the blue beyblade in the left corner is known as ifrit, It is very goood in attack power, but be carrefull it has veryy low stamina. For this bey it would be best to learn how to do the rush launch here is the link for the tutorial the red bey looks like it is part of the l-drago generation. but I do not know for sure
. The yello one is called Virgo it is good foor stamina battles it is very weak in my opinion I go mostly with defense types. such as wild wyveron from the new burst series. Virgo is used most for sleepout battles " never use virgo against a defense beyblade such as gravity destroyer". the white one I think is like a blitz unicornio bey that one i do not know. if you want to know more you can just goo to this wiki about beyblades of all generations
I hope this article helped you