[Answered]  How much is TT Sunlight Gold Apollon worth? + a trading question

Answered by a lovely person over PM. ^_^

It's looking like I may have to part with one of my spare collection pieces. :( Edit: Since I did get a question about why I'd be selling something I was so happy to find, I'll clarify I ended up with two, aha...

Unfortunately I haven't followed Plastic-gen prices well enough over the years to know a solid going price for a NIB/NIP Sunlight Gold Apollon. I've seen it sell between $200CAD to $600+CAD over the course of nine months actively following Plastic pricing. There's a huge gap in what they sell for, to say the least, and it's unlikely I'll turn to eBay to sell.

Plastic collectors who've been around for a while, what's a solid price for this bey that isn't ridiculous scalper tier or unintentionally low-balling myself, if it comes down to me needing to sell it?

In terms of trading if I decide to go that route, is it fair to myself and any potential swapper to ask for an NIB/NIP Apollon/Appolon G, Venusian G, or Ocean Wrath G? Or am I kidding myself with attempting to trade for any of those three, or getting into a "bad" trade on my end?

All views and advice would be greatly appreciated!