefull parts of their own), Galzzly downright sucks compared to other attack beys and all of his parts are obsolete when we have stuff like Metal Flat BB, Eight Spiker AR, Whale Attacker AR, etc.
So Galzzly is better to K.O than Galeon Attacker, or Galeon Attackerin a battle against Galzzly could take out of stadium Galzzly Confused, iam not talking about parts, just the beyblade itself, its really a dificult decision to made, please explain me.

Finally I mean which would fit me better to buy, beacuse Galzzly is more Durable than Galeon Attacker, and perhaps Galzzly is really strong, do you think Galzzly could take out stadium Driger S Confused, that is my fav, damn is really a tough decision to take, Galzzly or Galeon Attacker ...mmm really Difficult they both are so good, but I need recomendations, Iam not thinking in customize just the blade itself.

RayD Wrote:Finally I mean which would fit me better to buy, beacuse Galzzly is more Durable than Galeon Attacker, and perhaps Galzzly is really strong, do you think Galzzly could take out stadium Driger S Confused, that is my fav, damn is really a tough decision to take, Galzzly or Galeon Attacker ...mmm really Difficult they both are so good, but I need recomendations, Iam not thinking in customize just the blade itself.


I wouldn't really reccomend Galzzly as it doesn't have the combination abilities that Galeon has. As a matter of fact, none of the parts for Galzzly are the useful in a customization, and while it is a fast attacker, I've never trusted its AR with the low base it comes with. I think for customization and other practical reasons Galeon would be the better way to go.
sure, but If i dont think in any customization at all, beacuse Galzzly is more durable than Galeon Attacker in the sub ring, I mean is it really Posible than Galzzly could defeat Galeon Attacker, or Galeon Attacker defeat Galzzly, which has better chance beat the other one.