[Answered]  Team Sacred Bladers

Who wants to join my team, the sacred Bladers! I just created this team today. And since we are all across the U.S. and I understand it is hard to drive from one state and back to your home. So instead of actual meetings, we can do zoom meetings and show eachother battles and combos and stuff. I we team members happen to be at the same tournament then we can train together.
Wrong forum you should’ve made it in the teams forum under communities
Wait, sorry ignore this thread I’m already on a team
Where is everyone?

Oh, sorry wrong thread.
(Sep. 10, 2020  10:47 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: Who wants to join my team, the sacred Bladers! I just created this team today. And since we are all across the U.S. and I understand it is hard to drive from one state and back to your home. So instead of actual meetings, we can do zoom meetings and show eachother battles and combos and stuff. I we team members happen to be at the same tournament then we can train together.

Uhhhhhh, that’s EXACTLY my idea