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no, you got it wrong
its just like sonokong having the takara - tomy logo
the newboy bey box has the takara-tomy logo and is having newboy logo
the box just looks like sonokong with the newboy logo instead of the sonokong logo
If something has TAKARA-TOMY's logo, then it is automatically real. Companies that copy would never put the actual company's logo on their copied products, that would be way too illegal.
(Oct. 18, 2011  5:53 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Oct. 18, 2011  5:22 PM)Ballbreaker Wrote: P.d. the right name should be "Tornado Herculeo" or better Tornado Hércules;

You really do not know what Tornado Heracleo is about.

Firstly, both "Heracleo" and "Herculeo" are correct : on the box itself, TAKARA-TOMY wrote "Herculeo", but the way it is written in Katakana has always been "Herakureo", which is really different from the way "Herculeo" is pronounced.

Furthermore, the "leo" is indeed supposed to be there because it is a play on word on how apparently, in the legend, Hercules wore a lion head and back on his head, and both the Face mark and the Clear Wheel of Heracleo illustrate that.

"Heracles" exists too, if you did not know.

O.k., you´re right, but i don´t wanna became this post and the forum in a "discussion" about what many marketing and toys wants to give a name with a deplorable acknowlegdments about what/was/where/why and when this "characters" are named reading a Wikipedia or any other "that´s said" artifacts wich many manufacturers based on to recreated a huge wrong history line or animes.

Anyway, this discussion is out of beyblade issues, are in a field more complex about history that suposse some years of study, you know...

So maybe i´m not have any idea about how figures T.T., Hasbro or whatever...their marketing pourposses, but for a bachelor this kinda names and manipulated names/history result ridiculous; so i have a very strong idea and acknowledments whar Hércules meaning in our history. With all the respect about oriental tradition i preffer to forget this marketing mistakes because i understand that is part of the business, that´s all.

I admire that they try to give the product/game an educational way but this is very difficult and weird, so one point for T.T. to try, all my respect, but is awful... hahha!!

I registered here to learn more about beyblade taking part instead of only read, is a game, a passion, whatever, but not precisely a real way to study history, but a good way to make childs take some interest in that.

Sorry this long post, and again sorry my poor english. Is difficult for me explain this writing it to understand that my actitude is just funny and fine, i don´t want to discuss or compete in anyway. I hope this would be undestand for anybody as a simple positive tread. Wink

Best regards and salute!!!

(Oct. 18, 2011  6:44 PM)Kai-V Wrote: If something has TAKARA-TOMY's logo, then it is automatically real. Companies that copy would never put the actual company's logo on their copied products, that would be way too illegal.
thank you for your information
so will the WBO add the new "takara-tomy" logoed 'newboy' bey
cause its original right?

Ballbreaker: Well, right. Beyblades are not a historical teaching tool, they are a game.

The best way to think about it is that the beyblade names are inspired by mythology in the same way that a designer might be inspired by nature. The products from TT have names that sound like mythical characters (but aren't accurate representations of them) in the same way that a Frank LLoyd Wright house might look like its natural surroundings but be constructed with concrete and iron (rather than literally constructed from boulders and logs).
(Oct. 18, 2011  6:53 PM)preshant Wrote: thank you for your information
so will the WBO add the new "takara-tomy" logoed 'newboy' bey
cause its original right?

theflightyellz's guide to fake is still completely valid, since it mentions that a product must have a TAKARA-TOMY logo or Hasbro's logo.
(Oct. 18, 2011  6:58 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: Ballbreaker: Well, right. Beyblades are not a historical teaching tool, they are a game.

The best way to think about it is that the beyblade names are inspired by mythology in the same way that a designer might be inspired by nature. The products from TT have names that sound like mythical characters (but aren't accurate representations of them) in the same way that a Frank LLoyd Wright house might look like its natural surroundings but be constructed with concrete and iron (rather than literally constructed from boulders and logs).

Thanks a lot to clarify what i´m triyng to say!!! you have a lot of reason about that is an adaptation for a toy-game, really that´s is what i want say but if we take seriously about names, a toy company is not a "channel" to discuss those issues ´bout names and history; is not the same Herculeo than Heracleo wich is not a name as it is, it means other things in relation with the word. Anyway, all this to talk about Hércules in many adaptations but always the same name (he had a lot of male and female lovers...curiosity only).

Thanks again for summarize my long post.


(Oct. 18, 2011  6:41 PM)preshant Wrote: no, you got it wrong
its just like sonokong having the takara - tomy logo
the newboy bey box has the takara-tomy logo and is having newboy logo
the box just looks like sonokong with the newboy logo instead of the sonokong logo

thats what newboy have done millions of times!!!
They copeid barbie and made it into fulla, id say don't trust them, they sell fake beys too (back in the days of plastics I bought a electric draciel and I now reilise it was FAKE!!! Unhappy )
Fakes With TT logo?! Surely that is illegal beyond belief?
what is the use of W105? speed or stamina?
The wings add a small downwards force but mostly it's just another 105 track.
(Oct. 18, 2011  9:49 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: Fakes With TT logo?! Surely that is illegal beyond belief?

It's not unheardof, especially in Indian and Asian areas. It's usually shyed away from, and also caught and punished very severely in most cases, but some companies can get away with it for a long time.

TT Hongli did it for a while with the Bandai logo, for example.

Several Digimon fakes involve placing company logos all over the product.

It's unlikely, and extremely risky for the fake company, but it is not unheardof, and not altogether as uncommon as Beyblade has made it seem - Beyblade is actually the best hobby about fake production I've ever seen. I was shocked to find that none of the Beyblade fakers placed company logos on their product, as many other hobbies have this happening.
my wd is now acting as an attack type tip now what should i do. should i just get a new one?
(Oct. 19, 2011  1:15 AM)earthbull124 Wrote: my wd is now acting as an attack type tip now what should i do. should i just get a new one?

EDIT: Misread as "not". If it's acting like an aggressive tip, you may be launching at the wrong angle, or you wore it down. Try straight launching, and if that does not work, purchase a new one.
My coated sharp performance tip is not switching to attack. How do I fix this?
(Oct. 19, 2011  1:47 AM)zainx2 Wrote: My coated sharp performance tip is not switching to attack. How do I fix this?

You'll have to wear down the plastic in the center by straight-launching for a while, to make the plastic piece smaller.

Make sure you do not resort to sanding in order to do this, as it makes the part illegal, and is really not functionally better.
(Oct. 18, 2011  6:07 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Well, its true that XF and WF provide extremely powerful movement, but the so called 'Tornado Attack' that Tornado Herculeo performs in the Tornado Stadium is unique.
But yes, it would move quite fast with WF and XF, though.
Wait wait wait. Tornado herculeo is now good?! Can someone pls give me an answer...

What was this released in/as

[Image: T01500150_0150015010771594220.jpg]
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:40 AM)powerangeryan Wrote:
(Oct. 18, 2011  6:07 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Well, its true that XF and WF provide extremely powerful movement, but the so called 'Tornado Attack' that Tornado Herculeo performs in the Tornado Stadium is unique.
But yes, it would move quite fast with WF and XF, though.
Wait wait wait. Tornado herculeo is now good?! Can someone pls give me an answer...

only in the tornado attack stadium, as it has a 'unique' attack movement
(Oct. 19, 2011  3:18 AM)gibsonmac Wrote: What was this released in/as

[Image: T01500150_0150015010771594220.jpg]

Another very rare CoroCoro-lottery Beyblade that nobody will ever see. That was just someone's personal recolour of a Meteo L Drago, not the official one.
Does a worn out R2F move slower than a brand new RF
(Oct. 19, 2011  3:18 AM)gibsonmac Wrote: What was this released in/as

[Image: T01500150_0150015010771594220.jpg]
(Oct. 19, 2011  2:40 AM)powerangeryan Wrote:
(Oct. 18, 2011  6:07 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: Well, its true that XF and WF provide extremely powerful movement, but the so called 'Tornado Attack' that Tornado Herculeo performs in the Tornado Stadium is unique.
But yes, it would move quite fast with WF and XF, though.
Wait wait wait. Tornado herculeo is now good?! Can someone pls give me an answer...

only in the tornado attack stadium, as it has a 'unique' attack movement
Ok... Is it good for anything else ? What about the staium? Is it better than the extreme stadium?

Well, Kai-V said that Tornado/Cyclone Herculeo has great beauty value, but no collective/competitive value. So yeah.
The tornado stadium is fun to play in at times, but you wouldn't be able to test things out in that. Also, its TOO expensive!
Its Ok, since you can get the Tornado Herculeo part in Lynx Random boosters and the 105 F in other beys.
(Oct. 19, 2011  3:07 PM)天翔翼 TenshouYoku Wrote: Its Ok, since you can get the Tornado Herculeo part in Lynx Random boosters and the 105 F in other beys.

The beautiful orange Heracleo is only with Tornado Heracleo though.
It is quite fun to play in an extreme stadium seeing Herculeo perform its Tornado attack though. If you are relly in with beyblade by cyclone herculeo to complete a collection. Otherwise don't