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BillyBlast, Killer Beafowl has the widest tip, EWD (Eternal Wide Defence) thats why its part of the Maximum series
(Jun. 19, 2011  5:33 PM)BillyBlast Wrote: What us Killer Beafowls Part in the Maximum Series

Screw is Upper
Basalt is Weight
230 is Height
Hell BD145 is Diameter
Killer Beafowl is Non Competitiveness
Where the heck does Beafowl fit in this the most changable Spin Track the Least Losing Balance almost Sharp tip?

Well, its 'maximum' stat was its Stamina... Even though it was proved that it was just BAD for Stamina......
Also, how in the world were TT to know that Beafowl was gonna become such a BAD bey? They released it, we tested it, and termed it as BAD. Still, it will still stay in the Maximum Series, as it was released as a part of it by TT, and we can't change it...
btw, EWD has found some use when combined with Basalt... So, its not completely useless.

NightWolf- Really? Are you sure? I thought it was Stamina......
Is performance tip Wide Defense good for spin stealing?
(Jun. 19, 2011  5:42 PM)ReconNinja95 Wrote: Is performance tip Wide Defense good for spin stealing?

When used with LLD(Lightning L Drago) and MLD(Meteo L Drago), I think yes, its great.
EWD isn't that bad, Janstarblast. It's generally on par with WD, slightly easier to KO with same-spin combo's, but can sometimes be a bit more difficult for opposite spin, depending on the combo. It's a perfectly good part.

Nightwolf, it's not the "Widest" tip. It's the same size as a WD/W2D... Don't know where that came from.

And yeah, Killer Beafowl is Maximum Stamina.

EWD and UW145, it's unique parts (along with the CW, of course), aren't the best, but EWD isn't bad, hell, if WD didn't exist, it probably would have been the best stamina tip when released. UW145 has found uses in tourneys, a few users like it, and do quite well with it, though I haven't found it to be much use for my combo's as yet.
It was supposed to the widest tip, I believe. Are you sure, because I don't have the measurements, but it seemed to be larger. Could you measure it and get back to me?
(Jun. 19, 2011  5:50 PM)th!nk Wrote: EWD isn't that bad, Janstarblast. It's generally on par with WD, slightly easier to KO with same-spin combo's, but can sometimes be a bit more difficult for opposite spin, depending on the combo. It's a perfectly good part.

Nightwolf, it's not the "Widest" tip. It's the same size as a WD/W2D... Don't know where that came from.

And yeah, Killer Beafowl is Maximum Stamina.

Oh, sorry... I meant that Killer Beafowl is bad, not EWD Stupid. In the end, I mentioned that EWD suddenly found some use with Basalt... I planned to explain it all to him, if he inquired further... Tongue_out Well, better late than never!

History of EWD-

1.When released- Thought to be a bad part, too easy to KO during battles. Not a competitive part.

2.Further Testing- May be put to use. Good stamina, on par with WD.

3. BeyDays 2011- Part of various winning combos. The time when it was discovered that EWD's 'easy to KO' problems have a solution. That solution is Basalt.
The heavy weight of Basalt cuts down the problem of easy KO by a reasonable margin.
(Jun. 19, 2011  5:44 PM)Janstarblast Wrote:
(Jun. 19, 2011  5:42 PM)ReconNinja95 Wrote: Is performance tip Wide Defense good for spin stealing?

When used with LLD(Lightning L Drago) and MLD(Meteo L Drago), I think yes, its great.

Thanx for your help!!!
jan: Fair enough. I dunno, we always considered it "on par with or close to" WD. And in reverse spin, it has interesting effects, methinks it's marginally harder to KO than WD. Basalt helps a bit, though, yes. What were those combinations it was used in, by the way?

NightWolf: I lack a ruler (my sister pretty much steals all the house stationery for school or craft, it's bloody ridiculous. I need my own set), but that's never, ever, been said, and from lining them up right here, they are identical size-wise. Height wise, EWD is slightly taller if you point it downwards, as the tip slips down, but when on a surface, or upside down, they are identical again. I just checked all this myself
Ah, I stand corrected. By the maximum series, I thought they meant that it was physically the maximum (height weight angle etc.) but I guess Killer Beafowl was just the maximum stamina, though I don't really understand that...
Well, with a bearing, it should have maximum stamina (as it's "Eternal"). However, as it's just a plastic thingy, it has too much friction to really work. An NSK bearing, like in plastics, would kick butt. Basically, you want to look into it on beywiki. The zombie article may help, as may some wolborg articles. IDK.

And nah, they're not all physical. Screw is meant to have the maximum "upper attack". It's got great upwards smash, but yeah, upper attack isn't a physical property like weight/height. Meh.
Does the color of a tip or spin track mean anything? like this:
[Image: BeyPartTipWDReda_MED.jpg]
[Image: BeyPartTipWDBrowna_MED.jpg]
Just that a different dye was used in the plastic. No performance difference at all. Often, metallic gold/silver/bronze parts are made for special event prize combo's (usually the most recent Pegasis, in that colour). But even then, gold/silver parts aren't always exclusive (Vulcan Horuseus 145D comes with a gold track and tip).
Thats good because i have 3 different WD's and i was afraid that they may have different perfomances
Yeah, the only difference in perfomance between two identical parts will be wear, as WD (and basically any tip) get worn (worn down in WD's case), it's tip becomes duller, meaning there's more friction, and therefore less stamina. They are so common, that it's not usually worth worrying about. But being the obsessive I am, I keep a spare/fresh one.
Ahh thanks but ive never seen a WD get worn down. How long does it take for it to get worn down?
Worn down? I don't know. It's more of a "dulling" than any kind of wearing flat, hah. You'll see it if you compare a fresh WD to a well used one. I don't know the exact number of battles it takes to get worn, it'd be variable. But after even one battle, there would be a tiny amount of wear. But once you've used a WD a LOT, you definitely notice it.
dude you sound like a WD expert or something.
(Jun. 19, 2011  7:53 PM)SpinStealer Wrote: dude you sound like a WD expert or something. What is your fav bey tip?

Uh ... there isn't anyone like WD expert ... its just that their knowledge of Beyblade is high. You have to ask him via PM what his favorite Bey is , don't SPAM here.

Not trying to be rude.
(Jun. 19, 2011  7:55 PM)Zed Wrote:
(Jun. 19, 2011  7:53 PM)SpinStealer Wrote: dude you sound like a WD expert or something. What is your fav bey tip?
Dang that was stupid of me. Edits made.

Uh ... there isn't anyone like WD expert ... its just that their knowledge of Beyblade is high. You have to ask him via PM what his favorite Bey is , don't SPAM here.

Not trying to be rude.
whats the thread or post that has a list of all spin tracks and tips
Try reading your introductory PM (which, from your posting history, I'm guessing you didn't bother to read), or doing a little search work yourself, before being so lazy and asking others to do the work for you.

While you're at it, re-read the forum rules and such. Maybe it'll save me the pain I feel every time you post.
Is this legal?
I doubt it, I don't think that's "intended use" (as scythe is a single part, consisting of it's Metal and PC frame) but unless a mod answers that sometime soon, you might ask in the rule clarifications thread to point it out, at least.
To be legal, it'd probably need to be indicated in the product manual etc.

When you do (and keep this in mind for future posts), explain exactly what "this" is, so others don't have to watch the video to work it out, as I did. Consider other people when making posts, as a general rule. You're asking them to take the effort to answer your question (for free), so you should make an effort to make it as easy as possible for them to do so (because they don't HAVE to answer it, they do it out of good will).

A more thoughtful person would have Wrote:Is swapping the PC Frame of Scythe for another (Such as Big Bang's or Beat's) Legal? As This Video shows, they fit perfectly.
How to Remove A Stuck Metal Face Heavy Cause I Tried Doing What I Usually Do But it Won't Even Move Up.