
As All Things Should Be

  Toronto, Ontario (ON)
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Tournament Results
High Park Nature Center
375 Colborne Lodge Dr
  Enter park via Bloor St W. entrance and drive down Colborne Lodge Dr. We'll be playing outside on the grass in front of the High Park Nature Centre.
3:00 PM on 09/25/2022
Hosted by
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Metal Fight Limited

A limited amount of official Metal Fight/Fusion gear can be used.

View Rulebook


One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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0 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

Join the Toronto Beyblade community for a 1-on-1 Metal Fight Limited Format tournament at High Park on September 25th, 2022, 3PM.

Credit to Dan for providing the picture of Libra and Dark Knight for the tournament logo.

MUST READ: COVID-19 Recommendations in Effect
Due to COVID-19, all tournament participants and attendees are recommended to abide by the recommendations outlined and linked in full detail below.

1. Feeling unwell? Stay at home.
2. Wear a Mask or Face Covering.
3. Thumbs Up Instead of Handshakes
4. Do Not Lend or Play with Others Equipment
5. During Beyblade Inspection, Disassemble Beyblades for Judges
6. Do Not Bring More Than 1 Person With You
7. Maintain Physical Distancing (2 meters/6 feet apart)
8. After each Match Judges Should Disinfect Stadium
9. Only Bladers Registered Before the Tournament Day may Participate.
10. Eliminated from the tournament? You should leave the tournament area.

Please see additional event information and any local or federal requirements below. 

The health and safety of each participant in this event will be our top priority. We expect all participants to abide by any requirements outlined on the page linked below.

This event is being hosted in accordance with the WBO's COVID-19 event recommendations outlined above, as well as:
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!

Check-in, Registration & Participant Limit (20) Details

Tournament Check-in Details
  • Check-in begins at 2:30PM.
  • Check-in ends at 3:00PM. We will begin the tournament shortly thereafter, if not immediately. 
  • The tournament start time maybe delayed as a result of the prior Burst Standard tournament.
  • See more details under the "Need-to-Know Information" section at the bottom.
Registration & Participant Limit Details
  • This tournament has a maximum participant limit of 20 players.
  • If you are certain you can make it, please hit the blue JOIN TOURNAMENT button at the top of this page to register confirm your spot! 
  • Once 20 players have registered, you will not be able to enter the tournament.
  • As such, only users registered on the list at the top of the event page can participate in the tournament. No exceptions.
  • If you are unable to make it to the event, DO NOT hit the "Join Tournament" button. If you need to withdraw, hit the UNJOIN/LEAVE TOURNAMENT button.
  • If something unexpected comes up last minute and you cannot come, please post in this thread. Any players who sign up on this thread and do not show up without any prior notice will receive a warning in accordance with our Community Rules.


We'll likely be playing outside, in the gazebo attached to the front of the High Park Nature Centre. 

This means that if you're coming to High Park via the Bloor St W entrance, follow Colborne Lodge Dr. down until you'll see the large gazebo on the left-hand side. Check the red pin on the map image below if you're still unsure. 

If we aren't in the gazebo out front or on the grass, check behind the Nature Centre as well, as there is another gazebo there.

[Image: 729ea0d9b8e209a1e60c6aa10aa4f507.png]

If you have any questions about the location, time, or date, please feel free to post about it below. 

Any updates to the venue location or rescheduling will be posted by me on the morning-of, at the latest. If you see nothing posted to the contrary, assume everything is continuing as outlined here.

NOTE: Public washrooms can be found just west of the Bloor St W entrance of High Park. There are no public washrooms available at the High Park Nature Centre. Do not knock on their door asking to enter. They don't like that.

Tournament Info

The First Stage of this tournament will be played using the 1v1 Battle Format. The Final Stage will be played using WBO Deck Format.

We will be playing Metal Fight Limited, the banlist to which can be found here:

In short, the banned parts are any Zero-G beyblades configured into a synchrome (beyblades making use of two chrome wheels), all 4D wheels except Jade, the Dark Knight/Ronin crystal/element wheel, the Basalt and Hell fusion wheels, the Hasbro Metal Fury version of the Scythe fusion wheel, the metal system Libra wheel, the E230, SP230, SA165, and BD145 spin tracks, and the RDF performance tip.
All other parts within the metal fight system are eligible for use.

Tournament Bracket on Challonge

[Image: bRO7nah.png]

As always, during the tournament while we cannot give you a set time for when your next match will take place, you are welcome to follow along with the tournament bracket on Challonge. Challonge is the management tool we use to run the event.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

This event has been approved.
How many combos can we bring in a deck???
(Sep. 10, 2022  9:30 PM)CelesReturner Wrote: How many combos can we bring in a deck???

One combo for first stage. Ideally have up to three of you make it into finals.
will anybody be selling any MFB or accessories? looking for a white grip launcher, lighting L-Drago, Rock Leone,
Ray Unicorno Performance tip, etc. hmu!
(Sep. 12, 2022  5:22 PM)BladerDJRJ Wrote: will anybody be selling any MFB or accessories? looking for a white grip launcher, lighting L-Drago, Rock Leone,
Ray Unicorno Performance tip, etc. hmu!

As of now, not that I know of.
Hold on. Is Dark Knight allowed now???
(Sep. 13, 2022  8:13 PM)CelesReturner Wrote: Hold on. Is Dark Knight allowed now???

No, neither is the Libra Wheel.
How many rounds for this tournament?
Hello everybody - here are the Challonge links for following along during the tournament:

A quick reminder that we will be playing the Metal Fight Limited format, the rules to which can be found in the main Metal Fight Format Rules:

See you all this afternoon!

Hey everyone - we might end up starting the event late. The burst event is taking a little longer to start than anticipated, and we can't start with MFB until Burst is done.
Should I bring an extra stadium? I have a black burst bb-10
Proper challonge links: (Went from group round robin to round robin so a second bracket had to be created)
This matches for event have now been processed.