[New York, New York] 02/19 - Spiral Grand Prix




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Name: Spiral Grand Prix
Date: February 19th, 2012
Venue: Central Park South in Heckscher Playground
To get to Central Park south, you can take the R, N or Q train and get off at Fifth avenue and 59th street. Also, you can take the ABCD1 trains to 59th st. Columbus Circle

[Image: fef1xh.jpg]
[Image: 2vjy90g.jpg]

* Meet up at 59th St. Columbus Circle at 11:00am underneath the giant globe.
* Head to Heckscher Playground to set up along with practice and free play at 12:00pm. Registration will take place at this time.
* Official tournament starts at around 12:30.

Like all official WBO tournaments, there will be a $5 entrance fee if you don't have a Blader's Passport. You can buy one at the tournament for $10. As you know it allows you to enter any tournament for the next year without paying the fee, as well as giving you the chance to participate in whatever contests or giveaways the WBO may offer.

Prizes include:
2x Random Booster 9
1x Kreis Cygnus
1x Metal Assist
2x Metal Face II

Blader List:
Cye Kinomiya
Kaji Motomiya
shadow x 9365
Cyber Blader

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Finally someone stands and Host again! Where the tournament queen go!?
Fantastic news! Smile

There is a chance that I might be able to make this one...

I am not confirmed yet but will update when/if I am!

EDIT: I'm confirmed!
I'm coming!
(Feb. 10, 2012  9:43 PM)Andy12 Wrote: I hope I can come, post when I find out! lso what is the fee and prizes!

The entry fee is simply five dollars, but you can also purchase a Blader Passport at the event for ten dollars, and you will have free entry to all of our events in a year, plus you will be allowed to enter the monthly giveaways for Passport Holders only.
oh, I thuoght he might have a separate cost aside from the wbo fee. I have a passport! But what aout prizes
(Feb. 10, 2012  9:57 PM)Andy12 Wrote: oh, I thuoght he might have a separate cost aside from the wbo fee. I have a passport! But what aout prizes
That is up to Cye :]

I can definitely do March 2nd or 3rd and I can bring at least 2 people with me
(Feb. 11, 2012  12:30 AM)killjimmy Wrote: I can definitely do March 2nd or 3rd and I can bring at least 2 people with me

The official tournament date is February 19. Can you make that?
I'll be there since I haven't been in a tournement for a long time
(Feb. 10, 2012  9:57 PM)Andy12 Wrote: oh, I thuoght he might have a separate cost aside from the wbo fee. I have a passport! But what aout prizes

Since the tournament is so soon I'll be buying a bunch of Hasbro prizes. There's not enough time to ship TT stuff.
Oh, sweet! My parents like Central Park more, so consider me a maybe for now. Hopefully I can see you guys there! Let's get an HMS tournament going too!
Unfortunately, I can't make this, sorry everyone I am up in school in Binghamton. I hope everyone has fun, and good luck to those looking to win
I'll try my best to make it there.
I wish there was enough interest for an HMS tourney! Anyway, you guys try turning those maybe's into definitely.
Where it going to be in central park?

Heckscher Playground
ill make it if someone could lend me some HMS parts and im down for any tournament
Oh nice i will be attending this one!!!!......but at what time?when does it start and when does it end?is this going to be a mfb tournament?or HMS?
Guys, it's an MFB tournament. Not enough people have HMS parts. The time will be posted once this gets an official thread. We need enough confirmed attendees first. It will likely start around noon with registration starting at 11:00am
Can you take me with you please

Cause we know my mom is not going that far for a beyblade tournament

If so then count me in!
I maybe going depending on what time my train leaves.
I should be able to go. The 18th/19th is my free day, and I need to exercise my passport more.

This is also my chance in testing my standings with non-Attack combos. I just need to research a little more using the parts I have.
I might be able to come.