World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: BeyWheelz Anime Side Series
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Didn't the song only say Beywheelz like four times then it ended? At least put some other words in. Sheesh, what were they thinking when they made such a song?
Oh wow lol.
That song is terrible, hope out isn't on the actual show.. Animation looks fine to be honest.
Still don't think the story will be good.
(Apr. 15, 2012  9:54 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]I really doubt that song will be in the actual show, haha.

If it is, then that's just sad. An opening song with four words.
(Apr. 15, 2012  9:55 PM)EternalBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't the song only say Beywheelz like four times then it ended? At least put some other words in. Sheesh, what were they thinking when they made such a song?

That video's likely just for promo use to sell broadcasters. The show's around a year from airing anywhere in the world so I wouldn't be surprised if the theme song isn't completed yet. I can't imagine they'd use that song. It's really bad, haha.
Meh, the concept seems intriguing, at least. But I really wonder how they're gonna do the battles in the show.
The concept :

If you have a Perseus top rip-off, you necessarily also have a metaphorical representation rip-off, and you also have the related owner from the original series ripped off.

Replace "Perseus" with any other Beyblade name, and this is what BeyWheelz is ...
(Apr. 15, 2012  8:16 PM)To Wrote: [ -> ]And here. we. go.

Oh god, why in the hell is that dude with the yellow jacket's hair green? Is he like King where his hair changes from green to silver? The green just looks so gross on him, ugh.

The animation is fine to be honest, the series is still gonna suck worse than when Go Diego Go premiered but the animation is fine. I just wish they changed Sho's Bey from Pegasus into something more....awesome, another show where the main character is supposed to be super-hardcore-awesome using a horse as his main super weapon to destroy evil is just unbareable.

I have 2 words for that opening music: get out
(Apr. 16, 2012  1:14 AM)KCygnus Master Wrote: [ -> ]Meh, the concept seems intriguing, at least. But I really wonder how they're gonna do the battles in the show.

Probably the same way they made Beyblade a heck of a lot more interesting in animation than it is compared to the actual game - incredibly unrealistic but flashy action.

And yeah, this is just a market video, there's no way that song is ending up as the theme.
They could have at least made some new beasts.
Characters look weird though
At the 0:49-ish mark. Was that Perseus & Pegasis...? ._.
Anyway, I agree. Animation looks nice. Ima buy a "BeyWheel". Only cause "It's powered by Beyblade".
I am going to lock this because it seems that Nelvana personally has a problem with most of what this topic contains, and has issued us a special request. While we are waiting to respond to it, it might be better not to let this thread get revived all the time ...
I agree that the character designs arent as cool as the MFB but stil theyre not bad and i dont expect the story to be as good as Metal Fury but atleast give the series a chance, it might be cooler then most of you expect
i kind of makes sense becase nevadea has to translate the zero g series to american and get the cast also write a new scirpt plus they have to keep it contuse like beyblade 2010-early 2011metal fusion beyblade late 2011 - early 2012 metal masters. beyblade summer 2012 metal fury. fall 2012 beyblade beywheelz then zero g for 2013
it makes sense because the top cant just quit in the fall so they need someting to substatuit those months and i think because of the minimal episodes a new epiosde will be every 2 weeks depending when they start also about the product HASBRO EPIC FAIL they couldent even come up with new NAMES
I didn't understand a word of that o.o

All I know is that Metal Fury is a 39 episode season, with BeyWheelz filling in an extra 13 for a total of 52.
BeyWheelz has also been renewed for a second 13 episode season, which suggests that Zero-G will be 39 episodes too and get it's timeslot back in September.

Most of that's already been said, but I think that's all that really needs to be known at this point, unless you're interested in the characters, who are all rip-offs of existing characters.
(Jun. 04, 2012  4:49 AM)Manaphy12342 Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't understand a word of that o.o

All I know is that Metal Fury is a 39 episode season, with BeyWheelz filling in an extra 13 for a total of 52.
BeyWheelz has also been renewed for a second 13 episode season, which suggests that Zero-G will be 39 episodes too and get it's timeslot back in September.

Most of that's already been said, but I think that's all that really needs to be known at this point, unless you're interested in the characters, who are all rip-offs of existing characters.

But it's not really comfirmed whether Zero-G will be released in the US or not

Zero is a continuation of Beyblade.
Beyblade = money.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll come out. Around 99.9%.

Then again you never know lol
I think the overall chances are high. Zero-G is so simple, even Hasbro can't mess up up.
*thinks of Hasbro Zero-G Stadium that doesn't sway...*
(Jun. 06, 2012  9:29 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: [ -> ]Zero is a continuation of Beyblade.
Beyblade = money.
Yeah, I'm sure it'll come out. Around 99.9%.

Then again you never know lol

I hope so too because I want to know how they will make it, my reason on why I think they might not release it is because for the anime they might have to make another spin off and might want to stop selling beyblade because of this,just because of this. If they cannot get hold of the new pieces it would probably end up as samurai ifraid df145xf or guardian reviser 145s etc
Hey, didn't Kai-V said specifically that she'll lock this topic? We shouldn't post in here anymore.
(Jun. 21, 2012  5:03 PM)T. L-Drago 9207 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, didn't Kai-V said specifically that she'll lock this topic? We shouldn't post in here anymore.

The issue with Nelvana was resolved. There is no reason to keep this locked, which is why I unlocked it ...
...What exactly happened, or was wrong, about posting honest opinions about the idea of Beywheelz? All I see is, a company getting hotheaded. Seriously.
If you're allowed to tell us, what exactly was the issue? Were they insulted that we didn't like the character designs or something? XD
(Jun. 21, 2012  7:21 PM)Bey-Heart Wrote: [ -> ]If you're allowed to tell us, what exactly was the issue? Were they insulted that we didn't like the character designs or something? XD

It was just a problem with one of the images that had been posted here.

Does this mean some of the Beyblade Metal Fight 4D episode will not be released! I hate hasbro even more then before.
You really didn't read the thread thoroughly.....
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