World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Joe vs Daigo
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Who would win
(Oct. 30, 2020  12:23 PM)BladerColton Wrote: [ -> ]Who would win

Probably Joe, he have a GT bey and Daigo have a god bey
unless you are talking about the manga
then Daigo would win
he is a legendary blader and have (maybe) a sparking bey while Joe still have joker
I will go with Daigo for the win.
This could be talked in the Random thoughts thread.

I'll say Daigo cuz he is a legendary blader meaning he is more powerful. Joe was just a random new-comer I do not think he could take over against one of the OG characters.
Joe mama going to win
(Oct. 30, 2020  9:14 PM)6Jupiter5 Wrote: [ -> ]Joe mama going to win

Harry would win lol.
Shun kurenai can clap joe easy and daigo lol
Daigo easy
Tough to say given that we're unsure if Daigo had upgraded deathscyther after god, but if we're talking most recent beys, I'm leaning towards Joe solely because of Joker's attack power, not to say that Daigo could turn that recoil against him by means of a stadium crash
(Dec. 09, 2020  9:09 AM)BBGUSA Wrote: [ -> ]Tough to say given that we're unsure if Daigo had upgraded deathscyther after god, but if we're talking most recent beys, I'm leaning towards Joe solely because of Joker's attack power, not to say that Daigo could turn that recoil against him by means of a stadium crash

I agree. We'll need to wait for the new deathsctther (sorry for misspelling) in order to see that. But if is talking about Krusher deathsyther, then obviously Joe.
(Dec. 09, 2020  12:37 PM)NamanSpryzen Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 09, 2020  9:09 AM)BBGUSA Wrote: [ -> ]Tough to say given that we're unsure if Daigo had upgraded deathscyther after god, but if we're talking most recent beys, I'm leaning towards Joe solely because of Joker's attack power, not to say that Daigo could turn that recoil against him by means of a stadium crash

I agree. We'll need to wait for the new deathsctther (sorry for misspelling) in order to see that. But if is talking about Krusher deathsyther, then obviously Joe.

True, unless slapping on a Dash driver can make some difference
I don’t think this topic needs it’s own thread per say, please try using this thread next time: