Cool Looking Bey Combos

Hi members of the WBO,

Here you can discuss cool looking bey combos, the best thing about this thread is that the combos you post dont have to be competitive and you dont have to test them. Well, you can if you want to.

Here are my cool combos

Galaxy(Non-Painted) Unicorno(Unicorno I) 85(Light Blue Translucent) RF(Turquoise Translucent)

Hell(TT Gold) Kerbecs(BB-99) BD145(Black Translucent) LF(Black Opaque from Meteo L-Drago in Triple Battle Set)

Make sure to give specific details on all parts(Even Metal Face when included, include color for Metal Face)
PS; No fake parts in any combos but I will make exceptions for full metal tips. Please no other than metal tips, I am being nice and I will not report you're post, however, I will prompt you to edit your post. Thank you
Since this isn't combinations to use shouldn't this be put in BeyBlade General?And I think there is already a thread for this there.
Yeah, there is already a thread for this in beyblade general. It is called Your Re-Paints and Special Customization's.