Privacy Policy

The World Beyblade Organization takes your privacy very seriously. As a member of the WBO, you should know what kinds of information we collect and how we use it.

When you register for the WBO you are required to provide us with your e-mail address and a password for your account. Your e-mail address is used for account verification should you choose to alter options on our website, and to contact you about WBO-related information. Your password is encrypted into our database, so nobody volunteering or employed by the WBO can read it.

When you post on our website, an IP address that is designated to the device from which the post originated is listed to WBO staff. We cannot use this information to identify you.

WBO staff have the ability to access your account without your password. Traditionally, we only use this ability when given permission/asked to by the account owner. However, it should be known that WBO staff have this ability, so you should not store sensitive information on your WBO account.

We will never share your information with any outside parties except when required by law or to intervene in the event of an immediate threat to user safety.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us.