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Country: Canada Registration Date: Dec. 11, 2017 Birthday: May. 22, 1990 (34 years old)

I'm an older blader excited to return to the scene with Burst and complete some plastic and HMS collections. c: You're never "too old" for hobbies like this. More about me? – I got into Beyblade way back when the Bakuten Shoot dub first aired as a kid, have loved Beyblade as a whole ever since, and finally decided to join some communities late last year after many years of hiatus. – I'm not too great a player, still pretty new to the gameplay aspect, but am constantly learning & trying to improve. I'd really love to participate in some tournaments eventually. – Favourite BSB season is G-Rev and I adore all of Burst; Cho-Z might be my fav Burst season so far. I enjoy discussing plot, characterization, etc, if you ever wanna hit me up for that! – Currently more of a collector than a player. I keep my Burst collection up to date while hunting Plastic-gen and HMS. If you wanna discuss collections or beyhunting, again feel free to hit me up. – Justice Five beys are my absolute favourite out of my current collection. I didn't end up selling my soul or ridiculous amounts of cash to find Apollon, thanks to WBO! I still might be the only Garland fan out there, pfft. Misc: I'm a figure collector three detolfs deep into the hobby, massive Digimon fan, writer & gamer (mostly Overwatch on PC and PS4 atm). Also a woman, not that it should matter, just an FYI as getting mistaken for a dude becomes tiresome. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If you're ever in the KW/Cambridge/Guelph area, I've got a couple stadiums and would be happy to play. As shy as I am, I'm always looking to make new friends. May have to head down to Toronto to some tournaments one day! Please PM for my Discord info if you'd like to chat over an IM platform, or WhatsApp if mobile is better. I'd prefer having chatted some in PM before giving my number for WhatsApp.

Tournament History

sonyat hasn't participated in any recent tournaments.