Best Face So Far

My fav faces so far have to be Aquila, Cyber Pegasis, Unicorno, Aries and Virgo
Unicorno on top
Aries second.
Then in no particular order: Aquila, Quetz, Perseus, Metal Face Blaze Version.
phoenix looks awesome with all the flames
Leone all the way!!! Joyful_3
I love, aries, libra, and pegasus 105rf, storm aquario and l drago Smile
Just how the the 2 bow and arrows become eyes is amazing ;D
Quetz 2, Pegasis 1, Pegasis 3, Perseus, Aquario 2, Wolf 2, Virgo 1, Virgo 2, and... Hm, that's it.
storm pegasus, ray unicorno, galaxy pegasis, rock leon, and dark bull.
saggitario and libra are awsome and the ketos face is cool, also metal face!
Definitely Sagittario's face Grin
The eyes are too cool to handle.
Libra comes a close second.
My favorite face is the L drago
the second Ldrago face
I'm leaning more to the Counter Leone face now, followed by Pegasis, L Drago and Unicorno
My favorite is either Rock leone or unicornio.
Cyber Pegasis, Pegasis 2, Pegasis 3 and Aquila.
my favorite face is orso's face i really dont know why maby because it has a sorta evil teddy bear look
bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull!!!
either aquario or sagittario in my opinion i love how aquario's is a water balloon making a fist lol
mine is capricorn, then wolf, then l-drago Tongue_out