So I've been digging through the wiki, reading up on the different parts and considering various combos, and saw pictures of the 0 disc in red, yellow, and purple. Are these authentic forge discs in these colors? If so, do they come as a part of special releases or is there some random chance that I will open my pack and see a different colored forge disc? Hoping to get some clarity and not some smug answer. I've been doing my due diligence in researching independently so I'm asking because I want one.
[Answered] Different colored forge discs
They will often release official painted discs in larger sets. For example, the Legend Star Bey Set has a Black 0. I believe Gold and Purple are available too, perhaps Red. Yeah, they're authentic. But they come with special releases, and not randomly.
The purple 0 came from the Cho-Z bey Shadow αmaterios 0 Xtreme'
(Mar. 13, 2020 8:46 PM)MajestiqMike Wrote: So I've been digging through the wiki, reading up on the different parts and considering various combos, and saw pictures of the 0 disc in red, yellow, and purple. Are these authentic forge discs in these colors? If so, do they come as a part of special releases or is there some random chance that I will open my pack and see a different colored forge disc? Hoping to get some clarity and not some smug answer. I've been doing my due diligence in researching independently so I'm asking because I want one.
Usually special releases. A recent example would be WBBA Union Diabolos. Comes with a red 00 disc.
(Mar. 13, 2020 8:46 PM)MajestiqMike Wrote: So I've been digging through the wiki, reading up on the different parts and considering various combos, and saw pictures of the 0 disc in red, yellow, and purple. Are these authentic forge discs in these colors? If so, do they come as a part of special releases or is there some random chance that I will open my pack and see a different colored forge disc? Hoping to get some clarity and not some smug answer. I've been doing my due diligence in researching independently so I'm asking because I want one.
Usually the painted discs are known in limited edition sets. For example, the gold 0 discs are from Forneus and Requiem, the Purple one from Yamiterios (or Shadow Amaterios), red from Emperor forneus (or flame axe Requiem), and the black 0 from the Star set.