World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Printable Version

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Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - marutti - Nov. 11, 2020

I'll upload video on my ch little by little and check it please
Battle Field: Dash bey stadium
Launcher: Long Sparking Beylauncher L and R
Use bey: All stock combo
Qualified Tournament: Single, Dual, God, ChoZ, GT, Sparking, Bakuten and MFB
Final Tournament: First Prize from each season.
1 Battle only in each game.
Prize: Right to buy new stadium(only shipping)
How do you deside winner?: vote your favorite bey in each season.(each bey has 1pt)
and vote Final winner bey(3 points)
Who guess most season will be winner.
when you vote please 
Single winner is
Dual winner is
God winner is
ChoZ winner is
GT winner is 
Sparking winner is
Bakuten winner is 
MFB winner is
Final winner is

Single Tournament is
                                      ┌─  オーディン.C.B
              │  └─  デスサイザー.O.A
          │  └─  ネプチューン.A.Z
      │  │  ┌─  ワイバーン.A.M
      │  └─┤
      │      └─  トライデント.H.C
  │  │      ┌─  ラグナルク.H.S
  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  └─  ミノボロス.O.Q
  │  └─┤
  │      │  ┌─  カオス.O.G
  │      └─┤
  │          └─  ケルベウス.C.D
  │          ┌─  ヴァルキリー.W.A
  │      ┌─┤
  │      │  └─  アマテリオス.α.α
  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  ┌─  スプリガン.S.F
  │  │  └─┤
  │  │      └─  ユニコーン.R.D
      │      ┌─  ホルスード.S.E
      │  ┌─┤
      │  │  └─  ユグドラシル.R.G
          │  ┌─  エクスカリバー.F.X
              └─  イビルアイ.W.N

Dual Tournament
                ┌─  クアッドケツァルカトル.J.P
              │  └─  イクシードイビルアイ.G.At
          │  └─  オベリスクオーディン.T.X
      │  │      ┌─  ファングフェンリル.B.J
      │  │  ┌─┤
      │  │  │  └─  ライジングラグナルク.G.R
      │  └─┤
      │      └─  マッドミノボロス.Q.Q
  │  │          ┌─  ジェイルヨルムンガンド.I.Cy
  │  │      ┌─┤
  │  │      │  └─  イェーガーユグドラシル.G.Y
  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  └─  サイキックファントム.P.W
  │  └─┤
  │      │      ┌─  ビクトリーヴァルキリー.B.V
  │      │  ┌─┤
  │      │  │  └─  バルドゥール.β.β
  │      └─┤
  │          └─  アシッドアヌビス.Y.O
  │              ┌─  ワイルドワイバーン.V.O
  │          ┌─┤
  │          │  └─  ストームスプリガン.K.U
  │      ┌─┤
  │      │  └─  ジリオンゼウス.I.W
  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │      ┌─  ノヴァネプチューン.V.T
  │  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  │  └─  ゼノエクスカリバー.M.I
  │  │  └─┤
  │  │      └─  インフェルノイフリート.M.L
      │          ┌─  ダークデスサイザー.F.J
      │      ┌─┤
      │      │  └─  ホーリーホルスード.U.C
      │  ┌─┤
      │  │  └─  ロストロンギヌス.N.Sp
          │      ┌─  ギガントガイア.Q.F
          │  ┌─┤
          │  │  └─  カイザーケルベウス.L.P
              └─  アンロックユニコーン.D.N

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]God Tournament[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]                  ┌─  ブレイズラグナルク.4C.Fl[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]              ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]              │  └─  デュオエクリプス.7S.U[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │  │  ┌─  トルネードワイバーン.4G.At[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │      └─  スプリガンレクエイム.0.Zt(left)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │      ┌─  デュオアルテミス.7S.U[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │  │  └─  ギャラクシーゼウス.4M.Pl[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │      │  ┌─  レジェンドスプリガン.7.Mr(Right)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │      └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │          └─  デュオアポロス.7S.U[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │          ┌─  ナイトメアロンギヌス.Ds[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │      ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │      │  └─  アークバハムート.2B.At[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │  │  ┌─  ジークエクスカリバー.1.Ir[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │      └─  ツインネメシス.3H.Ul(Upper)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │      ┌─  ガーディアンケルベウス.H.R[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │  │  └─  オリハルコン.Ω.Ω[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │          │  ┌─  ビートククルカン.7U.Hn[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │          └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │              └─  ブラストジニウス.5G.Gr[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │              ┌─  ツインネメシス.3H.Ul(smash)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │          ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │          │  └─  クライスサタン.2G.Lp[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │  │  ┌─  ディープカオス.4F.Br[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │      │      └─  レジェンドスプリガン.7.Mr(left)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │      ┌─  キラーデスサイザー.2V.Hn[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  │  │  └─  アルタークロノス.6M.T(Balance)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │      │  ┌─  マキシマムガルーダ。8F.Fl[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │      └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  │  │          └─  スクリュートライデント.8B,Wd[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │          ┌─  スプリガンレクエイム.0.Zt(right)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │      ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │      │  └─  アルタークロノス.6M.T(Attack)[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │  │  ┌─  撃ゴッドヴァルキリー.6S.Ul[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │  └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      │  │      └─  ゴッドヴェルキリー.6V.Rb[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │      ┌─  シャドウオリハルコン.α.β[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │  ┌─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          │  │  └─  ドレインファブニル.8.Nt[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          └─┤[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]              └─  シェルターレグルス.5S.Tw[/font]

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ChoZ Tournament[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]                  ┌─  ヘルサラマンダー.12.Op(defence)


              │  └─  ガイストファブニル.8'P.Ab


          │  │  ┌─  レフトエクリプス.11T.Z'

          │  └─┤

          │      └─  オーブイージス.Ω.Qs


      │  │      ┌─  デッドハデス.11T.Z'

      │  │  ┌─┤

      │  │  │  └─  エンペラーフォルネウス.0.Yr

      │  └─┤

      │      └─  デッドフェニックス.o.At


  │  │          ┌─  ブラッディロンギヌス.13.Jl

  │  │      ┌─┤

  │  │      │  └─  レフトアポロス.11T.Z'

  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  │  ┌─  ハザードケルベウス.7.At

  │  │  │  └─┤

  │  │  │      └─  光アマテリオス.α'α.αn

  │  └─┤

  │      │      ┌─  ライトエクリプス.11T.Z'

  │      │  ┌─┤

  │      │  │  └─  超Zヴァルキリー.Z.Ev

  │      └─┤

  │          └─  闇アマテリオス.0.X'


  │              ┌─  超Zスプリガン.0W.Zt'(left)

  │          ┌─┤

  │          │  └─  エアナイト.12E.Et

  │      ┌─┤

  │      │  │  ┌─  アーチャーヘラクレス.13.Et

  │      │  └─┤

  │      │      └─  ヴァイスレオパルド.12L.Ds

  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │      ┌─  リヴァイブフェニックス.10.Fr

  │  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  │  └─  超Zアキレス.OO.Dm

  │  │  └─┤

  │  │      └─  超Zスプリガン.0W.Zt'(right)


      │          ┌─  ライトアルテミス.11T.Z'

      │      ┌─┤

      │      │  └─  ヘルサラマンダー.12.Op(attack)

      │  ┌─┤

      │  │  └─  クラッシュラグナルク.11R.Wd


          │      ┌─  Zアキレス.11.Xt

          │  ┌─┤

          │  │  └─  ウイニングヴァルキリー.12.Vl

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]              └─  バスターエクスカリバー.1'.Sw[/font]

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]GT tournament[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]                  ┌─  レガリアジェネシス.Hy


              │  └─  マスターディアボロス.Gn(Left)


          │  │  ┌─  スラッシュヴァルキリー.Bl.Pw烈

          │  └─┤

          │      └─  ビッグバンジェネシス.0.Ym(無)


      │  │      ┌─  ブシンアシュラ.Hr.Kp天

      │  │  ┌─┤

      │  │  │  └─  パーフェクトアポカリプス.0D.Ul'

      │  └─┤

      │      │  ┌─  ビッグバンジェネシス.0.Ym

      │      └─┤

      │          └─  エースドラゴン.St.Ch斬


  │  │          ┌─  ロードスプリガン.Bl.Dm'(Right)

  │  │      ┌─┤

  │  │      │  └─  イレイズディアボロス.Vn.Bl

  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  │  ┌─  マスターディアボロス.Gn(Right)

  │  │  │  └─┤

  │  │  │      └─  フレアドラゴン.Ar.Pl閃

  │  └─┤

  │      │      ┌─  ヘブンペガサス.10P.Lw閃

  │      │  ┌─┤

  │      │  │  └─  ノックアウトオーディン.12.Op'天

  │      └─┤

  │          │  ┌─  ドレッドバハムート.7W.Om幻

  │          └─┤

  │              └─  ロードスプリガン.Bl.Dm'(Left)


  │              ┌─  ベノムディアボロス.Vn.Bl

  │          ┌─┤

  │          │  └─  プライムアポカリプス.0D.Ul'

  │      ┌─┤

  │      │  │  ┌─  グランドラゴン.St,Ch斬

  │      │  └─┤

  │      │      └─  タクトロンギヌス.12E.T'双

  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │      ┌─  インペリアルドラゴン.Ig'

  │  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  │  └─  パーフェクトジェネシス.Hy

  │  │  └─┤

  │  │      │  ┌─  ユニオンアキレス.Cn.Xt+烈(Attack)

  │  │      └─┤

  │  │          └─  コスモヴァルキリー.11.Et天


      │          ┌─  ウィザードファブニル.Rt.Rs閃

      │      ┌─┤

      │      │  └─  ネイキッドスプリガン.Pr.Om天

      │  ┌─┤

      │  │  │  ┌─  ジャッジメントジョーカー.OOT.Tr斬

      │  │  └─┤

      │  │      └─  ポイズンヒュドラ.8'α.F'幻


          │      ┌─  ツヴァイロンギヌス.Dr.Sp'滅

          │  ┌─┤

          │  │  └─  ロックドラゴン.St.Ch斬

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]              └─  ユニオンアキレス.Cn.Xt+烈(Normal)[/font]

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Sparking [/font]
                                     ┌─  インフィニットアキレス.Dm' 1B


              │  └─  インフィニットアキレス.Dm' 1B(Sword)


          │  └─  グライドラグナルク.Wh.R 1S


      │  │  ┌─  キングヘリオス.Zn 1B

      │  └─┤

      │      └─  アビスディアボロス.5.F'


  │  │          ┌─  ハイペリオンバーン.超.XC'+X

  │  │      ┌─┤

  │  │      │  └─  デスディアボロス.4T.Mr' 1D

  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  └─  ブレイブソロモン.Wh.Ev' 1D

  │  └─┤

  │      │  ┌─  ファーストウラヌス.Wh.Mb 1D

  │      └─┤

  │          └─  ワールドスプリガン.U' 2B(Right)


  │              ┌─  ブレイブヴァルキリー.Ev' 2A

  │          ┌─┤

  │          │  └─  スーパーハイペリオン.Xc 1A

  │      ┌─┤

  │      │  └─  ヴァリアントルシファー.Mb 2D

  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  ┌─  カースサタン.Hr,Un 1D

  │  │  └─┤

  │  │      └─  ワールドスプリガン.U' 2B(Left)


      │          ┌─  ミラージュファブニル.Nt 2S

      │      ┌─┤

      │      │  └─  ヘリオスボルケーノ.王.Zn+Z

      │  ┌─┤

      │  │  └─  テンペストドラゴン.Cm 1A


          │  ┌─  インフィニットアキレス.7.Lp 1D(Sheild)

              └─  レイジロンギヌス.Ds' 3A

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]MFB[/font]
[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]          ┌─  ストームペガシス.10G.Qc'


      │  └─  アースアクイラ.2.Y


  │  └─  ロックレオーネ.0.M


  │      ┌─  フレイムサジタリオ.8'.C

  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  └─  ライトニングエルドラゴ.10R.Z

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]      └─  バーンフェニックス.Y.Wd[/font]

[font="Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Bakuten[/font]
              ┌─  ドライガーS.H.F
          │  └─  ウルボーグ.8.Br
      │  │  ┌─  ドランザーV.Hr,Dm
      │  └─┤
      │      └─  ドラグーンS.W.X
  │  │      ┌─  ドラグーンV.St.Ev
  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  └─  ドライガーV.10R.W
  │  └─┤
  │      │  ┌─  ドラシエルF.10.Pl
  │      └─┤
  │          └─  ドランザーS.S.T
  │          ┌─  ドラシエルS.C.P
  │      ┌─┤
  │      │  └─  ドライガーF.0.Xt
  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  ┌─  ドランザーF.Y.Zt
  │  │  └─┤
  │  │      └─  ガイアドラグーンV,10E.Ir
      │      ┌─  ドラグーンF.G.V
      │  ┌─┤
      │  │  └─  ガイアドラグーン.Ar.Hn'
          └─  ドラシエルV.Ar.Om

              ┌─  スフィンクス.6.A-S


          │  └─  ハイルス.Y.N


      │  │  ┌─  サーター.S.Q

      │  └─┤

      │      └─  オーガ.1.J-S


  │  │      ┌─  タイフォン.4.D-S

  │  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  └─  ガーゴイル.8.M-S

  │  └─┤

  │      │  ┌─  デュラハン.7.Tw-S

  │      └─┤

  │          └─  モリグナ.2.Lp-S


  │          ┌─  オルフェウス.A.D

  │      ┌─┤

  │      │  └─  サイクロプス.5.Fl-S

  │  ┌─┤

  │  │  │  ┌─  ディオメダス.T.A

  │  │  └─┤

  │  │      └─  タイロス.I.Z


      │      ┌─  ルドラー.12.F-S

      │  ┌─┤

      │  │  └─  イストロス.U.S


          │  ┌─  クラーケン.11.Pr-S

              └─  バーラー.6.Sp-S

              ┌─  超Z
          │  └─  ゴッド
      │  └─ライトニングエルドラゴ.10R.Z
  │  │  ┌─イビルアイ.W.N
  │  └─┤
  │      └─レイジロンギヌス.Ds' 3A
  │      ┌─ドライガーV.10R.W
  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  └─  デュアル
      │  ┌─  ハスブロ
          └─  GT

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - g2_ - Nov. 11, 2020

Wow, Intresting.

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - marutti - Nov. 11, 2020

God Tournament
                  ┌─  ブレイズラグナルク.4C.Fl
              │  └─  デュオエクリプス.7S.U
          │  │  ┌─  トルネードワイバーン.4G.At
          │  └─┤
          │      └─  スプリガンレクエイム.0.Zt(left)
      │  │      ┌─  デュオアルテミス.7S.U
      │  │  ┌─┤
      │  │  │  └─  ギャラクシーゼウス.4M.Pl
      │  └─┤
      │      │  ┌─  レジェンドスプリガン.7.Mr(Right)
      │      └─┤
      │          └─  デュオアポロス.7S.U
  │  │          ┌─  ナイトメアロンギヌス.Ds
  │  │      ┌─┤
  │  │      │  └─  アークバハムート.2B.At
  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  │  ┌─  ジークエクスカリバー.1.Ir
  │  │  │  └─┤
  │  │  │      └─  ツインネメシス.3H.Ul(Upper)
  │  └─┤
  │      │      ┌─  ガーディアンケルベウス.H.R
  │      │  ┌─┤
  │      │  │  └─  オリハルコン.Ω.Ω
  │      └─┤
  │          │  ┌─  ビートククルカン.7U.Hn
  │          └─┤
  │              └─  ブラストジニウス.5G.Gr
  │              ┌─  ツインネメシス.3H.Ul(smash)
  │          ┌─┤
  │          │  └─  クライスサタン.2G.Lp
  │      ┌─┤
  │      │  │  ┌─  ディープカオス.4F.Br
  │      │  └─┤
  │      │      └─  レジェンドスプリガン.7.Mr(left)
  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │      ┌─  キラーデスサイザー.2V.Hn
  │  │  │  ┌─┤
  │  │  │  │  └─  アルタークロノス.6M.T(Balance)
  │  │  └─┤
  │  │      │  ┌─  マキシマムガルーダ。8F.Fl
  │  │      └─┤
  │  │          └─  スクリュートライデント.8B,Wd
      │          ┌─  スプリガンレクエイム.0.Zt(right)
      │      ┌─┤
      │      │  └─  アルタークロノス.6M.T(Attack)
      │  ┌─┤
      │  │  │  ┌─  撃ゴッドヴァルキリー.6S.Ul
      │  │  └─┤
      │  │      └─  ゴッドヴェルキリー.6V.Rb
          │      ┌─  シャドウオリハルコン.α.β
          │  ┌─┤
          │  │  └─  ドレインファブニル.8.Nt
              └─  シェルターレグルス.5S.Tw

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - g2_ - Nov. 11, 2020

I can't understand these. How unfortunate.

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - BuilderROB - Nov. 11, 2020

For the God tournament, my bets are on ナイトメアロンギヌス (Nightmare Longinus).

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Harshmello249 - Nov. 11, 2020

I need translator

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - 6Jupiter5 - Nov. 11, 2020

For the tournament, storm Pegasus seems most prominent.

(Nov. 11, 2020  11:09 AM)g2_ Wrote: I can't understand these. How unfortunate.

You can tell by the parts, for example the one with 10 g quick’ is Pegasus.

My overall predictions:
Single winner is Valkyrie
Dual winner is Wyvern
God winner is Spriggan Requiem
ChoZ winner is Dead Phoenix
GT winner is Master Diabolos
Sparking winner is Rage Longinus
Bakuten winner is Dranzer (IDK)
MFB winner is Storm Pegasus
Final winner is Rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - CheetoBlader - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Neptune
Dual: Lost Longinus
God: Nightmare Longinus
Cho-Z: Dead Phoenix
GT: Master Diabolos (left)
Sparking: Rage Longinus
Bakuten: Gaia Dragoon
MFB: Lightning L-Drago
Final Winner: Rage Longinus

I was so lost with MFB and Bakuten lol. G’luck everyone

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - BuilderROB - Nov. 11, 2020

I’ll redo this, since apparently there’s a physical prize at stake, and I’m taking it more seriously now.

Single winner is Xcalibur
Dual winner is Lost Longinus
God winner is Nightmare Longinus
ChoZ winner is Dead Phoenix
GT winner is Master Diabolos
Sparking winner is Rage Longinus
Bakuten winner is Gaia Dragoon
MFB winner is Storm Pegasus
Final winner is Rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Yalldodo - Nov. 11, 2020

My Predictions

Single Layer winner is Neptune
Dual layer winner is Lost Longinus
God Layer is Nightmare Longinus
Cho z winner is Dead Phoenix
GT winner is Master Diabolos
Sparking winner is Rage Longinus
Bakuten winner is Gaia Dragoon
MFB winner is Storm Pegasus
FINAL winner is Rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - marutti - Nov. 11, 2020

(Nov. 11, 2020  11:09 AM)g2_ Wrote: I can't understand these. How unfortunate.

It's easy it's just choose one your favorite bey from each season.
And at last choose last winner

(Nov. 11, 2020  1:40 PM)Harshmello249 Wrote: I need translator

It's easy it's just choose one your favorite bey from each season.

And at last choose last winner

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Needforspeed - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Xcalibur
Dual layer: Lost Longinus
God layer: Nightmare Longinus
ChoZ layer: Archer Hercules
GT: Master Diabolos(left)
Sparking: Rage Longinus
MFB: Storm pegasis
Bakuten: Gaia Dragoon
Final winner: Rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - BladerUmar - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Xcalinur

dual: kaiser kerbeus or longinus

god: nighmare longinus ( isnt that obvius)

cho-z: cho-z spriggan

GT: genesis big bang

sparking: world or rage

bakuten: idk

mfb: storm

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - EarthHelios - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Neptune or Deathsycther
Dual: Lost longinus
God: Nightmare Longinus or Arc Bahamut
Choz: Cho-Z Spriggan
GT: Master Diabolos or BigBang Genesis
Sparking: Rage Longinus
MFB: Storm Pegasis
Bakuten Shoot: Dragoon

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - g2_ - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Deathscyther
Dual layer: Lost Longinus
God layer: Spriggan Requiem.
ChoZ layer: Cho-Z Valkyrie
GT: Regalia Genesis.
Sparking: Rage Longinus
MFB: Storm pegasis
Bakuten: Gaia Dragoon

(Nov. 11, 2020  2:43 PM)marutti Wrote:
(Nov. 11, 2020  11:09 AM)g2_ Wrote: I can't understand these. How unfortunate.

It's easy it's just choose one your favorite bey from each season.
And at last choose last winner. 
Ok thank you.

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - The Blacknight - Nov. 11, 2020

Single = Xcalibur
Dual = longinus
God =Requiem
ChoZ =Valkyrie
GT =Zwei
Sparking =Rage or Hyperion Burn
MFB = Pegasus/saggitario
Final = Rage/Burn

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Bladerbuilder - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Neptune
Dual:Lost Longinus
God:spriggen requiem
Cho-z: archer Hercules
Gt:lord spriggen
Sparking: rage Longinus
Mfb remakes: storm Pegasus
Baku:Gaia dragoon

Over all:rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - SunBlader98 - Nov. 11, 2020

Single: Valkyrie
Dual:Lost Longinus
God:Beat Kulukan
Turbo:Archer Hercules
Gt:Zwei Longinus
Mgb Remakes: Lightning L-Drago
MFBTongue_outhantom Orion
Sparking:Rage Longinus

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - kai edits - Nov. 11, 2020

Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - marutti - Nov. 13, 2020

I'll start to take video from tomorrow and deadline for bet is tonight.

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - valtaoi_007 - Nov. 13, 2020

single: Wyvern
dual: Longinus
God Spriggan requiem
cho-z Dead phoenix
gt Bushin ashura (just kidding), Lord spriggan
Sparking: Hyperion Burn
Plastic : dranzer f
Mfb: L drago
FINAL: LORD SPRIGGAN (most people think valkyrie but after the voting I will tell ya why I voted him)

(Nov. 11, 2020  6:30 PM)kai edits Wrote: Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer
he is talking about MFBB
and meteo is not released yet

Oh and sorry if I chose a bey that is not on the list, I dont understand japanese

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:46 AM)marutti Wrote: I'll start to take video from tomorrow and deadline for bet is tonight.

will the vid be here on WBO or you have another youtube channel that you will post it?

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - marutti - Nov. 13, 2020

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:57 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: single: Wyvern
dual: Longinus
God Spriggan requiem
cho-z Dead phoenix
gt Bushin ashura (just kidding), Lord spriggan
Sparking: Lucius (not gonna say the TT name)
Plastic : dranzer f
Mfb: L drago
FINAL: LORD SPRIGGAN (most people think valkyrie but after the voting I will tell ya why I voted him)

(Nov. 11, 2020  6:30 PM)kai edits Wrote: Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer
he is talking about MFBB
and meteo is not released yet

Oh and sorry if I chose a bey that is not on the list, I dont understand japanese

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:46 AM)marutti Wrote: I'll start to take video from tomorrow and deadline for bet is tonight.

will the vid be here on WBO or you have another youtube channel that you will post it?
You're collect

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:57 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: single: Wyvern
dual: Longinus
God Spriggan requiem
cho-z Dead phoenix
gt Bushin ashura (just kidding), Lord spriggan
Sparking: Lucius (not gonna say the TT name)
Plastic : dranzer f
Mfb: L drago
FINAL: LORD SPRIGGAN (most people think valkyrie but after the voting I will tell ya why I voted him)

(Nov. 11, 2020  6:30 PM)kai edits Wrote: Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer
he is talking about MFBB
and meteo is not released yet

Oh and sorry if I chose a bey that is not on the list, I dont understand japanese

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:46 AM)marutti Wrote: I'll start to take video from tomorrow and deadline for bet is tonight.

will the vid be here on WBO or you have another youtube channel that you will post it?
You're correct

(Nov. 11, 2020  6:30 PM)kai edits Wrote: Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer

Choose Revival bey in Burst please not original

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Hato - Nov. 13, 2020

Basic: Xcalibur.F.X
Dual: Gigant Gaia.Q.F
God: Maximum Garuda.8F.Fl
ChoZ: Archer Hercules.13.Et
GT: Master Diabolos (left).Gn
Sparking: Infinite Achilles (shield)
MFB: Storm Pegasus.10G.Qc'
BSB: Driger S.H.F

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - kai edits - Nov. 13, 2020

(Nov. 13, 2020  4:08 AM)marutti Wrote:
(Nov. 13, 2020  3:57 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: single: Wyvern
dual: Longinus
God Spriggan requiem
cho-z Dead phoenix
gt Bushin ashura (just kidding), Lord spriggan
Sparking: Lucius (not gonna say the TT name)
Plastic : dranzer f
Mfb: L drago
FINAL: LORD SPRIGGAN (most people think valkyrie but after the voting I will tell ya why I voted him)

he is talking about MFBB
and meteo is not released yet

Oh and sorry if I chose a bey that is not on the list, I dont understand japanese

will the vid be here on WBO or you have another youtube channel that you will post it?
You're collect

(Nov. 13, 2020  3:57 AM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: single: Wyvern
dual: Longinus
God Spriggan requiem
cho-z Dead phoenix
gt Bushin ashura (just kidding), Lord spriggan
Sparking: Lucius (not gonna say the TT name)
Plastic : dranzer f
Mfb: L drago
FINAL: LORD SPRIGGAN (most people think valkyrie but after the voting I will tell ya why I voted him)

he is talking about MFBB
and meteo is not released yet

Oh and sorry if I chose a bey that is not on the list, I dont understand japanese

will the vid be here on WBO or you have another youtube channel that you will post it?
You're correct

(Nov. 11, 2020  6:30 PM)kai edits Wrote: Plastic dranzer g
Mfb meteo ldrago
Burst 1 spriggan
Dual layer v2
God legend spriggan
Choz dead Phoenix
Gt ace dragon
Sparking Lucifer

Choose Revival bey in Burst please not original
Nvm change dranzer g to dranzer s heavy bearing

RE: Marutti's SCT(Stock Combo Tournament) - Ali Baba - Nov. 13, 2020

Single: Spriggan Dual: Victory Valkyrie God: Spriggan Requiem Choz: Choz Achilles Gt: Ace Dragon Sparking Hyperion Burn MFB: Pegasis Bakuten Shoot Dragoon F Final: Hyperion Burn