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(May. 17, 2016  8:03 AM)FIREFIRE Wrote: [ -> ]what are the best stock HMS beys to start with and is competitive ready

Death Gargoyle MS and Wolborg MS are great stock Beys.
Was looking to get a few HMS beyblades off Amazon, but all of the reviews mention that the products do not hold together very well, and all of the ripcords break into pieces.

These complaints are consistantly mentioned across various sellers. I have looked at Driger, Draciel, and Dranzer MS.

Is this an actual problem with HMS blades? What products should I avoid in this line?
(Aug. 20, 2016  3:45 PM)LeonTempest Wrote: [ -> ]Was looking to get a few HMS beyblades off Amazon, but all of the reviews mention that the products do not hold together very well, and all of the ripcords break into pieces.

These complaints are consistsntly mentioned across various sellers. I have looked at Driger, Draciel, and Dranzer MS.

Is this an actual problem with HMS blades? What products should I avoid in this line?

I find my HMS beys to be holding together fine, with the only problems I've had is breaking tabs of two of my RCs. And about the ripcord; sometimes they come broken, so that could be what they are referring to? Or the seller included some counterfeit ones, where the teeth on them break easy.
So, if my ripcord comes broken, what are some alternatives I can use? Do ripcords from other series work or should I start 3D printing ripcords?

edit:how would I even get the plastic to be bendable though...
I've never had trouble with HMS ripcords but no, they are not compatible with other series.
The ones in the cheap beys often come broken. Gaia Dragoon, Driger and Draciel MS. Yeah, unfortunately there really isn't much of an alternative to just trying again and getting another one. For what it is worth, it's only those old cheap ones that seem to have that problem. They do sell just ripcords on ebay (beware of fakes though, because those are on there too). I also include them free when you buy beys off me, or I would sell a couple for $5 plus shipping.
edit: so I guess there is an alternative, haha
(Aug. 20, 2016  3:51 PM)LeonTempest Wrote: [ -> ]So, if my ripcord comes broken, what are some alternatives I can use? Do ripcordsmfrom other seriesmwork or should I start 3D printing ripcords?

edit:how would I even get the plastic to be bendable though...

every time I've bought those 3, they came with fake ripcord to substitute.
(Aug. 20, 2016  6:34 PM)Zoroaste Wrote: [ -> ]The ones in the cheap beys often come broken. Gaia Dragoon, Driger and Draciel MS. Yeah, unfortunately there really isn't much of an alternative to just trying again and getting another one. For what it is worth, it's only those old cheap ones that seem to have that problem. They do sell just ripcords on ebay (beware of fakes though, because those are on there too). I also include them free when you buy beys off me, or I would sell a couple for $5 plus shipping.
edit: so I guess there is an alternative, haha

why just those 3? that is incredibly odd.
(Aug. 21, 2016  4:31 PM)LeonTempest Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 20, 2016  6:34 PM)Zoroaste Wrote: [ -> ]The ones in the cheap beys often come broken. Gaia Dragoon, Driger and Draciel MS. Yeah, unfortunately there really isn't much of an alternative to just trying again and getting another one. For what it is worth, it's only those old cheap ones that seem to have that problem. They do sell just ripcords on ebay (beware of fakes though, because those are on there too). I also include them free when you buy beys off me, or I would sell a couple for $5 plus shipping.
edit: so I guess there is an alternative, haha

why just those 3? that is incredibly odd.

They're the first ones produced, and have been sitting in some chinese warehouse for years.
Question about HMS Beyblades:

Was there a change made to the mould of
- Samurai Upper's Metal Frame
- CWD Defense Ring
- Grip Flat Core (Ultimate Mode)?

Hey all, I own some HMS booster set beyblades, though I don't really know anything much about them at all. Would someone be kind enough to identify them for me please? I assume a few of them are mixed and matched parts like the plastic boosters, so wasn't entirely confident naming them on my own when/if I do eventually decide to sell them. There's an imgur link to all 4 here: Thanks for any help Smile

AR: Thunder Dragon
WD: Circle Wide
RC: Wyvern DJ


AR: Jiraiya MS
CWD: Dranzer MF
RC: Dragoon MF


AR: Dragoon MF
WD: Circle Wide
RC: Death Gargoyle MS


AR: Dranzer MF (looks blue?)
WD: Circle Heavy
RC: Dranzer MS

If the AR from RB4 is indeed blue i'd be interested in it. For most of those the parts are from rare recolours but they don't have a massive amount of value on their own but still substantial.
Thanks man, that's very good of you. The AR is definitely blue yeah, I'd be open to selling that part or any of the others
Wybern DJ has the same RC as Driger MS, not that metal tipped one. I don't know what that's from.
Unless the rare green Wybern has a different RC to the normal one...

I'm interested in anything their but circle wide and circle heavy but it depends upon prices, PM me.
No it doesn't. I own it and those are the parts it has....
I own the green one and it definitely came with a light grey RC Semi-Flat.
Also now I want the gold version Unhappy.
That's the one from the random booster.... The light grey semi flat is from the light grey Driger MS that is also in HMS RB1.
So you're saying it wasn't meant to come with that running core? I only bought one RB1.
(Sep. 06, 2016  11:27 PM)Dracomageat Wrote: [ -> ]So you're saying it wasn't meant to come with that running core? I only bought one RB1.

The parts for 1 Beyblade are spread cross multiple boosters.
Can someone help me, I want to know what to buy To be good at the HMS and plastics format, So I don't waste my money.
How fast does the rubber RC from dragoon ms run out?
It depends on how much you use it its like any other rubber tip
(Sep. 07, 2016  4:33 PM)Beyblade Beyond Wrote: [ -> ]How fast does the rubber RC from dragoon ms run out?

Just wanted to add that it becomes less aggressive with use.
(Sep. 08, 2016  12:08 AM)PlayGoEveryday Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep. 07, 2016  4:33 PM)Beyblade Beyond Wrote: [ -> ]How fast does the rubber RC from dragoon ms run out?

Just wanted to add that it becomes less aggressive with use.

I guessed that, thank you guys, I just wondered whether it is more resistant then the other rubber tips by a small percentage due to it being a bit harder