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Full Version: BeyWheelz Anime Side Series
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Anyways, because BeybladeBattles didn't upload the opening, I have:

After watching it a few times it grows on you. I certainly like it better than the regular Beyblade Metal ____ opening song.

I also found what I believe may be a piece of a French promo (it's certainly not edited like an episode should be) for the series:

Animation will not be a worry.
Oh, I was just referencing what was said early in the thread. My bad.

That Promo does interest me though; the series might be better than I thought...
I think it looks epic. In no way does the actual game look like this, but damn that's impressive.
If anyone wants to know what that French ad says, let me know.
(Aug. 01, 2012  3:21 PM)Syncrystal Wrote: [ -> ]I think it looks epic.

I second this opinion Eee

(Aug. 01, 2012  4:31 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]If anyone wants to know what that French ad says, let me know.


What do they say instead of "Let it Rip"? It surely doesn't sound like "Hyper Vitesse"! It sounds like "GITA!" Chocked_2

But it kinda bugs me that the wheelz are shown to be rolling so slowly ... but it might just be to show off the aesthetics of the rubber, haha.
Similar to how V-force was animated. All the tops looked half-asleep.
They still say "Hyper vitesse", so it will probably still be "Let it rip".
(Feb. 13, 2012  5:41 AM)Nuzumaki90 Wrote: [ -> ]This series is gonna suck....I can just feel it...Serious

How would the battles even play out? Too many questions for a series with 13 episodes only.

Based off the game of BeyWheelz, there might not even be any battling in the series.

The opening kinda sucks imo. Will probably grow on me eventually though, like it did on To, lol. It doesn't looked half-carped (minus the characters) Animation is clean, very reminiscent of the actual show.
[Image: XR6Wg.jpg]

Does anyone know where this image originated from? I did a reverse image search and came up empty.
I have no idea who leaked them, but I doubt they were actually released publicly, like G Revolution drawing boards were, although it was extremely limited.
That's quite odd. Seems unlikely it will see release out of Hasbro territory, but that kinda makes you wonder.
Yes. Unless it was not clear already, the animation is done by the same company that does Metal Fight Beyblade (or at least one of the companies), but it is Nelvana and Hasbro who requested it, and there is nothing at all that even implies BeyWheelz getting shown or sold in Japan.
Then what's with the entirely different logo then? They wouldn't have just randomly come up with it, it looks stylized for a Japanese Audience. It even includes the Kanji.
That is likely just concept art (unofficial, first-stage art that will be refined later), because that is a font you can download very easily on Internet, so no serious company would ever use that as the final product.

There is also no Kanji, but Katakana, and it is probably just because the people who work on it speak Japanese ...
If a person who playing beyblade is call a blader than how should we call a person who play Beywheelz. Wheelzer ?
(Aug. 02, 2012  10:58 AM)minhx98x Wrote: [ -> ]If a person who playing beyblade is call a blader than how should we call a person who play Beywheelz. Wheelzer ?

You really need to read before you post ... The answer was already written in this thread, very recently.
Sorry Kai-V, hope you'll forgive me Unhappy . But it is not that recently though.
(Aug. 03, 2012  8:20 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]Beywheelz premieres on YTV in Canada Saturday, September 8 at 11:30 a.m.

So it will air before Metal Fury ... ?
It appears so. That 11:30AM timeslot is where Metal Masters aired. It's weird because on Nelvana's website they list Beywheelz after Metal Fury. But it's not like the series has any connections to the normal series so I guess it doesn't matter when it airs.
Except that most Metal Fury products are already out ... By the time Metal Fury actually airs, nothing will be left to release, again ...
... and what about the 15 minute episodes? They aren't airing it right after it?
So after beywheelz, is the U.S ever gonna get Zero-g? Also when does Beywheelz take place?
(Aug. 03, 2012  6:12 PM)Ansonih Sama Wrote: [ -> ]So after beywheelz, is the U.S ever gonna get Zero-g? Also when does Beywheelz take place?

This is apparently the order in which the next few seasons are going to be shown, outside Asia :

Metal Masters -> BeyWheelz season 1 -> Metal Fury -> BeyWheelz season 2 -> "Zero-G".

However, BeyWheelz has absolutely nothing to do with Beyblade and therefore takes place in an entirely alternate universe.
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