Beyblade Videos

If you Live in Canada run tomorrow to Costco before they disappear the $19.99 package of Legends .

Oh yes, I saw those on Wednesday by accident, but I found that none of the two sets was really worth the purchase, what with the two bad stadiums included in each set ... Too bad though, it could have been a godsend, hah.
The total real Value is Over $85.00 even if you don't like the stadiums one 2 pack and 2 Hyperblade legends are worth $50.00, by the way , we don't work for Costco or get commission...
If I were to see that, I'd buy a bunch... Never had those Beys, I'd probably buy enough sets to have each bey they're selling. But what to do with all the extra stadiums... I wonder if anyone has gotten creative with extra stadiums..
Actually The ones we bought 2 are for giveaways and the other ones we are giving for donation for the poor as we do for Holiday Drive in a couple weeks, like we did in the last 3 years.

Wow, immensely generous of you guys.
We do our share, to help when we can afford for the most unfortunate.

We have a ton of stuff this year besides some of the Costco Stuff.
Here is a giveaway for Wyvern and Odin!

Random Booster Hype!!!! I wonder what I'll pull.

check out an epic new beybattle between wyvern and deathsyther that i just made ! let me know what you think below or in the video comments section
(Nov. 11, 2015  10:19 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: Why so blue?
oh it was a black light lol but i guess with the other light it came out supr blue, i kinda like it like that though

another epic beybattle this time wyvern vs valkryire let me know what you guys think
battle Smile
I love this battle Grin So exciting! Can't wait to upload Odin vs Valkyire, it was definitely something haha!

(Nov. 12, 2015  12:24 AM)1234beyblade Wrote: I love this battle Grin So exciting! Can't wait to upload Odin vs Valkyire, it was definitely something haha!

R.I.P your BeyLauncher...

Also, that double burst!!! So cool.
Beyblade Burst ベイブレードバースト B-00 WBBA Black Spriggan Limited Battle2 vs Trident Heavy Claw

Part1 today and Part 2 Tomorrow. Enjoy