4d takara

I need the following USED beyblades :Mercury anubis, kreis cygnus, beat lynx, blitz unicorno, omega dragonis, wing pegasus, l drago guardian, jade jupiter, bandid goreim, gladiator bahmdia, dranzer g, draciel g, driger v2, twisted tempo, flame sagittario, flame libra..please PM me if you sell some of them
I really really think @[ashton pinto] has some 4D on his selling list Grin
I actually sold a lot of them. I have a lot of HWS beys though
4D you can try ebay, most are on the range of 20$ excluding random boosters
I have hell kerbecs
Check out my selling thread Smile
I have a Hell Kerbed for sale; it's on my selling thread if you interested on seeing images of the condition of the bey
If you are interested in buying then please do send me a PM telling me the country you live in and the currency you use; then we can work out a price!^-^
This thread will be locked on DRAGOG's request, as will his Hms beyblade thread. Please let us know if you'd like us to unlock any of the two, DRAGOG. Smile