Got Wolf today!

I see where Anubis is coming from. And since what Brad said is true, that there are many good attack-type parts out there, I see it as more of a reason to use Defense. While I don't actually use Defense, I can definitely see the usefulness of it, since so many people out there use either Zombies or Attack Types. I just hope that MFB releases a phenomenal Defense part, since HMS failed to do so.
(Oct. 09, 2008  1:47 AM)Grey Wrote: I see where Anubis is coming from. And since what Brad said is true, that there are many good attack-type parts out there, I see it as more of a reason to use Defense. While I don't actually use Defense, I can definitely see the usefulness of it, since so many people out there use either Zombies or Attack Types. I just hope that MFB releases a phenomenal Defense part, since HMS failed to do so.

Why do you bring up Zombies here? Defense would be terrible against them.

Also, no phenomenal HMS Defense parts? Rubber Weight Core, Bearing Core 2, God Ring, Metal Ape? There were lots of great HMS Defense parts released.
welll sorry I gotta get in on this..
-I can't remeber who brought this up, but sometime this summer somebody brought a similar argument up...

I agree with what Spinster said.
But My opinion would go as far as to say that Defence is simply a property that attack and endurance parts can share. IMO I don't really think of it as a type anymore.
It ain't a Player In tha Game.(for now anyway)

I imagine a sorta bar/slider: Attack 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Survival
Defence, sliding around the middle, pulls tendancies from both but Imo dosen't have its own. Movement is somewhere between roaming(atk.) or nothing(sur.), while the spin time is in the middle too. They can have an advantage on the mass side of things, tending to be heavier.

Let me state that against an Attacker, Hell Yesssss I'll use an attacker.

Sure I'm taking my chances, but say in TA or TAS I'd say your taking a bigger chance using defense. Especially in an HMS play, to be relatively slow moving is an extreme disadvantage against the inertia attackers wield.
As for TB I wouldn't even bother with defense, survivial all the way. Course dosen't mean I wouldn't use BC2 for some D.

Besides the lack of strong parts that Spinster mentions, I would add that there simply isn't a stadium that benifits Defense "types" to the effect that TA(s) does for Attack or TB for Suvivial. Even trying to imagine one only leads me to think that Survivial would only do better, including against Attack types.

NOTE: FYI spinster you ment Moment of Inertia Spinster in you first post.
(Oct. 09, 2008  7:59 AM)Blue Wrote: Besides the lack of strong parts that Spinster mentions, I would add that there simply isn't a stadium that benifits Defense "types" to the effect that TA(s) does for Attack or TB for Suvivial. Even trying to imagine one only leads me to think that Survivial would only do better, including against Attack types.

Yeah, even if you take a look at Hasbro's Vortex (oh my god a Hasbro stadium), its surface area is fairly large, and flat, and naturally you'd think that would be beneficial for Defense types (and it is), but if we assume that, we can also assume it will be beneficial for Survival, which can have Defensive attributes incorporated into the custom.

However, I'm really not sure what to say about this whole argument. I don't think we can dismiss Defense this easily.
kei I'll ask you to back that up.? just a shot

fyi I find this discussion the most interesting in awhile
What exactly do you want me to back up? That a Survival combo can have Defensive attributes? Here:

AR: Tiger Defense
WD: Wide Defense
SG: Right SG (Bearing Version 2)
SP: Defense Ring
BB: Customize Grip Base

AR: Circle Upper
WD: CWD God Ring
RC: Bearing Core w/ worn tip
I don't see the purpose of this discussion. Original topic was about Wolf. We should move this to a topic on Defence instead.

Anyway, I am very strongly opposed to "defence" alone. Anubis makes good "defence" bey. But they are not purely defence, for the most part, from what I can remember, right? They're somewhere between defence and survival.